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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Here are two valuable articles addressing issues concerning hydration and electrolyte balance in athletes training or competing in high-heat environments. As I think I mentioned, my Soy Sauce solution is quite good for replacing what is most often lost through sweating, i.e. sodium. Still, there is much more to the story than this. For example, for races or exercise lasting less than 30 minutes, hydration during the exercise period will probably not have much effect during this short time period. In addition, plain tap water, bottled in gallon jugs, to carry aboard one's gig, is good enough...UNLESS....one is rowing for 4 or 5 hours, as I was wont to do, in the rivers behind and below Naples FL. (If, as I found out, you plan to do any continuous and strenuous workout, such as rowing for 5 hours, from 11:00AM to 4:00PM, on the hottest days that South FL can dish out, then....yes....you might need to resort to replacing lost electrolytes, or face resultant consequences. But, this eventuality is also discussed in these two articles. I enjoy strenuous activities during the hottest part of the day, unless the temps get above 37. I enjoy the feeling of sweat pouring off me, from my head to my thighs, ...don't know why. Two good articles here, though.) https://extension.usu.edu/nutrition/research/maintaining-hydration-a-guide-for-endurance-runners#:~:text=Being well hydrated is essential,of electrolytes within our bodies. https://www.nyrr.org/run/photos-and-stories/2019/should-i-take-salt-during-a-marathon#:~:text=When running long distances%2C like,but to a lesser extent). So yes... Watch out for hyponatremia, as I should have, if you plan to row 5 hours in the noon-day sun in South FL....
  2. Yes. This was my point (implied), which is the most important point for us Farang to consider.
  3. They threw the cox in the river, as usual.
  4. Deadly serious. Or, did you not understand my original comment? Also, do not twist the wording in my comment, if you please, as you are bent to do, being bent as you may or may not be. Tks!
  5. The Swiss Brute is cheap in too many ways. But, no doubt, someone who is also cheap in these ways might not be able to see this fact so clearly.
  6. It is about an INSULT to people and culture here. This is important to recognize.
  7. I agree with you, 100 percent. There are good and valid reasons to come to Thailand, and to stay in Thailand. Unfortunately, a vast number of foreigners come for other reasons, mostly selfish reasons which are NOT aligned with Thai culture. I would like to see...EVERY SINGLE ONE of these foreigners...banned for life. This Swiss Brute-of-a-"Man"...... He should go FIRST, and never be allowed to return, under any circumstances. Why would you want someone like him here in your country? What an angry person, too!!!!!!!!!
  8. Anytime I worry about the heat, I just measure my urine output with a stopwatch and a graduated plastic beaker I keep clipped to my belt. I have done a lot of running and rowing in the HEAT, high heat, and also crew racing in the heat. I think I know enough about drinking water to maintain my proper fluid intake. HOWEVER, even more important is to ensure you are getting enough and proper electrolytes when sweating buckets. A Case Example: I once rowed about 12 kilometers from noon to 3 PM during one of the hottest days in South Florida, near the Everglades, a place called Naples. I had been drinking COPIOUS amounts of tap water, and so dehydration was NOT the issue. The bottom of the gig was awash with my sweat, maybe a few liters, ...who knows now...because I did not measure it. I began to feel queasy and quite ill, and I knew I was in trouble. I managed to row to a Naples, Fl boathouse which sold powerboats, and where I was able to find a drinks vending machine. Fortunately, the vending machine sold some brand of power-electrolyte-drink. About one or two minutes after downing a few cans, I felt, almost immediately, better, and even right as rain. Don't drink that Gatorade Garbage, these days, IMHO...because the formula changed after the company was acquired by some massive beverage corporation. I don't know which is the best drink, these days, to replace electrolytes lost from excessive sweating in the noon-day sun. I don't worry much about this...if....I remember to consume enough salt and soy sauce on my food. I prefer soy sauce to replace electrolyte loss: But, I cannot give you the exact details of electrolytes contained in soy sauce.... (Not until I check after posting this comment). So, keep electrolytes in balance, while replacing fluid loss due to sweating in the heat....is my thinking.... Please NOTE: I think, rather than taking a few sips of soy sauce, it might be better to just follow the science, and here is just one of many studies with athletes as subjects of the study: Talking Nunns Tablets, here, whatever they are.... Impact of Nuun Electrolyte Tablets on Fluid Balance in Active Men and Women: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7600513/ I dunno...because....I always like to cook up my own solutions.... And, I love soy sauce, too!
  9. Why not just walk to the Temple of Your Choice, and then ask to speak to the people who run the temple? This is what I intend to do. Anyway...I already know them. When I find a convenient time, I will send them a LINE message to ask them. I am not about to go up in a puff of smoke, anytime soon. Still, accidents do happen. And, I just want to save my landlord any avoidable headaches on my account.
  10. You are correct that I need to create a legal document, DIY, specifying disposal of material things left behind after my demise. This is only polite behavior, especially after having found a nice landlord, after living in pain with the previous landlady...what a Gaslighting Narcissistic Loony!
  11. As for me, I prefer the idea of having my ashes mixed with concrete, and then pouring the concrete to make a swimming pool, or the foundation of a house. I like always being around, especially on TV.
