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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Ah.. So... His number was both 6 and 7, then...? Hence, the driving scene in the opening scene of Episode One? That IS a beautiful go cart. I wish I had one, and also a thousand miles of open road to go with it.
  2. American Samoa: Could be very nice. But, maybe there is still a problem with highspeed reliable internet there?
  3. Yes. Not only was the bustling tranquility shattered, but probably the windscreen/windshield glass, as well. Not even safety glass can protect against the Force of a falling body, if the fire escape is high enough. F=ma If only the authorities, in the future, would provide the mass of the body and the height of the fall, then we could calculate the Force of impact.
  4. F=ma The classical model of Physics can still predict and explain results. No need for Quantum Physics in this police case.
  5. This is just one of many reasons why I steer clear of Farang in Thailand. One never knows what one is dealing with. Thailand, for whatever reasons, seems to attract a small but dedicated group of warped Farang, some of whom are musclebound. In the past, I have never felt threatened while living in university communities in Thailand. It is usually only the Financially-challenged Farang (not the Farang born in Thailand), and the uneducated Farang, that tend to cause more problems for social society. Just ask the off-campus university dorms, and the student guesthouse surrounding the university, who the troublemakers generally turn out to be. I know, just because I had lived in that area for several years. I moved away because I wanted to leave those Farang-types in the dust. There is also a group that I call..... The Good Farang. The Good Farangs are more educated, more interested in Thai culture, and are goal oriented with ambitions that include doing good for others. Many are researchers from western universities who arrive to engage in and continue with their research. These Good Farang, I enjoy sharing time with. The Meat-head Farang....Not so much. I try to leave the area before they arrive...because.... Sometimes, meeting up with the wrong Farang can have devastating consequences. And, I have been threatened in the past by one who, about a year later, took a swan dive off one of those Soviet-era high-rise housing estates. Good riddance, maybe....
  6. We used to call this.... Defensive Driving And, this is crucial for safe driving.
  7. Me? Gladwyne/Bryn Mawr/Haverford/Collegeville/etc.... Singapore is not important, really. Japan/Taiwan/HK...all about 105 to 107 This is a huge difference of MORE THAN one standard deviation from measured IQ in places like Mexico, SE Asian countries, compared to East Asian Countries. There is little point in denying it. Only the potential causes for this disparity might be debated. On the standard IQ test, one standard deviation is 15 points... Mexico average is 87 Japan/Taiwan/HK average is 107 That is 20 Points!!! Over one SD!!! Crazy Huge Difference, actually. And, it shows, Big Time.
  8. Actually, this is only PART of the see-saw theme which pops up again in at least one later episode, where McGoohan and the other guy with the beard are seen see-sawing before they both fall off onto the floor. If you watch both documentaries (real docs this time) linked in the OP, then you will eventually come across this second see-saw scene...if I am not mistaken.
  9. Send me your camera and camera lenses....please.
  10. Too many years ago, 1967, there was a British TV production which took the world by storm. Quite strange writing, with many references to the numbers One through Six, the first episode seemed to focus on Lava Lamps and Weather Balloons. The Prisoner has now become a classic, and it remains a reminder of just how far we have fallen since 1967, toward lives of futility and the absence of freedom to make decisions, without the influence of self-censorship and Madison Avenue thought control, not to mention such pervasive product-placement garbage. I enjoyed this nostalgic flashback documentary featuring McGoohan....PLUS...the second, and more recent, documentary featuring McGoohan's daughter. Both are much more interesting than most fare on the internet that is appealing to our children. Our children who grew up in such Happy Days.... Oh, well, I guess I cannot return to those happier times of the 50s and 60s, with the race riots that I loved. Those were the years of Poitier, too. These days, I just do not enjoy the western culture, although I certainly did enjoy US/UK culture sixty years/seventy years ago. We just cannot go home, again, it seems. Fondest regards, Gamma
  11. I am well aware of those Thai ghetto-truck audio-abominations! Two of them would park across from my building, close to the temple, and Turn Up the Volume, from 4pm to 7pm. What kind of WATTAGE do they have in those trucks? And, they must have some heavy-duty generators or alternators or Lithium Battery Packs, or something to be able to drive those speakers like that. And, I guess, give credit where credit is due.... You gotta be one heck of a Sound Engineer to be able to accomplish an abomination like that!
