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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. I was quite surprised, myself, about this inability to buy land. Quite surprised. Still, I am sure that this is good for the state of Pago Pago People.... See you in Pago Pago...if/when the wind is right....
  2. Before deciding to move to a new place, such as Chiang Mai, I first take a good look at the airport. If I like the airport, then this is a major plus, in my book. Am I considering moving to Pago Pago next week? No... But, is Pago Pago, AS...on my short list for a Plan B? Yes.... So... I like the looks of the Pago Pago Airport. Each to their own preferences...but...as for me.... I like the looks of Pago Pago. What do you think? Too much congestion for you? I think not! Even watching these UTUBE videos of the Pago Pago airport...one can just feel the soft pacific air bathe over one...and it is good. Definitely...Pago Pago is on my short list for a Plan B. But, I hope I never need to enact Plan B... Just as we hope The POTUS never needs to use his Nuclear Football.. I LIKE this airport. Plan B for Pago Pago is .... Still ON! (Who knows.... I may be in Pago Pago even before you know it!) Pago Pago is growing on me....
  3. One presumes... This leaves you... Still alive...and... Still kicking... And, I hope you remain this way...for.... Many, many years to come!
  4. I appreciate your input/reply. Personally, I intend to NEVER drive a vehicle, ever again, just because I do not enjoy the stress. And, I asked the question simply because an acquaintance of mine is seriously considering buying an MG..EV... And, I had heard that MG is now owned by China. So....There have, reportedly, been some problems with China-produced EVs...such as battery-range. Or, maybe the MG EVs in Thailand have good battery/range performance...I do not know.
  5. One of my main concerns when choosing a CPU for a new computer is that the GPU will run 4 displays: So, good enough for my needs. I need 4 DIISPLAYS connected at all times. This is crucial for my choice of an acceptable CPU... Looks like this CPU is rather a winner in many respects.
  6. What about the MG brand EV car? Anyone have a review of the MG evs?
  7. In the photo, they all look the same. Same facial expressions. Same.
  8. Yes. I agree, and I often view computer costs in this perspective that you suggest. BY THE WAY...I have used this site, or the original site that became this site, since about the year 2008, as I recall.... https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_value_available.html This site, in the past, has always provided me with the best up-to-date info on CPU speed vs price.... I really like this format, and anytime I needed a new CPU, I would always visit this site and make comparisons, before buying. I will use this site to help me in my choice this time. And so...I will just buy the i5 here: Cheap..but...good enough... And, I will use it until the day I die.... Maybe...
  9. Part of the model number you listed is blocked, it seems. Which one?
  10. Does anyone here have any idea/opinion concerning the best microwave available in Thailand/CM...under Bt.3000? Some here have told me to chuck my Panasonic machine. The capacitor has already burned out twice. And, as has been stated, repair here in CM might not be the safest option. Therefore, I have taken to heart the views expressed in this thread. And, I am prepared to splurge on a new third microwave oven. It's only a question of WHICH.... Here are two that I found on the internet, but I doubt I can buy these two in Thailand. Ovens are cheap in Thailand...some might say...and in more ways than one. So...what oven might be best? What would you buy? Such a small expenditure, I almost hate to bother anyone here about this.... But, still, I thought I would ask, anyway.... Tks! NOTE: I need a machine with a magnetron that delivers at least 1000 watts of microwave energy to the food....
  11. NO. You misconstrued my actual meaning! I just meant that my heart is often touched by people who are less sophisticate. People who are kind. People who enjoy traditional ways...without needing to refer to Vogue once a day... This is really...ALL that I meant, and nothing untoward or sinister or dark!!!!!!!! Honestly....!
  12. Which one? a. Wife ONE.... Still misses me, and the great in-and-out b. Wife TWO... I don't know, actually. She is somewhere in California...maybe...(Still crazy as ever. She was the HK girl who was SUPER HOT!) c. GF of 20 Years....We still keep in touch. But, not so often. She was the nicest of them all. (Mirror Mirror, Witch Was the Nicest of them ALL?) They all loved me. And, I bet they still do. But, I have since graduated from wishing to be in a relationship. I just hope they can get over me, the loss of me, etc.... I somehow doubt it, though....
  13. You mean, like the Agatha Christie story? And then there were 7? And then there were 6... And then there were none....!
  14. If you say so..then... I might be tempted to believe you. But, only tempted, mind you. (In all honesty...I may....sometime in the future...join the cannabis forum, in a real way. But, I will not join until the time when I no longer have any useful work to do, meaning not "work", but the pursuit of enterprise that I choose to engage in, for the betterment of Mankind and the Chinese!)
  15. Anything is potentially possible. However, I bet that there is at least one person here, including me, who enjoys reading my Topics. Let those who enjoy them, or who can tolerate them with just a grimace, and no more... Click on them.
  16. Sorry... No matter what you say... I very MUCH enjoy your comments, Sir! (This is why you will NEVER be on my ignore list!!!!)
  17. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are NOT wrong!!!!!!!!!! On the Contrary...!!!!!!!!!! Your Original assessment of me is CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us not have any confusion about this important question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I very much welcome .... The Flop! Stay sober. Stay happy. Remain clear-headed, you heads... Every moment of the day!
  19. Obviously...and... Dangerous to ingest anything questionable, these days.
  20. Now you're talking! I agree, 100 PERCENT! Also, IMHO... Here we have.... Clowns to the left of me...and.. Jokers to the right... Just the way I LIKE it! Love it!
  21. Unfortunately, he is not just a bit younger, however...is my thought....
  22. Anyone who really knows me... Likes me.
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