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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Paralytically drunk. Praying, lying down in the middle of the road. Oh, hi we are the police. No problem, we will take you home, tuck you in and wait patiently for your next session and spat of madness. You know, we are far too busy kidnapping people for ransom, putting plastic bags on and killing sespects.
  2. Just another fat, murky, disgusting looser making us all look bad again. Please, if somebody know him, just send me a PM. I had enough of the low quality foreigners this country seems to have been collecting during many years.
  3. Pareena, Pareena Pareena, Pareena Pareena, Pareena I hate you soo-o-o-oh I hate Pareena, and so the story go-o-o-oes.
  4. So, is that soo! Ops! Sorry dude. To me Immigration comes home and collect my passport and documents. Then they take it to the office, and fix my extension. The day after they deliver it to my doorstep. You were just a little bit wrong there, right?
  5. Nice to know that her new boyfriend supports her desire to have sex with her ex. I guess he is an even bigger wimp, then the old one.
  6. Please show some love! Put it up in paragraphs and make it readable.
  7. No, it would not be the result, and you know that. Now you just made a comment for the popularity contest in this forum.
  8. You missed the point here. They were not employed staff. What they might need is a badge, that makes them at the same level as a security guard.
  9. The solution is simple, and by banning they get the totally opposite result. This ban is going to result in that people bring more glass bottles instead. Still throwing it on the ground. Some go broke and visitors will get hurt. The best solution is, for the parks to find 3-5 persons that wants the opportunity to fine every person that throws something on the ground, Let´s say 100 baht standard fine per person and time. Let the people keep the fines as salaries. Result, no cost for the parks, clean parks and 3-5 happy people in every park in Thailand that got job with fairly good salary.
  10. Yes, with 99% of the money already existing in the country. Money that the same people could have used to pay of some of the gigantic household depth instead.
  11. Ok, my bad! It was another poster, but I didn´t se your name there. ????
  12. Nope, it wasn´t! Here is some numbers for you. (Not seen any new number either, but as you said was I can counter it) Murder Rate by Country 2022 (worldpopulationreview.com) Countries by murder rate – ranked - The Facts Institute Murder Rate By Country - WorldAtlas
  13. So, what was strong words? According to me they were true. Also it was my opinion, and my question to the OP. Just another question. How did you know I was in the lounge room? Are you spying on me?
  14. I said like most other negative stuff. So, if you see it as positive, i am happy for you. Neither do I see any reason for you to revoke my freedom to call it what I see fit. What do you say? Should we agree on that, or are you going on the next stalking mission?
  15. Eehh...uuuhh??? Do you always let people do how they want with you? It´s your extension, it´s your passport and your money.
  16. But of course. It was the most beautiful meal for that guy this year.
  17. Yeah, it´s much worse to loose your job close to Songkran, as compared to a regular Wednesday.
  18. To me it seems like you are the one with closed eyes, or far too little experience of Thailand. What about all foreigners assume.....???? What about foreigners don´t care.......???? Eyes closed, and a mind that see everything as good...????? You put yourself as a superior, buy feeding pure lies online.
  19. That would be an occasional poster on TV, that tries to point out Thailand to be more dangerous than other countries. @Iamfalang I sincerely hope you do not come from USA. Hope you are aware of the murder rate there. ????
  20. I assume you don´t use pajamas? Would you you please, tell us what is appropriate in a country where you are the outsider? Or would it just be better to accept it all and feel welcome to Thailand?
  21. Oh, should I take that as you sympathize with them? Are you keen on Russia as well? ???? You do know that Mr. Xi loves Vlado, right? I see it like late Mr. Steinman, may his soul rest in peace. I think he have been making up a storm lately.
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