  12. Perhaps, not so weird. This speaks to the fact that people, here, living in Thailand, especially Farang, should feel relatively SAFE, and free of worry. Here in Thailand, at least for most Farang, and most if not all visitors, should feel quite blessed at being in Thailand, where one can truly enjoy greater peace of mind, compared to living in places like Dallas Texas. I thank my lucky stars, each and every morning, to be so fortunate as to live here. Thailand has much to offer, and relative safety for visitors and Farang expats is excellent, and something to be appreciated by us, and also much sought after by many in some other parts of this world.
  13. Are you old enough to recall the ghetto-style jungle bunny BoomBoxes of the late 60s and 70s, in places like the Bronx and Harlem? Those were far worse. Count yourself, these days, lucky....maybe...
  14. As I stated: Just locate the 10,000-liter tank on the highest part of the roof of your house. (Ooops!)
  15. I agree with you. Sorry for not including the link to the source, which I had intended to do... Anyway: Here is the information that you requested... https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php
  16. 10,000 sounds like a lot of water, but actually, not, as you can plainly see..... For proper water security, I would recommend that you install at least FOUR of these. a. Two on the Roof, for sure, in case you run out of electric power. b. Two below ground, in case the two tanks on your roof cause the house to collapse.... Be prepared. Act proactively, in advance. Also, if below ground, then routine cleaning and maintenance of these tanks might be more difficult.
  17. I am overweight, I admit. But, I am NOT obese.
  18. You may be right: Perhaps this strategy works ONLY for...."quality tourists".
  19. When looking for a fountain, just do not choose the same type of fountain used by that Farang, this past week, and written about in a Topic on TV, just a few days ago: "Foreigner's Shocking Behavior On Soi 4 Sparks Outrage"
  20. If Big Bang, then it is a Transformer explosion, or the echo from the beginning of our Universe. Read here: https://www.mes.com.sg/2022/04/27/power-transformer-explosion-why-it-happens-and-what-to-do/#:~:text=A lightning strike from a,fluid beyond its fire point. When they explode close to your bedroom window, the sound is so loud that....it's.... SHOCKING! During the past 10 years, IMHO, the supply of reliable electric power has improved, at least around CMU, and also several other places close to the center of Chiang Mai. (A few years ago, maybe 8, these areas would experience frequent power outages every year, during the transition from the HOT Season to the Raining Season. But, not these days, it seems.)
  21. Maybe wear an extra-LARGE condom on your head before venturing forth? Works for me.
  22. In order to qualify, one must first have less skin pigmentation. But, also, this term might not exclusively be about skin color. I suggest you do your own research, since anything I might tell you here, I know from past experience, you and others may question. Please Note: Simply put, a Farang is a Guava
  23. Yes, correct. The Doomsday Machine can be positioned anywhere on the planet. This is the beauty of Cobalt-Thorium G. "Cobalt-Thorium GG" might sound snappier, though, IMHO.
  24. I have many close acquaintances here in Thailand. And, I am an Old Friend of China. I prefer the culture of China, a culture which is the product of the past few thousand years of education. I like smart and intelligent people. Personally, after driving from Texas to Belize, I was thankful and grateful to get out of that disgusting place, Mexico. I ate at the best restaurants in Villahermosa, which are considered quite good by Mexicans. I enjoyed the food, but it soon became tiresome. Mexican food is more for the birds, than for me. And, as I stated just above: I like smart and intelligent people.... The table here makes my point. East Asia and SE Asia is far better for me, especially considering that I am an Old Friend of China....
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