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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Yes, it is only theories and opinions. But, as you also are very aware about, most of the rich people in Thailand move the rules and gain opportunities that are not totally lawful. Why in the world would this family be different?
  2. How do you know what is legal or not. Depends on how much money was exchanged when making it. Remember that Thailand only had computer system for about 10 - 15 years.
  3. Or another possibility. The land could have been farmland, designated to poor people for free. Then a buy-up was made, where people was taken care of and a certain contact re-made the papers. That´s usually how it works in the shady world.
  4. Just wonder how they are going to get themselves out of this little pretty mess?
  5. Really!? I do not want to bash on you, but for Chrissake! You know that your passport is 100 % full. You know that you need extension to stay. You are also aware of that they put stamps or stickers in passports for visa, or on entry as well as together with extension. Why have you not applied for a new passport? Is there any reason, or are you just shooting yourself in the foot for fun? ???? I understand that it might be fun to go home and visit friends. However, that is an expensive thing if you do not need. Maybe money is no problem, and then you can go for that option. In all other cases, apply for a new passport, as quick as you can. You might get it in time. Depending on what visa you entered the country with, it might be ok with a temporary emergency passport if your country issue such. Apply for passport, if getting close and you see it´s not coming in time. Depending on where you are, it might be wise to inform immigration about that it will take a week more and you will pay the overstay. Some are nice to you, while others not. That´s a kind of gamble, though. As I read, it seems like you do not worry too much about your situation as it looks you have options. Wish you luck and hope everything turns out good for your. ????
  6. Yeah, it must be terrible to be called what you really are, right? It´s been forest land for over 30 years. The only thing defunct, is in this turds brain.
  7. Yep, like they missed it all. That´s the whole point with April Fools Day.
  8. Eeeh??? I think this guy should stick to his Buy´n Sell business, and not try to understand market economy and things that might or might not affect.
  9. Yes, can happen. Sometimes it get stuck in customs or just take very long time to be processed.
  10. Yes, which makes a Thai credit card a really bad affair. Better to have access to the money instead, and repay your own account with no interest. ????
  11. Ok, yes. Just read it and looked at it. Where does it say enough supervision was there? The only thing it stands is that she was there. If you are watching children that can swim by the water, you are at arms length from them, or you see to that they definitely do NOT run or play too close to the DANGEROUS water.
  12. What link? I read the article above. Don´t see a link there.
  13. Ok, great! Then we must resort to only letting you post in the future, as you are so well aware of how thing should be, work and are.
  14. Ok, below you have a part of what is included in the meaning of the word respect: due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others. "young people's lack of respect for their parents" synonyms: due regard · consideration. thoughtfulness, antentiveness, politeness, courtesy, civility, deference As you clearly can see, included are thoughtfulness, politeness and courtesy. So, that makes me draw the conclusion that neither common courtesy, politeness nor thoughtfulness was given by Mr. Rock when he made his bad joke. So, if you do not think that is something that should be given to all, then there is naturally not any need to respect. However, I will totally disrespect you in this case, and 100 % disregard what you believe about it. The reason is, that you apparently do not have a clue about the meaning of the word respect. ????
  15. Yeah, or he could just ask anonymous people on a forum. You, know only that is a strange thing to write. Most people you get answers from on forums are unknown to you or anonymous. Getting elaborations and posts as well as suggestions and answers from them is like the whole point with an online forum.
  16. Nowhere, but are you aware of how to draw a conclusion. You are by the water, with children that we assume can´t swim. If you are watching them, would you then disregarding if you can´t swim jump after them if you see them fall? Therefore, I would assume she was looking at something else. Children by the water, must be supervised closely all the time, to secure that there is no chance they will fall in. Actually, that is instructions that stand on a 30 cm deep inflatable pool that you buy. In other words, something that all should understand. Stop with the nonsense now. She was clearly not supervising the children as she should have done. Final!
  17. Yes, and as you can understand. Ladda 58 was a very observant woman, that probably also had drowned but in her mobile phone. Not to say that it would have helped if she was looking. Most 58 year olds that I know in Thailand, can´t swim anyway. In other words, an amazingly good watcher for children playing by that water. The result is exactly as @fondue zoo say, that is like leaving them without anyone watching.
  18. There is a third alternative too. That is for other posters to disregard some posters plump ways of bad behavior posting. I suggest you direct you fountain of information to the OP, and try to help him instead. What I was doing, was elaborating on how I think most card issuers would look at it. I did not tell him to rely on anything nor posted any reliable speculation. What I did post, was my opinion.
  19. So, no bribes between 08.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00. But it does not say anything of collecting during lunch hour.
  20. Yes, according to your individual opinion. Judging out of your "It´s should be"-arrogance, you seem to think you are the one that is right and people that think different is wrong. That´s even worse than a little violence.
  21. If I were you, I would call them. When I fill in the postal code for Samui, it states a price. I think they do deliver. No, I do not live on an Island. If, I did and had problem in delivery, I would chose to deliver to the closest mainland. Easy peasy!
  22. Just rent a massage girl and make a party in your home.
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