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Everything posted by Iamloki

  1. Currently the US and Thailand has a tax treaty. Among other things, no taxation of retirement income and no double taxation. The problem with treaties, and as the article alluded to, is that they are subject expiration and renegotiation... So as of today, for the US at least, we are protected by treaty... tomorrow, who knows?
  2. This is an older post, but may be worth checking out: https://www.chiangraities.com/index.php?topic=14861.msg74812#msg74812
  3. Don't know if it makes a difference, but have always done all thing IO on my Windows laptop. Knock on wood, but in the past many years I've never had a problem.
  4. I don't know how much help this will be, but using Excel these are the results... The question I have is the 90 days is based on the day your TM-47 is approved - except for the first one, not your last entry date. So from one check in to the next is a moving target. What is the advantage to an app over the using the date the IO gives you? I just add it to my calendar and get an alert 2 weeks ahead of time. Is there an easier way I am not aware of? ps: I do get the email reminder, but I rely on my calendar alerts.
  5. The alcoholic has to do the work himself to get sober... In fact however, the only one who can truly reach and help an active drunk, is a sober drunk. That is how AA works, one sober alcoholic helping another.
  6. While it is true that there is no cure for alcoholism Newbee, recovery/remission can be life long. Usually, every time tried is serious and genuine... but extremely difficult. The truth is, we all have another drunk in us, but never know how many recoveries. The number of previous attempt are immaterial. Only the realization is that by time one gets to this place... the choice is either get sober or die - because we do not know how many recovery attempts we have. This is the only thing of real relevance. The alcoholic who reaches out for help, is the only alcoholic who has a chance. I believe the OP may be doing that.
  7. This is a very useful post.
  8. The only time that matters is the one that works... this time.
  9. Sorry to hear of your troubles Bob. Glad to hear you're on the path to recovery. Very few people can do it alone. If you want, these guys can probably help: www.aathailand.org
  10. I hope you're right... but upon watching the video - perhaps not. This is early information, and as in all things, subject to change. No derailment or scare mongering intended - simply bringing up something that could impact long term planning.
  11. 555 Tell that to the guy who followed google navigator to his death - over the bridge that's been gone for 9 years...
  12. True. From what I glean from the video... 180 days is the magic number for living here.
  13. No, you are not RIGHT! Perhaps... maybe... I mean I'm not sure... but maybe... just maybe... pray to Satan, pray to Google... same, same.... ????
  14. Iamloki

    tap water

    That's true... nor are they removed in bottled water. Imho if you want to be sure, you need to use your own multi-staged filtration system that includes reverse osmosis.
  15. I'm fairly sure both Vietnam and Cambodia tax expat income... I would suggest investigating how/if that would apply to you and your circumstances.
  16. To throw another wrench into the cogs - and not offer any solutions... in the next year or two, those of us here over 180 days may (or may not) be required to pay tax on income brought into the Kingdom...
  17. Are you taking into consideration the difference between a fluid ounce and the ounce as a unit of weight or mass? One oz weight = 28.3495 grams, while one fluid ounce H2O weighs 29.57 grams. Fluid oz and the mass that is equal to 1/16 of a pound are not interchangeable. Therefore, one fluid oz of water, alcohol, mercury, oil, gasoline or anything else of differing specific gravity, will have differing weights.
  18. No. Chiang Rai partially furnished.
  19. Charge for ketchup!? Dear restaurant owner... you can't be THAT cheap! If it's special and on the menu with a cost... Okay... maybe. Things like normal condiments - salt, pepper, (fish sauce in LOS) ketchup etc. etc... No way. If your margins are that tight, increase the prices, increase your efficiencies etc... DON'T act like an airline.
  20. Hmm... this raises another question - where is he thinking of living. 10,000 thb for one room? I'm in a northern city and pay way less for a 3/2/1 in a muban.
  21. Of course it will... sense of humor much? Or was my joke that bad!? lol
  22. That poor girl. This is going to mess her up for a long, long time... This guy deserves a multi tiered penalty imho.... 1. 45 minutes alone with the male members of the victims family. 2. If he's still alive, and if they are still attached, immediate castration without anesthesia. 3. The word "Pedophile - Hit Me" branded on his forehead. 4. The longest prison sentence allowed under Thai law.
  23. I think you need to be more specific... is that real beer or "near" beer - which is basically water... ????
  24. Two things I'm not positive about: 1. If select British (UK) English in your spell checker it may help with that? 2. Google is an American company... maybe yank is the default?
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