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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. What you describe is what we used to call...Rubber Necking.... Nobody can keep from staring at a car wreck, or a brawl in Pattaya, tragedies such as these.
  2. 1000 Watts from Panasonic 850 Watts from the other two. 150 Watts of extra umph/energy from the Panasonic magnetron makes a significant difference. Also... Here is the logic: Machine ONE: Omelet Machine TWO: Reheat Rice in Bowl Machine Three: Cabbage soup with Ginger Machine Four (in the offing): Reheat Chicken Breast This way, everything gets hot together. Total wattage to run 4 machines simultaneously: No more than 4200 Watts (I have heavy duty CBs...40 Amps, which is more than enough.) There is a method to my madness, as you can see. Everything I do is, basically, logical.
  3. Yes. It's not the expense of the microwave ovens that causes me to wish to fix my Panasonic machine. Panasonic no longer produces microwaves, I was told. And, I like my old Panasonic, and therefore would opt to fix it if this can be done in a safe way. The newer Electrolux machines are super cheap!
  4. Obviously, they are just carrying TOO MUCH Cargo! Cargo, including Lots of Spam!
  5. Yes. Working out Extremely Well for me, as well.
  6. I find the phrase offensive and tiring and JARRING.... I would rather they just say.... BYE, Guy... or, even.. BUY, Dude!
  7. Business visa/Investment visa... Approx USD250,000.00 investment as director of a business in Taipei. I was there from 1979 to 2013.
  8. My thoughts, EXACTLY. Too many come to Thailand without much forethought or planning. They have never really lived in Asia, and expect life in Asia to be the same life they are used to. This is my worry about moving to some faraway rock like American Samoa. Thailand is the best that I have found. But still, one needs a Plan B, even if the plan is never acted upon.
  9. I was actually thinking the same thing. However, I have not noticed much slow-down on my desktop computers using AdBlock for UTUBE...
  10. I long-ago did all of these. But, the problem is with viewing UTUBE videos. They have slowed down to a crawl for some reason in the past half-year. Otherwise, the compute is fast enough for text processing, etc... Google MEET video is also fine. UTUBE is now just a crawl... And plenty of buffering, too.
  11. Yes. Definitely, I will search for the film and watch. https://youtu.be/XfvYEIBSCF0 Prayer Time in Pago Pago! Pray to Save!
  12. Yes. I also thought of this advantage! Pogo Pogo rises steeply out of the sea. The Hawaiians hate the Haole (singular and plural form, or haoles if you prefer an alternative plural form), as you alluded to.
  13. Thank you. Do you care to elaborate? Hope you will....
  14. Yes. But, I already added maximum RAM to my 2014 Acer laptop. And, it's now slow as molasses in the Cold Season.
  15. Depends...maybe... If you are satisfied to just use command line instead of GUI... Try OPENSUE...and use it on an old laptop... And then, get a new Desktop with much more powerful components for less money.
  16. As has been frequently stated here by TV Members, and wisely so, is that all Farang retirees living in Thailand should prepare a Plan B, lest they get caught short due to lack of planning. Thailand is the best place one could retire if one is of my bent of mind. However, I have been listening to the Members on TV, and so I have begun a bit of planning for myself, too, in case of some unanticipated eventuality. I had not even considered Pago Pago until, two days ago, I watched the film Rain. And suddenly, half-way through the film, or probably during the glorious first minute of the movie, it hit me that Pago Pago is really the place for me, or the next best place for me. My concern, just like any retiree from the West who thinks about making a major move to Thailand, is what might go wrong, or what would I do if I found that Pago Pago might not be to my complete liking? It would not be so easy to make another move returning to Thailand. Therefore, at the moment, I am trying to investigate ways that I can first test the waters of Pago Pago without fully committing myself to a decade of hell if Pago Pago might not suit me. For example, what is the best way to get to Pago Pago for a month or two? Are there any fast boats to Pago Pago? Or, would I need to fly commercial, which I hate, due to the riff-raff one is forced to sit with in the Aluminum Tube? What would be the cost of testing the waters in terms of money, effort and time-spent? Are there any cheap direct flights from CM to Pago Pago? The above prices are for round-trip fare. But, I could cut the cost if I opted for just ONE-WAY... And throw caution to the wind... But, No, because I will always be back, I think.... I Will Be Back!
  17. Re cataracts, I do not know. However, I think that some of the factory service being carried out might also not ensure that all is 100-percent put back and installed the way it should be, according to original design and specs.
  18. Too non-specific an utterance....and therefore quite useless...and more like a nervous tic.
  19. Yes...maybe now....perhaps... But, when I was there, for any serious medical issues, they required the flight in of some better doctors, from time to time. Or, one needed to be flown out for major procedures...UNLIKE CM, where we have access to Ram Hospital, and the like. Thailand is DEFINITELY better for medical...according to what I heard in the past, while on Guam, for a short time (not Short Time, by the way). I may have been mistaken. Or, the situation may have changed during the past twenty years...since I was last there (Guam). I did not like Guam, by the way! Very overcrowded. Very low class type people milling about, all over the island. And many other negative aspects of life on Guam. And, too Americanized for my tastes.
  20. Was that American Samoa? Did you visit Pago Pago? Tell us more, please.
  21. Before Moving to Pago Pago: It is most important to...Know Thyself.... And, I do. a. I hate shopping and shopping malls. b. I don't enjoy traffic jams or vehicular congestion. c. I am one who appreciates, most, just communing with Nature. d. If I can see the mountains and the sea, uncluttered, then I am happy. e. I prefer to meet people on line rather than up close and personal, in which case negative traits and foibles become quickly overwhelming. Distance from People makes my heart grow fonder. f. I have already lived many years in isolated places, and this has always had a positive and rejuvenating effect on me. g. I have never been caught up in conspicuous consumption mindlessness, and I do not like to live around people who flaunt their Mercedes Benz autos, and their Rolex watches, and their HUGE McMansions. h. On the contrary, I prefer to live in nothing more than a large concrete box with open windows, and maybe just a trusty mongrel to keep me company. I. And, finally, I believe that through my upcoming permanent move to Pago Pago...I will finally find my true Sadie Thompson to share the final chapter in what has been, for me, A Wonderful Life....
  22. You just need Bluetooth, and then you can stick your phone wherever it feels best.
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