  12. Sometimes I do not remember what I say, or have said, about the USA. The cultural shifts of the USA, during recent decades, are just too disturbing for me, I guess, and... This causes me to forget or become confused by the passage of time when recalling events of my past life in the US of A. Sort of like Kurt Vonnegut's scrambling of time, or the sequence of events, in Slaughterhouse-Five....maybe.... My recollections of my past life in the US of A are almost identical to those of the main character of Slaughterhouse-Five....and that is the best way for me to explain my life, both pre- and post-Travels-in-Asia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slaughterhouse-Five
  13. I think I said: I love what the USA used to be in the 50s and 60s... NOT the 70s, 80s...etc....and probably the USA of Tomorrow, too!
  14. In order to remove the evaporator filters, you need a Thai woman to stand on the tables, if the woman is under 50 Kg. I am TOO HEAVY...hence the broken toilet seats.
  15. I understand your reasoning. If I were living in New Hampshire, then I would have use of keeping my AC dry, and drying it quickly after shutdown. But, I am living in Thailand. So...OBVIOUSLY...My ACs run 24/7/365. I have not yet noticed mold buildup. I have my ACs serviced and cleaned every 4 months....
  16. Is that still TRUE for concealed pistols? If I return to the US, I will not be travelling to Dallas to see my friend Mary Kay. Did she have a Pink Gun? I will live on the East Coast, either Mass. or New Hampshire, in Old Black Point. I would imagine that a Permit to Carry might be required if I try to walk about town with my concealed Magnum .44 with the loooong barrel. (No Joke, though. For me, at my age, I will be safer with a gun at home, than without.... Especially after watching the Texas Intrusion Video that I posted in the Original Topic.) I will also buy a Kevlar vest for my armor, and one that covers my groin area....!
  17. That's a really NICE hip-replacement-prosthetic photo you found! Is this your photography work? Nice job! I can't tell the "brand" and manufacturer. Personally, I prefer the Titanium and Ceramic hip prosthetics...because... They stand up much better to heat, when being cremated.
  18. I definitely completely agree with you. People here are very compassionate toward anyone in distress due to mental illness, or ill health, or personal problems beyond their control. Thai people express caring and emotions, such as worry or reaction to unfortunate events, in ways different from some cultures in the west.
  19. Please refer to data available from Wikipedia, data drawn from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate USA = 6.4 per 1000 inhabitants Thailand = 4.8 More importantly, this data is not broken down by the relationship of perp to victim. Therefore, it's just a guess, but I would like to check more detailed data to know if in Thailand, the perp and victim are somehow related or known to other, more often. And, if in the US, the perp and victim are less likely to know each other. Still, I mentioned Taiwan and Japan, and East Asia. In Japan, the rate is... Japan = 0.2 Taiwan = ? (Cannot be included in the UN data since the Commie Bandits of the PRC have kicked out Taiwan from the UN.) But, almost as low as Japan, at least in the past decades. So, this Data is Not Fantasy....maybe....
  20. Before leaving the USA, many years ago in the late 70s, I owned a goodly number of guns, such as the Weatherby .460 Magnum, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, Colt .45 911, and a number of others, including the quality equipment to automate reloading spent cartridges, too. Then, I left for Asia, and I completely lost interest in gun ownership, which is the way it should be, in any reasonable world, such as East Asia or SE Asia, IMHO.... I do not like guns, and guns are basically useless in places like Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, HK, and, of course, Singapore, and many other nice, safe places, we call home. I have not returned to the USA since 1992, and I have forgotten what it's like to live there, in that pot of a melting pot, which seems to be melting, these days. I still love the USA, but I do not much care for the warped, and warping, culture of the past four decades. Maybe such widespread gun ownership could be part of many problems in the US, however.... Now, IF I LIVED in the USA, I would definitely buy not one, not two, not three, but FOUR guns, all semiautomatic, and with high capacity clips. I would also buy body armor, and keep it handy. Why? Here is why! Watch the following video to understand why.... No way would I return to the US without first applying for a Permit to Carry. (But, this is also why I will never return to the USA. I do not like guns. And, I do not like violence. And, I also do not like the new culture which is so radically different from what I was used to, and what I now enjoy. Thailand, Taiwan, Japan are great places to live, chiefly due to the culture. And, American culture was once far more similar to East Asian culture than it is now. I will die here in East or SE Asia when my time comes. And, America can keep the guns. I am so much safer here in Thailand, without guns. Thailand is so Chill, by comparison.) Where I live here, I doubt that most people care about locking their doors. Try that in Dallas, Texas, why don't you.... Regards, Gamma
  21. I knew you would, eventually, get around to the discussion of handlebars, and, no doubt soon, bicycles.
  22. Maybe he was referring, obliquely, to the tunnel of love?
  23. What might happen if he were picked up or stopped by police during those 4 extra months? What might be the probability that he be locked up? And, if caught, is there not a much longer "ban" from returning to Thailand? Why take the risk? I have no idea, but would it not be the best choice to head for the airport, as soon as possible, and accept a one-year ban? The Bt.20,000 fine is really NOTHING, compared to the long overstay of 7 months....right?
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