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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Anybody have any thoughts concerning which ASUS motherboard might work best with the Intel CPU: INTEL CORE I5-13500 2.5 GHz (SOCKET LGA 1700)? My need is to simultaneously connect to four computer displays. And, these displays must work at Full HD 1080p resolution, which will be suitable for normal office work, but not for high-resolution engineering purposes. a. I will NEVER buy a GPU to be connected to the mainboard. I do not like the noise. I do not like the fact that they burn out after limited use. b. So, I need to choose a motherboard (ASUS) which will be able to connect 4 monitors operating at standard resolution, not high resolution. Why do I NEED 4 monitors? This is NOT the question. I just need 4 monitors, for sure. The Intel i5 CPU that I have listed is capable of supporting 4 monitors. But, which mainboard will provide the sockets required to attach 4 monitors. Any thoughts? Regards, Note: I hate discrete GPUs. HATE is probably not a strong enough word. Tks Note: I think this CPU, listed above, is a great CPU for the money. Note2: Not on topic, but what power supply might be the most reliable for a new build?
  2. PS: Wishing Mr. L continuing good health, as well. Mr. L. provides intelligent and amusing commentary, which contributes to my good health. When he is healthy, then I will benefit from his good health, is my guess. Fortunately, Mr. L. has a partner who worships the light shining from his posterior. And, as far as I know, Mr. L., also, is a connoisseur of the female form, particularly the hind part of it.
  3. Wishing you continuing good health, Sir! Regards, Gamma
  4. My Fellow Hypochondriacs: I would like to report that, during the past over four years, I have not been sick once.... Not one purple berry, even! Although I hate to be sick, yet.... I am becoming a bit bored. In the past, when ill, at the very least, I could always find a nurse to provide me with a bit of comfort, and chicken soup, and even a bit of Jewish Penicillin. And, sometimes I would give the nurse a shot, too, when I was younger. So anyway, as of today, it's already been over four years since I had a decent case of the flu, or a dose of the clap, or ..... Anything! I am beginning to wonder what's wrong with me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have I somehow lost the ability to get sick? True, during the past four years, I have just about COMPLETELY cut myself off from all polite society. And, truth be told, I now prefer it this way. I have become the typical recluse. I now have ZERO contact with any real humans, and only.... Interact on the virtual level. I am not a ghost of my former self, yet....these days... I just mostly interact with the ghosts on my computer monitor...anytime they... Pop up. When, Oh when, will I ever get sick again? Will I ever rejoin society? Or, is my participation in the Real World, now...just a thing of.... My past? What I miss, somedays, is a hacking cough, and a fever, and the runs.... I just cannot believe that I have not had a good decent RHINOVIRUS for over four years. The last time I became ill with a rhinovirus was back in December of 2019...and...even then.... I wasn't sure if it was a decent one. Maybe I need to stalk a buffalo, just to feel right again. Sometimes, when one lives one's life without risk or discomfort...one forgets...what it really means to.... Be alive! Living such a sterile life as I, these days, leaves something to be desired.... Regards, Gamma NOTE: I don't know why, but many people here in Thailand have too little respect for the buffalo, an animal they think is stupid. Note: Is this dislike for the wonderful buffalo just a best example of projection?
  5. Actually, your comment proves that my intuition is always...spot on. I never figured you for a pot head. You are just too smart and too productive to be one. As to wine.... There are some fine wines that I wish I could afford. And these wines are probably not even available here. I just came across a short story about an epicurean who turned out to be a complete faker. Maybe you know the story, and it's basically a simple story meant for language instruction to help ESL students. There is no substitute for the enjoyment of living life free of mind-bending substances, meaning psychotropic drugs, of which wine is one, it seems. Still, the enjoyment of a fine wine is worth the hangover, the morning after, in my opinion. The only hurdle for me, in my potential imbibing, is the cost, and I would not wish to spend the money on wine when I could spend it on something else, such as a computer, that might afford me many months of pleasure, rather than a morning hangover. So, I guess... I am not the head case that most here might mistakenly believe me to be.... And, neither are you, one presumes.
