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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Oh, Say can you see... Bombs bursting in air. Our flag is still there!
  2. I think that a refrigerator door monitor might be more reliable and easier to build than the blood pressure Bluetooth Alarm idea of yours.
  3. I think I should set up motion detectors in my house. IF, there is no movement during a period lasting more than 12 hours, then I will rig it to set off an alarm, or some pre-recorded voice message. Not sure yet what message to record. But, when the neighbors hear my amplified voice message, then they will know what to do. As I say, I don't want to stink up the place.
  4. I am a huge fan of Russians! People like Shostakovich, Rostropovich, and Rodion Raskolnikov. Keep in mind that even Rostropovich was well known for his excessive and very earthy appetites. Yet, his cello playing was priceless.
  5. I might be dead. But, since you replied to my Topic, then.... Who might you be?
  6. I agree that it would be best, for all, including me, to drop dead, or be run over, in the street. I sometimes worry about stinking up the place, after all. I plan to remain alive, and hanging around here, for about 10 more years. I hope to not live as long as Chomsky, unless I can live as comfortably as he does now, and provided my mind stays as much intact, as his, and my eyesight does not deteriorate. Although, I would not wish to lose so much of my hearing, by age 94, as has, unfortunately, been the case with Noam. I did not realize that my property would be searched for papers, which will eventually find their way to the embassy. Maybe I should be more careful, and burn papers beforehand, way in advance, and then scan everything and store on the encrypted SSD that I plan to attach to my new super-desktop-computer, running OpenSUSE Linux. Anyway, thank you for the additional information. I will need to give this more thought, and then act or NOT act, accordingly.....
  7. If these Russians, newly arrived in Thailand, are not White Russians...then.... What Color ARE They? (Look at the Muscular Legs on some of these White Russian girls! Ballet is great exercise.) https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/article/3107622/how-white-russian-ballet-dancers-sparked?campaign=3107622&module=perpetual_scroll_0&pgtype=article
  8. Very good advice about expediting things using a very simple DIY process, it seems. \
  9. a. I have spent some time in Mexico. I once drove a Benz from Naples FL to Belize. b. I did enjoy the food and the environment in Villahermosa...quite a bit. As you say, very nice people there. c. I know that Mexican food is not only beans. In addition to beans, you got your guacamole and rice. Mexican food, after a few days, at least for me, is quite disgusting. d. In my view, it would be difficult to say if one culture might be better than another, just because choosing a culture depends much upon personal preference. I happen to prefer East Asian culture, as well as Thai culture, and Thai-Chinese culture, greatly, over cultures that we think of as being part of North America, Central America, and South America. I am not saying one is inherently better than another for any given person. But, I know which are better for me. e. Some guys love Mexico, and they love Belize, too. Fortunately, Mexico is cheap, and they should move to Mexico or Belize. I hate the sand fleas on the barrier islands of Belize, although the clarity of the ocean water there, and the color of the sea, is magnificent. f. Anyway, wherever I am shot, and by whomever, the result will be the same, and no great loss to TV. Someday, or maybe never, I will just stop posting without any forewarning, and then you may mourn my passing, if you wish. And so, maybe this is just my way of warning you that, if I am shot and killed, I may stop posting on TV, quite suddenly. g. I am not prejudiced or biased against Latinos. However, I find their culture distasteful, although...I guess..... Hemingway loved the Latinos, before he pulled the trigger on this favorite shotgun....
  10. 90-percent, maybe 95-percent, correct. I am intrigued by the idea of doing nothing, just because I feel that there should be no need for me to do anything, if this is my choice. I am, therefore, interested in knowing, while I am still alive, what may happen after an old Farang dies, having made zero preparations. Still, I do not wish to cause difficulties for the landlord, and so I must take this into account, and perhaps write a DIY document concerning this. Also, the material things left behind, do doubt might be of some good use to another, and for years, after I have become a Dearly Departed. This is why I posted this Topic, which I know must be of interest to all, in one way or another.
  11. I, for one, would not be willing to leave behind me a problem for those I care about, such as my landlord, or acquaintances. This is one of the reasons for this Topic, among a few others.
  12. I think you may not grasp my logical thinking, completely. Here is my logic about gun violence in Texas vs Thailand: a. I love Thailand/Thai culture. b. I love Thai cuisine. c. I am here in Thailand, by choice. d. I like to meet Thai people who enjoy Thai cuisine, and share Thai food together, at table. a'. I hate Mexican/Latino culture. b'. I hate most Mexican food, just beans, beans, black beans, and beans. c'. When meeting Mexicans in Texas, this is NEVER my choice. d'. I dislike meeting Mexicans who enjoy munching Burritos, and I have never shared a table with one. In Conclusion: For me, it would be far better to be shot and killed by someone from Thailand, because I am here by choice, and because Thai cuisine is the second-best in the world. For me, it would be a tragedy to be shot and killed by some Latino Burrito-munching Bandit, breaking into my house, wearing some Pearl-Jam Bandana wrapped around his head, ...like some others in this world that I know of.... So, this is my logic. And, this is why I feel so safe in Thailand, and feel NO NEED of a firearm while in Thailand.
