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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Really sad they have to write something like this. It really shows that all time low they are talking about.
  2. How can you see that? Are you only referring to the looks? You don´t think that is a little bit shallow and immature?
  3. @Sparktrader Let´s say like this, if you do not know where they are or how to do? How are you ever going to find them?
  4. Didn´t you just post you live close to Korat? Guess it´s time to start looking.
  5. Yes! Sure it is. However, numbers and colors are not much grammar, right?
  6. Yes, the Chinese are known for faking the specs.
  7. That´s good news. Let´s just see if it will stay that way. They still have time to change again. hehe
  8. It´s still 55 in my shop! Puuh! Can afford to stay a little bit longer.
  9. Where did you buy it? Lazada? Probably copy and after you upload the real specs are showing. Also a 4 year old oppo. Not sure they had 4 gb 64 gb at that time, but can be wrong.
  10. How many no-confidence debates can happen under one mandate period? No laws against that? ????????
  11. Yes, they can. Seems like you should cancel that trip and wait until it all blows over. Like 2025. ????
  12. And you are obviously obsessed. Help, "I can´t find my favorite brands". "I bring 35 bottles of aftershave with me". Really???
  13. Yes, it can! But why would it be a Thai doing it to their own water and coast line? Usually it is foreign boats that loads off their stuff into other territories. Easier to get away with that.
  14. The rubbish can come from anywhere, drifting in the sea. I find it hard to understand why they also would mix the garbage with oil.
  15. three pairs of mens underwear, right? And naked from the waist down. Looks like some people had a party.
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