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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Truly, Man. If you want to get a better understanding of human behavior, and also the commenting behavior on TV, and posting behavior on this thread....then... You should first become more familiar with the predictive and descriptive power of...FRACTALS....
  2. Your rule is old hat, and was always too simplistic. I suggest that you get on board with power laws. 80/20 is for high-schoolers...by comparison.
  3. I am Sailing... I am Sailing... I am Going.... To Samoa.... Visa Free Can you hear me....? I am Going.... Ever after... Visa Free.... I am Sailing... I am Sailing... To Sa Mo Ah Visa Free!
  4. Sorry to hear you lost your land in Thailand.
  5. Finding a house to rent in American Samoa might not be so easy as finding a house in Chiang Mai: https://amsamfam.com/finding-a-rental-house-in-american-samoa/ Finding a nice and cheap place to live in AS might not be so easy. It might be better, before you go, to reach out to a village headman....and... This might take time. Therefore, maybe, it would be best to begin planning one's move at least a year in advance. And, above all, be diligent.
  6. At first, I had misread your comment... And I read it instead as: A visiting anthropologist said it is a land of sex with men averaging some 21 inches in length.... And, hung like horses.
  7. What about MEDICARE for US Citizens retiring to American Samoa? I am not sure.... Anybody know? Yes, Folks... I am taking this seriously, this AS retirement option.... https://www.medicare.gov/Pubs/pdf/11037-Medicare-Coverage-Outside-United-States.pdf ALSO...What even IS Medicare? Not surprisingly, even I did not know, probably because I had never thought much about Medicare before today... So, Medicare is what? Go here to find out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicare_(United_States) But, what might this mean for people like me? I have no spouse. My Chinese wife from Hong Kong is now a practitioner of International Law living in California. She likes the USA, and I like Asia, and never the twain of us shall meat...again. =========== So, seriously... Might some US citizen, such as I, one over the age of 65, qualify for Medicare in American Samoa? The only reason I might use such Medicare health assistance would be as a consequence of some circumstance such as dementia, or catastrophic and sudden health failure. IF, for example, I were living in Japan, then the costs of such a health crisis could be astronomical. In Thailand, the costs would be FAR lower than in Japan, and paying cash always seems the best way, at least for somebody like me. HOWEVER...IF...as I continue to age, and since I know that I never wish to leave Asia or the South Pacific, or what have you, and since I hate Guam, then there are few options, and Pago Pago is BEGINNING TO LOOK....more wonderful by the hour, the more I do my research. If anyone here might be interested in the healthcare aspect of life for the US Citizen retiree in American Samoa, and wishes to add their two cents about this important consideration...then...please do.... This is no joke Topic, for sure.... American Samoa is a real option for some, such as I. In fact, AS could end up being the endpoint of my Final Voyage in this life. Healthcare is important. Internet is important. All other considerations and challenges can be easily sorted out, one might imagine.... Note: As I stated, I know ZERO about Medicare. I always thought I would never return to any place where Medicare might be available. But...AS? i COULD live there, for sure.
  8. As you know, I always take thoughtful insults directed at me in the best spirit that they are given. Boy George is OK by me, too.
  9. Bounder is the more traditional British word that I far prefer. But... Ups to you. By the way: I find your need to define BOUNDER and TOSSER to me, a simple American, a bit insulting to my intelligence. Any guy over 13 in America, who had read a few books, would already be very well acquainted with these two words. Or, were you intentionally just trying to playfully insult my intelligence by defining words that are understood? What if I defined to you the term...Radio Flyer? Would this not be, also, an insult to your intelligence? But, I would never do such a thing....
  10. Yes, actually, you are entirely correct. When I buy bread flour, I check the gluten content. The higher the better... Within reason. Good for baking Good for taste Good for texture I am not a sensitive person. (When I was born, we never heard, almost on a daily basis, the phrase gluten free.)
  11. What is the difference between a tosser and a bounder? A tosser is sort of a bounder, in my opinion. But, a bounder might not necessarily be a tosser. Slang is often difficult to define in these contexts. Although, a BOUNDER is definitely NOT slang. You can find the word bounder used in many English (British) novels. However, decades ago, the word bounder never appeared in the Merriam-Webster dictionary...because... I know. Many years ago, decades ago, I checked. Bounder was not included in the American dictionary.
  12. Nobody here is on the verge of going off the deep end. However, there is a very poor speller amongst us, and I am the culprit. Rubbernecking is what I intended to write, and not Rubber Necking, something that I never tried when I was a teen. Also, one can never have too much time on one's hands, especially when one reaches his or her seventh decade. The problem is that there is just not as much time as we would like. When we age, time becomes compressed and passes ever more quickly. When you get to be my age, you will experience this phenomenon directly.
