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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Next time I am at Robison's I will buy a pair. I will wear them around my village. Should be great for promotion of good will around here.
  2. I would take type 2, any day of the week.
  3. I use flip-flops with treads that won't slip on a wet soapy tiled kitchen floor. Not sure what the material might be... Sold in Thailand under the Gambol brand. So good...that...I... Bought one dozen pair in 2014, and still have some that I have yet to use. Glad I found them! Very safe for use in the shower, too!
  4. Those were the days before vocal artists, such as those of today, resorted to the use of electronics and software to ensure singers sounded on-key by correcting their lousy untrained musical talents...
  5. 1985...to visit China Town....and... To see a customer (importer).... And...to get a passport.... And, to drive from The Main Line to NYC in my father's XJ6 Jag... Such great memories....for sure. Not one ribbon did I see, though....
  6. As I mentioned above, the name of our first Microwave Oven, probably around the year 1967 to 1969, began with an L... I wracked by brain(s), and was able to recall that it was a LITTON oven. Quite large and very well made. Also...somewhat expensive.... I wish things today were still built with as much quality as this old Litton oven! Plenty of power. And, big enough for an entire turkey...too...!
  7. I fractured the neck of the femur, and fracture of the femur is not fun. These days, I am part titanium, and happy to be alive. Still, the beauty of the snow in winter in New England is worth the risk, if one takes precautions.
  8. If you are like me, then you are supremely enchanted by Thai women who, on most days, wear ribbons and bows in their hair. This is a custom that is no longer in fashion in the workplace of New York City, and I love the quaintness of it. I am always attracted to any woman, but only Thai women, who sport ribbons and bows in their hair. I do not know why? Maybe it is that the ribbons and bows shout....INNOCENCE and GOODNESS and CUTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can almost not contain myself, the feelings that swell within me, anytime I see a Thai woman with a pony tail and a ribbon to match. Some of these ribbons that Thai women wear art topped by very cute animals of all colors. There is really nothing like this that I have ever experienced during my travels in East Asia.... Why do they love these animal ears, too...???!!!!!! I LOVE the look, for sure!!!!!!!! I just wish I were younger so that I could have a GF, so that I could, almost twice a week, gift her with new ribbons and new animals to wear in the hair. Do you have this same obsession with Thai women showing off this amazing look? Thailand has, really, so very much to offer. Thailand is MARVELOUS! Regards, Gamma NOTE:
  9. I enjoy the crisp dry air of winter in New England... Autumn leaves, and all that leaves entail. And, a warm fire in the hearth... I miss the SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coltrane is always amazing...but.. Best in the snowy weather with Mulled Wine...
  10. Yes. Crampons. I was thinking the same... Also good in summer months for golphing...maybe...!
  11. Hi Folks, One thing I worry about as I contemplate my winter visit home to New England: I worry that, not being used to the ice, I might slip, fall, and facture my femur. Do you ALSO worry about such an eventuality as this? I bet you do! Therefore, what are the best shoes to buy that will not slip on icy stairs, or stoops? From my perspective, I would say that these shoes are quite handsome. But, are they truly the best for geriatric walking on ice in the city? https://www.solereview.com/the-best-shoes-for-walking-on-ice/ Any alternative suggestions based on experience? Thank you. Regards, Gamma Note: I can no longer afford to facture another femur....Just like you.
  12. It's very difficult to find an acceptable toilet in HK. Many toilets are kept locked. At least, this was my experience. In Chiang Mai, toilets are quite clean in the malls. I do not use toilets in restaurants or at gas stations. The toilets at the university are very well maintained, and plentiful. The students keep the place presentable. The students at CMU are excellent. NOTE: In fact, it's extremely difficult for me to find anything to complain about around here...(valid complaints, I mean).
  13. I am a New England boy, through and through... Who and Whom, and when to use each? This is not so easy, since one is constantly bombarded by improper usage on Social Media... https://www.grammarly.com/blog/who-vs-whom-its-not-as-complicated-as-you-might-think/ Yes... Thank you for the correction! Sloppy writing is becoming a bad habit of mine which... Needs correcting...not to mention... Constant vigilance.
  14. The REASON for this state of affairs is that the CCP, in all its science-based wisdom, requires spending MAXIMUM time on learning NONSENSE... This is true. Of course, there are great Chinese students in cities such as Shanghai who attend top high schools, and then go on to be stellar lights at the worlds top universities in the USA, such at The University of Pennsylvania, a slouch school which, I think, just judging by the culture at Penn, is even better than Harvard, but maybe not as good as MIT or CalTech...
  15. Whom amongst us does not enjoy the intellectual challenge of making sense out of what we read around here?
  16. A moron? Or, a maroon? At the very least...Trump was born before the rampant tatt culture, because, otherwise, he might be covered with tattooed Slogans.... What Slogans would you imagine Trump might have chosen to adorn his gorgeous BOD? I feel the need for seeing Trump on His Catwalk....
  17. I just hope that you are not referring to any of MY comments, comments which are NOT the result of ant-Chinese propaganda, in any way.
  18. I also loved my time of study in China. However, I do NOT agree with the new transitions in the ed system, as a result of the changing demographics...new transitions which are, at present, severely and negatively affecting teenage students in China. It is very MADDENING to witness this....if one cares about the development of children in China...
  19. Why? Definitely strong family devotion. Ancestor worship, and FILLIAL PIETY. Superior intelligence. Excellent work ethic. A strong sense of pursuing goals that are congruent with long-standing Chinese values, such as saving and purchase of land, and much more. Abiding respect for education. Willingness to sacrifice in order to obtain delayed reward, and reach important goals for the good of the family. etc etc etc
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