  13. There would be NO NEED to deliver the 5-megaton yield bomb to TA city, via missiles.
  14. a. This is why I was much happier here in Thailand during the pandemic. Far, FAR, fewer crazy Farang! b. I hate tourists. To me, they are just scum, no matter if you find them in Naples, FL, or anywhere. c. I also do not like uneducated foreigners. And I am not talking about the education you find in schools, mostly. d. Where is Anutin when I we need him most? One more note: I would not be surprised if the four-years of pandemic have changed society for the worse, these days. Many of the foreigners coming from other countries seem even less socialized than they once seemed to be. I have nothing to do with Farang, here in Thailand. This is the way it must be, for me. I like Farang, but only the Farang sporting PhD's from major universities, such as Columbia, Penn, Princeton, and McGill. At least, one knows that the PhD's teaching at these elite schools have been properly vetted...which is...The way I like it. It's been years since I have talked to a Farang...back in 2020, for about 20 minutes, and on only one occasion. Before that....2016....not a Farang, but a female foreigner from Taiwan, who was nice, but no genius, certainly!
  15. I need no Permit to Carry, anyway, in any state. Why? a. Guns, I have found, are just too heavy to carry around, especially when wearing shorts, or out walking/jogging, or while at the beach, swimming. b. In PA, USA, I had a Permit to Carry, and I had a holster for my Colt 0.45 1911 Nickel Plated automatic (not the shiny finish!!!!). The problem was that it was just too....HEAVY! c. Most people do not know how heavy a true Colt 0.45 can be, with a full clip, when hanging on a belt, even if wearing jeans. d. Also, one just feels EXCEEDINGLY STUPID walking around (away from the practice range), maybe at a fine-dining establishment, with expensive slacks, and a belt drooping on the right side due to hanging 1.1 kg from your trouser loops. Just a bad look, folks!!! This is why I will never need a Permit to Carry, in any state....maybe.... Please Note: If you intend to walk around, with your gun full, instead of empty...then.... Please add 0.3 Kg to the weight I listed above, for a whopping 1.4 Kg total hanging off you.
  16. Why are wars, seemingly, and especially in the ME, always fought over oil, or water, or olives oil?
  17. Believe me....I have NOT forgotten them!~!!! And, neither have I forgotten the love of my life, David Bowie, singing about Armageddon, for sure...... Have always loved Bowie. He never lies to us...maybe....
  18. So then....HOW/FROM WHERE did much of the nuclear tech and weaponry originate? Maybe Wikipedia is a good place to begin for finding more research sources: Also, many states, and pseudo-states .... Just LOVE ambiguity. But, so far, nobody there has mentioned The Doomsday Machine, ambiguously, or otherwise.
  19. Let's leave politics ASIDE, for the moment, please. Just consider the REALITY of the situation: a. The Israeli-inhabited territory is quite small. b. A first strike from any hostile entity, using a small 5-megaton thermonuclear device, could totally turn the BLOOMING desert back to the BARREN desert. c. Therefore, no matter how many nuclear weapons the Israelis may have, they would have zero time to use their nukes...IF....they became the target of a surprise attack. d. The territory would be there one moment, and then....GONE the next moment. e. Consequently, the nuclear weapons the Israelis possess may not actually have the deterring effect that some might mistakenly believe.....UNLESS.....that is.....unless..they have.....built..... f. The Doomsday Machine. And how might the device be triggered? g. And, what might the effects and results of triggering an Israeli Doomsday Machine actually be? Any ideas? h. IF the Israelis had nuclear subs, than I concede there might be no purpose or need for a Doomsday Machine. But, they do not. And, logically, it makes sense that.... The Israelis have already constructed or considered the construction of the Doomsday Machine, somewhere in their Desert Paradise....waiting for the right conditions to automatically..... GO BOOM! This is a very likely scenario, and one which might very well be REALITY, as we speak. Regards, Gamma Please Note: If you want to know more about how The Doomsday Machine actually works, then watch this video clip from the educational documentary created by the creator of A Clockwork Orange: Note2: The Isreali's should TELL US about this if they expect their Machine to have any deterrent effect, I think....maybe....
  20. To answer your question, JT: a. Yes, it would be crazy. b. There is much to lose. Why? If I prolong my life artificially through ingesting taurine or any other supplement, then I would: a. Lose much money on additional dental care during supplemental years added to my natural lifespan. b. I would lose a lot in peace of mind. As we become older, we tend to worry more. I would lose out on peace of mind during any supplemental years. c. Therefore, I would never take any kind of supplement to add supplemental time, on top of the time served already, and the time I have yet to serve here in this world, one which is not of my choosing. I would never consider prolonging my life so that I could add more time and more years of ever-increasing frailty. What if I suffered sudden onset of macular degeneration? Would that be fun at an advanced age? Not for me, anyway. So, I do not want to play God with my own predestined longevity. No way, Jose!
  21. That's right. Those fat slobs are nothing more than insignificant statistical anomalies. And, right again. Thirty million is 29 million too many. Thailand has long been way past its Carrying Capacity in Farang. Not to mention Kaeks, too, and visitors from other countries.
  22. What I worry about is THERMOREGULATION in these giant beasts. For example, we are seeing continued loss of cooler temps at night and early mornings. We are also seeing higher daytime temps. Can these pachyderms easily tolerate higher temps as Global Warming continues to push toward thermal extremes, and higher humidity? Also, what is the best way to keep them cool?
  23. Yes. IF I lived in Texas, I would own a lot of Big Guns. But, instead, I would opt for life in New Hampshire or Mass. or Old Black Point CT, rather than Texas. Still, after watching the Texas video, posted in the OP, and since I would be living alone, without children, an angry GF, or a shrew of a wife, then it would be safest for me to own just two large caliber automatics, and one magnum revolver, and the shortest-barreled shotgun that is legal in the state. Now I know why more people in the US seem to be buying firearms, even little-old ladies. I would buy a few, too. But, I would never live in Texas. Why? I would never live in Texas because I am far more of a genius than you might imagine.
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