  6. Somehow, I never figured you for a weed man, or even to be interested in the herb.
  7. Me too!!!! In the future, I will post fewer topics and posts, and I have never been that interested in racking up a high thread count on the forum.
  8. I recall well both versions. I just forget which was which, and only knew that one was superior to the other, and one also longer than the other.
  9. Yes. I bought from Robinsons. Very comfortable. But, I found that they do not wear well when machine washed. One top sheet was about Bt.3000. I believe these are overpriced, but not sure.
  10. Free shipping? No import tax? No shipping delay? These are three reasons I never order from Amazon USA. When in China, I used Amazon China, until, as I mentioned, it stopped its operations there. I would happily use Amazon USA if I were in the US. If Amazon can provide free shipping to Thailand, with no import duty, and get here in one week, than I will buy a lot from Amazon. Tomorrow.
  11. 100 PERCENT cotton is what you need. I do not use sheets that are purchased by most Chinese or Thai consumers.
  12. Sleep like a Thai. Sleep on bare hardwood floor. No need for bed. If no bed,... No need bedsheets. No need to wash sheets. If no sheets. No need for washing machine. No need for clothes dryer. Why sheets expensive? Only Farang need sheets. Sheets a luxury.
  13. The only solution that I have found is to use good headphones, over the ear phones, and then listen to Herbert Von Karajan's Brandenburg. This is a two-CD recording. Plenty of bass from this recording, and enough to drown out almost anything you might come up against in Thailand, including monk chanting, temple drums, and almost anything. There is no Thai music, and no Thai temple chanting, that can stand up to the Austro-Hungarian, H. von Karajan.
  14. One should never feel embarrassed to drive a Rolls-Royce Corniche...unless...it might be....a FAKE Rolls.
  15. No. We didn't have jazz music in Philly when I was young.
  16. No, not a fail. Have you ever heard of: Go/No Go gauge? Think about it. This happened to me.
  17. Just as soon as Xi exits, stage left! China is such an amazing country. I love China. However, I am unable to live under a Marxist-Leninist regime. (Even with clean sheets.)
  18. As I told you.... So.... I guess buying sheets from Amazon in China is....as I had originally thought....probably.... Not feasible any longer. But, it seems that the reports about Amazon China are conflicted.
  19. Yes. Amazon China is actually quite good, I think.
  20. My Fellow Insomniacs: There is just nothing like high quality sheets. During the past 10 years in Thailand, I have been searching for high-quality bed linen at the right price. I must have 100-percent cotton. So far, after over 10 years, I have not found what I have been looking for. Years ago, I bought sheets from China, from Amazon China, which were OK. However, soon after I purchased the sheets, Amazon China went out of business, as far as I know. I am not cheap when it comes to sourcing sheets! Here, for example, is the type of bedsheet that I would gladly buy, if only I could find the same thing in Thailand.... After over a decade in Thailand, I am very satisfied on most fronts, but I am just dissatisfied with the lack of availability of bedsheets here where I am. Also, as everyone knows, I am NOT the ONLY one suffering .... The sheets I have found for sale on Lazada are just not of the quality that I am used to. What to do? I do not know. Over 10 years, and still looking.... If anyone has a link on Lazada for bedsheets that are higher quality and 100 percent cotton....then please post a photo, or two. Thank you. Regards, Gamma Note: I guess you guys know, by now, that I intend to chuck all my linen and bedding, including my pillows and mattress...due to my scabies infestation. This chucking of my bedding will happen this week, maybe about 12 hours before I go to RAM to get treated..... Note2: I look forward to sleeping the sleep of the dead, soon, after replacing all my bedding...and....it will be heaven! ========= Sorry for the misinformation about Amazon China.... Amazon China is still alive, I see.... I purchased bedsheets from Amazon China in the past, when I lived in ChengDu...and....I was quite satisfied with the price and quality.
  21. Which reminds me.... I had a friend in HK who loved the Corniche.... He had several.... Good friends with the commies, too!
  22. I guess that you do not understand that it would be GAME OVER for any country that attacked and sunk a US carrier. Otherwise, US carriers are still useful....
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