  13. No Way, Jose! I like to get everything together at one time, and at one sitting. I was brought up this way at our dinner table when I was young. We had a Black Mamba who would serve our meal at dinnertime. And, she would first serve the soup, after lighting the candles. And then we would have various dishes spread out, all piping hot, on the tablecloth... And, after we had had our fill, then we could have dessert. This is why I like to have everything hot at the same time. If my rice is not hot when the cabbage is hot, then how can you eat either one, since they must be eaten together. This is the way it should be.
  14. You are not the first one to say this, by the way.
  15. Those that create the newest advances in technology are trained in the West. And, those that create the newest technology represent less than a fraction of one percent of the population. Shanghai is a city where you will find the best schools, and the guys who get into MIT, Harvard, CalTech, and Princeton. These guys are at the very top, a fraction of one-percent of the population. China's ed system could be much improved if ideology, gov control, and thought control, could be totally removed from the system. And, China's ed system could be much improved by removing ALL controls over free exchange of information via the Internet. And stop the Chinese Intranet which is almost totally cut off from the rest of the world. One problem for students and researchers in China is idiotic internet control by the governments of each province, and by the state, nationally. But back to the topic: At this present moment, the political system of China is CRUSHING the young people of China, today, especially those attending school at ages 13 to 18. The government is after increased control of the society, and they probably have decided to increase their control through increased control over young people...through the Chinese ed system. This is new, and this is fairly recent. Parents in China, of course, do not like to see what is happening to their children under the new ed system in China. They voice their opposition when and where they can. But, their protests are stifled. And the CCP machine just rolls over them. I know this to be true, just from reports personally conveyed to me. So...basically, these reports were the impetus for this topic...because.... Nobody wants to see young children crushed by a political machine. This has already happened during the Cultural Revolution, and at other times, post revolution. The CCP is disgusting. It needs to go. Crushing a child's curiosity and creativity and happiness at such a tender age, for political control...is... Barbaric....
  16. Yes. Now you know. And now, after reading your comment...I know...why...I...so much... Love TV!
  17. You are always welcome to join me, Sir, wherever I go. I have no doubt that you and I might be able to "hit it off" together and enjoy each other's company, outside this virtual world.
  18. I COMPLETELY disagree with your view about this thread....COMPLETELY. Anyway, concerning your statement: "I'm amazed at the vile tropes that keep getting echoed here, especially about non-farangs.", I am completely in disagreement with you on this point. Perhaps you are amazed through your own misunderstanding of what is actually being said in this thread. Also, here you will find various views that may not entirely agree with your understanding of what you perceive to be reality, which is definitely not anyone else's reality. For example, let's say you are from Singapore, then you have have been drinking the Kool-Aid from a very early age, even before you could think for yourself, and, as a result, have different views from someone who may have grown up under a less authoritarian regime. As for me? I have spent MOST of my life in China, and while there, I did not interact with many farang, for sure.... After all, most Farang I met during my years in Asia were just too depressed and sad from having to carry the White Man's Burden for so many years, and I steered clear of them because I did not want to become so depressed myself.
  19. That was a few years back, I think. Anyway, my hat is off to Rogers for being one of the first westerners to ride around China on a motorcycle, at least post revolution. That takes real guts, I must admit. However, say what you like.... MIT and CalTech are still the best in the world. And, ChongQing university and BeiDa ....cannot...even... Come close!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. YumCha...is Hong Kong speak, maybe, for farang....(Cantonese) Mandarin is YinCha In HK, you got....dim sum... Which is Cantonese for dianxin...meaning to eat "snacks" while drinking tea. Anyway, I have spent many happy hours in HK imbibing in dim sum/yum cha...etc....
  21. I need FOUR Microwaves, as already stated. Simple Logic, and why are you unable to follow it? I want all my dishes piping hot AT THE SAME TIME. Let us say, just for argument's sake, you have ... a. bowl of rice b. cabbage and ginger soup c. five-egg omelet d. one chicken breast e. Two AirCons going full blast.... What do you do to get all four dishes heated to the desired temps at the SAME TIME? Obviously: The only SENSIBLE thing to do is to obtain FOUR Microwaves and NUKE the four dishes at the same time. Anyway, this is what I do. I have one microwave in the kitchen, one microwave in the living room, and one microwave in my study. But, next week, I will go to Big-C, and get my Panasonic microwave repaired, and buy one new microwave.... Then, I will have... One in the kitchen One in the living room One in my study And, one in my bedroom.... Capisce? Makes plenty of sense when you consider the logic of it all, or, of them all... Note: Mr. L.... I am NOT joking about this. I have tried various other solutions, and the only way to get four dishes hot at the same time...so that I can enjoy my meals, is to have FOUR microwaves.... In addition: These days, microwave ovens are super cheap, and I would say TOO cheap. So, for about Bt.2800 time FOUR, you can have enough equipment to do what I need to do... AND, I recall the day we bought our first microwave oven, sometime around 1967, or so, .... That microwave was SUPER expensive, and much more high-powered, and lasted a LONG time. The brand name of our first microwave....? I think it began with an L... But, I forget.... Note2: I just recall, in 1967, I was at that age when I enjoyed exploding raw eggs in the oven....BOOM!
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