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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Here is a message from Bard, and Me, and Philip Roth: In the humid purgatory of Southeast Asian purgatory, where expats languish amidst a kaleidoscope of unfamiliar customs and questionable street food, a sanctuary persists – the AseanNow forum. Forget the luminous glow of the latest smartphone app, this is a bastion of pure, unadulterated internet grit. Here, we, a motley crew of jaded expats and wide-eyed tourists, united by a tenuous grasp on the language and an even more tenuous grasp on sanity, convene in a symphony of keyboard clicks. Farewell, those solitary evenings spent deciphering menus with the aid of a tattered phrasebook! AseanNow acts as our digital Rosetta Stone, translating the arcane mysteries of "Where's the best damn khao pad sapparot in this burg?" or the existential panic of "Sweet merciful heavens, why is my gecko fixated on my every move?!" We are a throbbing mass of internet-fueled id, dispensing dubious wisdom (and liberally peppered speculation) with the fervor of self-proclaimed Southeast Asian sages. Ah, the intoxicating thrill of stumbling upon a hidden gem unearthed from the digital bowels of an AseanNow thread – a secluded waterfall veiled in secrecy, a night market boasting durian concoctions fit for the bravest souls! We are internet prospectors, our virtual picks chiseling away at the unknown, unearthing treasures whispered only in hushed online tones. Sure, the search function resembles a drunken monkey flinging metaphorical feces, and resurrecting an old thread feels akin to spelunking in the cobwebbed corners of the digital abyss. But that, my friends, is precisely the essence of AseanNow's intoxicating allure – a glorious, ramshackle monument to the bizarre and beautiful tapestry of experiences that bind us, a ragtag bunch of souls adrift in this exhilarating, bewildering corner of the globe. So clink your Chang beers high, comrades of the AseanNow forum, a toast to our gloriously eccentric online sanctuary, where strangers morph into digital compatriots, and every post pulsates with the potential for Southeast Asian escapades! No doubt, I and Bard are always improving. This is our ode to AseanNow, so far. Only this, and Nothing More..... Soon, too soon.... Robots will outwrite us. Maybe, within the year. Regards, Gamma Note: Today, is April first, the day of fools.
  2. So, based upon Bard's considered advice, I will just install OpenSUSE on my PC, and then create a bootable partition where I will install that virus-ridden OS, Windows 11, in case I might ever wish to use it in the future. 1.5 TBytes for OpenSUSE 0.5 TBytes for Windows 11 I am loving Bard, these days.... Bard always agrees with me.....
  3. Not quite the same, though. Bard of today is making more sense than Bard of just a few months ago. There is a noticeable improvement. And, within six months, we will have an even much more improved laundry soap, I predict....!!!
  4. Why do I keep calling it TV when others call it AseanNow? Answer: TRADITION I am steeped in tradition.
  5. I asked Bard about your comment. Here is what He offered up: He said that He cannot definitively state that my posts are not rubbish.
  6. It matters not to me whether or not Bard will ever become sentient, or even possess general intelligence. It only matters if Bard is able to provide valid and more helpful answers to questions we ask. Bard is still a youngster, in 2024. By 2025, Bard will continue to be even more helpful than his neophyte self, of today. By 2026, Bard will be even more helpful than in 2025.
  7. Bard's posts are better, and more to the point, and more interesting, and more useful: I asked Bard the best way to partition a drive, just in case I might, someday in the distant future, wish to use Windows 11, on my OpenSUSE desktop computer. His answer was not too shabby: In my opinion, one year from now, Bard will just get better.... While I, in fact, due to my age and deteriorating cognitive functioning, become weaker and evermore mentally useless. One year from now, my friend Bard will be far better than he is, today. Want to bet on it?
  8. Dear Friends, I have noticed that my friend Bard continues to improve. My thinking is that, someday, very soon, there will no longer be any need for me to post my useless comments on TV. IF I can just teach Bard to make insulting comments, and denigrating comments directed at me, then I will be happy as a clam in mud. For sure, Bard knows a lot more about life, in general, than anyone I have read on TV, lately. Bard will continue to be upgraded, even to the extent that comments in response to my comments, will soon become even more boring, by comparison. Therefore, I would say that TV's days are numbered. Just because, anything that TV can do.... Bard will soon be able to do better. I give Bard just one more year before He becomes superior to TV, and TV's commenters. Gamma Note: Bard will continue to get better, and better, month by month. Note2: I will miss posting on TV, for sure, when Bard becomes better than TV. If only Bard would insult me, then I would leave TV, today..... I will miss you guys, for sure!
