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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. We are now engaged in a battle with the ChiComs, and Xi. Either he dies, soon, or we. F Xi!
  2. Please listen, FOLKS, to my Great Friend, Gordon Chang, from Cornell, tell us about the ChiComs: Mr. C..... Please Mark My Words, we need to take Gordon seriously!
  3. What's the point of the military-complex buildup unless we put it to good use? I want to see the Americans go Head-to-Head with the ChiComs! The Commies will CAVE when they hit the mighty wall of American Military Force. We can put an end to the ChiComs, once and for all, in 2024, before December. I want to see Xi die a painful death. Now!!!!!!!! The ChiComs are nothing but a paper tiger. Let's send them to where they belong........!
  4. In fact, I would truly respect you far more if you did not wear underpants, same as I.... Underpants are superfluous. I have never thought that underpants served any useful purpose.
  5. I was in Vietnam..... Sometime around 1971. Not joking. (That was a long time ago.....)
  6. Is this your habit? To not wash your underpants for three years? What are the advantages? I only ask because..... I guess... You are the one who can tell us all.... Just judging from your comments, is all....
  7. We lost a generation, in fact. Maybe I know more than you about this.
  8. Shall we dance.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sports Fans)
  9. Folks, It really does not matter what kind of laundry detergent you might use, these days, during the Smoking Season in Chiang Mai. Because, your clothes, hung out to dry, will ALWAYS smell like Napalm in the Morning. Does this bother you? And, even if it does, then there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, other than to move to Japan. I love the smell of napalm after I have hung my clothes out to dry. If I did not, then I would not be living in Thailand. Maybe, some day, our clothes will not smell like napalm. But, when our clothes smell fresh, it will not happen soon. As for now.... We can just tell ourselves that we love the GASOLINE SMELL in our clothes. Regards. Gamma Note: How do you feel about Richard Wagner? Note 15: I love the smell of napalm on my clothes in Chiang Mai....! Roger! Roger Dodger!
  10. Sorry. Of course I meant optimal materials. As... I am sure you know. (There is NO EXCUSE for.....Bad Writing!)
  11. I guess most of you, with one or two exceptions, might not know just how many years I have been reading posts on this Animal Farm. Animal Farm, the book by Orwell, is an allegory. But, the Farang Pub is not so much an allegory, as it is what it is. The Farang Pub is what it is. I enjoy reading all the comments on the Farang Pub, written by Farang. Yet, still, I enjoy reading what most of you have to say about so many things, even if most of you can't express yourselves, beautifully, using the English language. Most of the guys here on the Farang Pub are poor writers, as even they must know. Although, there are one or two, like Mr. C., who is are superior beings, here. Oh, Yeah, ... Speaking of the REAL "Animal Farm",..... This allegory can be read at so many levels. Orwell was a masterful writer, for sure. If you were to read this book, once again, once you had reached my age, then... Maybe you would know. Animal Farm is an amazing piece of writing. Snowball. Napoleon. The crows. Old Major. Clover. BOXER, too, one horse I always felt sorry for. Our Farang Pub is not much different, in my view. There are those here for whom I feel much pity. Life is so short, on Animal Farm. Work yourselves to the bone, and then have nothing to show for it, if you buy into the propaganda, is what I think. Satire makes the world go round. I would suggest you read this very short piece, one more time, before you die. Maybe, though, there are too many FARMERS on the Farang Pub, I really do not know. How great is Orwell's masterpiece? Don't ask boxer. And don't ask anyone here on the Farang Pub, is my guess. Regards, Gamma Note: Fairies have never bothered me..... Note2: No. I do not smoke weed, friends!
  12. Anyone in the import/export business knows...FULL WELL...that.... The importer provides a price point to the manufacturer in China. And then, the Chinese do their best to meet this price point. This often requires using less than optimum materials. The FAULT is the importer, and not the Chinese. (Don't be a nitwit about this....PLEASE.) Chinese manufacturers can produce ANY KIND OF QUALITY you might wish to pay for. It is only the stupid consumers who are at fault for what is provided to them. Don't be a nitwit about this, PLEASE!
  13. At the river. At the Crossroads.... Same Same....
  14. Oh.... REALLY? (You could have fooled me, for sure!)
  15. Many people complain about getting garbage products from China. They mistakenly believe that it is China that might be at fault. In fact, the garbage coming out of China has nothing to do with China. The REAL reason why we get garbage out of China is due to the constraints put on Chinese manufacturers by WEASTERN IMPORTERS. It is they <deleted> IMPORTERS which cause the products made in China to be so substandard. If you do not know this....then... You are either idiots or very naïve for both. The guys in China are already up to snuff and they can produce ANY level of quality you might wish to pay for, at a lower cost than almost anywhere else in the world. Is is only you <deleted> consumers that do not care about quality, any longer. So, <deleted> you, because you do not wish to pay for quality products. And, so, of course, you get what you pay for. This has NOTHING to do with the ability of China to produce extremely high quality products. This is a case of your <deleted> CHEAPNESS, and your lousy unwillingness to pay enough to buy good quality. So, then, <deleted> YOU, because it is your fault. Stop bashing the Chinese manufacturers which are among the best in the world. This just needs to be said. Regards, Gamma
  16. The fruit is orange. They fall break open and make a mess that is not easy to clean. The broken fruit results in quite a thick layer. The fruit will drop during about a two week period. Large trees can drop a LOT of fruit.
  17. Not famous. Would you not say infamous, instead? Also, I would rather be infamous on Reddit, but the guys on Reddit are just too intellectual for me. Why don't you post some info abut amphibians on TV, if you wish to truly interest readers, I, personally, would love to read more about the Poison Dart frog. Why don't you talk more about life in the Amazon Jungle? I would love to read about the Amazon.
  18. Even if not annexed, yet.... Soon, it may be overtaken..... What is your population there? I am sure you have already felt the pressure of the invaders beginning to flood your land. Just wait..... You will soon lose your entire culture.... 30 years, tops.
  19. I never stated this. NEVER. And.... YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop talking TRASH.
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