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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Folks: As of today, I have not yet got up the gumption to return to my barber, ever since the pandemic reared its ugly head of hair. Have you? There has clearly been a great divide between pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic times. For one thing, I never really understood just how unimportant a barber might be, in the grand scheme of things. And so, now that I have come to understand this important truth, I will never return to have my hair cut by someone in a hair salon. Therefore, the question begs..... Other than the decision to never return to a hair salon to have one's hair trimmed by a barber.... Then, what other unimportant things have you decided to forgo, besides the barber experience? For me, there are many things that I once did before the pandemic, the things which I would not even think of doing now. What about you? How has the pandemic experience changed your habits and social behavior for the better? Think about it. I wanna know. Regards, Gamma Note: I am saving lots of money by cutting my own hair. I hope you are similarly saving money in this way, and in many other ways, too.
  2. Important Update: This morning, I just purchased the Intel i5-13600K CPU. What a COUP, my friends! This is just about the best CPU for the money...... Next: Maybe in a few weeks, I will inform you all about which MainBoard I have chosen. Such a cliffhanger.....! Note: When I was young, buying such POWER was UNTINKABLE.... Note2: I am tinking....maybe...after I get my box running.... I just might run an IBM 360/370 emulator....just for fun... But....UBUNTU is sheeet! OPENSUSE....all the way, Baby!
  3. You are lucky, or unlucky, "As You Like It". I have three friends, not eight or nine. Three is the perfect number..... ChokDi, my Phriend.... a. One is the loneliest number b. Three is the least loneliest number Rice University is quite famous for engineering and science....but.... NOT the humanities....or .... etc....
  4. Magnificent Photos! No doubt about it! (Think just how much money you might have made if you had chosen to be a wedding photographer! Thank GOD, you did not take that route!!!! Phantastic Photography, Phor Sure!)
  5. Page called Musk a "specieist": But, never phear, my phine pheathered Philly phriend: I will always love your photos. Honestly, they are quite spectacular, and you know me, a very strange bird who really DIGS phine photos of birds. By the way: I am curious where you store your images to keep them safe. I once thought that Google Photos was safe. But now, I know that Google is NOT SAFE! Is it SAFE? No...NOT safe! Page is a pigeon, but not a Walter Pidgeon. So, where do you store your images to keep them safe for the next thousand years? My opinion is that storing anything on the Cloud, these days, is risky. There are NO GUARANTEES. And, I really hate the pigeons around here. The only good pigeon is the Passenger Pigeon, IMHO, simply due to the fact that it has a bit of alliteration going for it....
  6. WOW...another two beautiful images, well done. (This is my GREATEST Topic....so far, I think, although....all my Topics are great ..in their own way.) I love birds, except I don't like pigeons. Remember: Note: Two Legs GOOD; Four Legs BAD! Note2: Anyone who comes to Thailand and does not thoroughly enjoy the company of our avian friends...should...just leave. Because, the SE Asian experience is just wasted on them.
  7. Thailand needs more rigid visa controls. IQ Test should be mandatory, as well.
  8. Yes. I think this is the one. Extremely loud. LOUD. But...still...I like it. (ALSO, as you say...it goes off at odd hours...and VERY early in the morning, like 3AM or something.) Anything not a rooster, I like.
  9. Yes, possible. Although, your list will change, over time.
  10. On this, you and I can both agree...for once.
  11. Well, anyway, the bird in the video posted by KhunLa is not the bird that I was referring to. The bird I referred to in the Topic is MUCH more noisy, and MUCH louder.
  12. Does YouTube have a video of "quietest lovable bird of Thailand"? And, what about the Bird of Paradise? Have you seen one, lately?
  13. Probably nothing more than an example of GROUND EFFECT. This depends on the wingspan and the distance from ground to wing.
  14. I meant respectfully name his Top 10 books of all time.
  15. Yes, in the grand scheme of things, it could.
  16. OK, fine. Now... Please just name your TOP 10 books, of all time. And then, we will know if you are a real reader.
  17. Correct. I am saving the Chinese from the Marxist-Leninist-Chi-Com-Bandits that momentarily rule the Chinese, at this present moment.
  18. You are correct. I was remiss in not posting the audio. But, in fact, some here know this bird well, just by my description of the time of day, and its noisiness. Next time I have my Note4 handy, I will record this bird, and post the audio. This will be my pleasure.
  19. And now...Iam Really concerned. Anytime anyone makes such an absolute statement about their wellbeing....then...there is.... Reason for concern. Note: As I mentioned, above, as well, I will be perfectly willing to ably rebut any questions you might have concerning your mistaken thinking that I, in even one case, engaged in prevarication on this thread. Note2: What did you imagine I was shading the truth about? Was it the slop that they served us in the cafeteria at McGill? I can assure you that it was just about...100-percent slop. Hopefully, the food at McGill has improved during the past decades. Also, have you ever eaten Canadian food? Gods help you, if you have.
  20. How do they get enough lift with all that hanging off the back of them? I have often wondered about this, aerodynamically speaking.
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