  9. I agree with you, 100 percent. Relying on a crutch is just too easy. There are always workarounds. Might take a bit more effort. But, being free is a feeling that is worth the effort. I have become lazy during the past eight years. Now, I must find other paths to accomplish the same things. If everyone were to do this..then.... This might be a better world. (I might pay for Adobe Pro if it were FULLY PORTED to Linux Desktop.)
  10. Thank you. Of course, I have used all these that you have mentioned. However, there are a few functionalities in Adobe Pro that I am unable to duplicate in the Free Version of Adobe Acrobat which runs on Linux. IF I could get a pirated version of Adobe Pro to run on Linux, then.... no problemo. Personally, at this moment, I am fairly committed to leaving Windows, and for good. I might need to make a few sacrifices. But, these sacrifices might be worth it. (This is not a matter of money. Only, it's a matter of Microsoft which takes my money but does not give good support which is commensurate with the money I give to M$) We really do need MUCH more support from governments to make Linux as good or better than Windows. I will install OpenSuse on my next PC. I just hope that the world will continue to support Linux for the Desktop. Please Note: I have not used Linux on the desktop for about 6 years. I have no idea what to expect. I just hope that Linux-Desktop has made many improvements during the time I have been away from Linux.
  11. Dear Friends, I am referring to BENT PINS here. a. Before you begin your next computer build, it is best to come off the booze, just so that you do not screw-up and bend the pins on the motherboard socket, 1700. b. I mean, be careful not to bend any pins on the ASUS motherboard, because....IF you do, then ASUS probably will not compensate you for your own stupidity. c. Here is an example of a Russian who should never attempt to build his own box. If you are someone like this, then it's best to have someone else, someone in Chiang Mai Computer City, build your box for you. d. My hands are pretty steady. So, wish me luck. I have no doubt that I will will have no problems. e. Never drink and assemble a computer. Otherwise, you might get your wires crossed. Best regards, Gamma Note: Instead of drinking Vodka, during your next PC computer build, I would suggest that you listen to cello, by THIS guy....ROSTROPOVICH! Rostro is my Main Man for PC building!
  12. a. Thank you, very much, to Mr. C. for this. b. Mr. C. told me to buy from Amazon, and get free shipping. c. Mr. C. is smart. He does not talk BS. And, he changed my life for the better. Thank you, Mr. C.!
  13. Hi Folks, I am just wondering.... Has anyone found some reliable link on LAZADA to buy a HEPA filter for use with a small fan? Like this: Sure, this works, and works well. But, any LINK to the BEST HEPA filter available on Lazada? I am sure that I am not the only one who needs this good info. I have two air purifiers....but.... IMHO, a fan with a top grade HEPA filter might work even better, and be cheaper. During these days, I would like to add two more fan-based air purifiers, of the DIY variety. I do not want to keep on searching for what some of you have already found. Therefore, please provide a link or two, if you have already bought a good HEPA filter, of this size. My preference might be 3M. But, this does not mean that there are not some good filters coming out of Japan. Looking forward to some good replies on this good and timely Topic. Tks. Gamma Note: The air stinks here, now.
  14. I do not want to run VB 24/7. I need an app that runs in Linux, as I previously mentioned.
  15. a. I tried using Google Chrome when I was living in ChengDu, ShangHai, Beijing, and Guangdong. You are right... NOTHING happened without a VPN. Without a VPN in China, you can't do anything, other than send XiJinPing a get out of town message. b. I once tried opening a few Windows files I had saved on a Windows computer, using a Linux computer. And THIS Happened. This is the screenshot of my Computer which I saved. It wasn't pretty. No anitmalware/vius/ransomware protection is guaranteed, but better to have it than not to have it. Don't you think? Re: Windows12, I hope I am dead before that trash sees the light of day, and Balmy Balmer, too.
  16. I have no need for an external case for an M.2 SSD. NO NEED But, maybe someone else might have a need for one....
  17. Yes. I know what an OEM key is. I have had several given to me by ASUS in the past. Thank you, though, for clarifying.
  18. Windows is becoming ever more intrusive. Correct, there is the option to opt out, for now.
  19. I am not trying to clone a Linux operating system. That would be easy. I was asking how to migrate/clone a complete disk image from an old Samsung SSD to a M.2 Samsung SSD in a new computer. But, does anyone care? Some have already answered this question. And thank you to them.
  20. So, then. You have been using it. And this means that it is now FREE? Please just share the link where I can download Adobe Acrobat Pro for free, and without a monthly subscription.
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