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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Everybody knows that the people/students living in Singapore are, on average, of higher intelligence. But, we are talking about education. Did you watch the Noam video links I posted? If not, please do, and then get back to me. Thank you. Also, I was not aware that there existed a highly credible uni in Vietnam, especially one where the curriculum is taught in English. Have you, in fact, ever even read an MA thesis written by an ESL author? Gibberish and Garbage, at the very best. Anyway, I do not wish to disabuse you of your fantasies... And, as everyone knows, trying to change anyone's views by resorting to logic is a fool's errand. But, if you are open minded, then take a few minutes to watch the Noam videos I posted in a previous comment, and enjoy!
  2. Noam is rather an earthy character. Definitely, he would enjoy it. Noam has travelled to Thailand, as I recall. Yet, he rarely talks about his adventures in Isan. Maybe he wants to keep that part of his life hidden from his students. Not sure.
  3. Turn for the worse, or turn for the worst... It's all bad, these days.
  4. Yes. Good suggestion. Torvalds actually wrote an article (quite a few years ago) about his love of both working in his pajamas at home, as well as his love of using a ram disk in the PCIe slot. I think you might know Torvalds.... So, I will take his advice. Thanks for reminding me. Excellent suggestion with low price....and good guarantee. Tks for this!
  5. I read it. Good. Seinfeld is sort of an enigma... He disappeared from public view, so suddenly, it sometimes seemed...whether true or not.
  6. Yes. But, I never learn anything by doing so. And, I feel unclean afterwards. Someday, I will learn my lesson... Hopefully.
  7. Have you ever been to the top of TAIPEI 101? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taipei_101 Please go!
  8. An improvement, certainly. Some cannot accept constructive criticism. Nice to know that you can.
  9. Anything and Everything. And, as I stated before... Helping the Chinese. I am an Old Friend of China, let's not forget.
  10. No doubt, your children will remember, and remain appreciative of your efforts throughout their lives. No doubt.
  11. The Color Red is best for the New Year, according to long tradition. Therefore, the choice of red makes sense in this case.
  12. This problem with audio and clarity of spoken lines is a problem not only plaguing television broadcast dialogue. This problem has also existed in films of recent decades. This problem has been discussed often. One problem cited involves the placement of microphones....And also the new methods of filming which do not require actors to stand close to the mics when reading their lines. Just google this Topic and you will find Tons of discussions. These days...actors are more free to walk around beyond the optimum distance for a microphone to pick up the best sound quality. Google it and see if I am not correct in this.
  13. It would be colorless. And, who wants to live a colorless day? You should thank me for all my efforts; it seems to me....regaling you, as I do....
  14. I thought not. But then...why the many emoticons of some cartoon lying down with mirth?
  15. Question: Do you ever find your writing style to be a bit dense and stilted? Or, is it just me? Of course, when one deigns to publish their work on a public site, such as TV, then one should not only expect critique, but one should also be willing to meticulously find fault in what one writes, even before submitting it for public viewing. Not sure whether or not you might agree. I am now considering offering my services to writers on TV as a writing consultant, either for free if the budding writer is poor, or for donations to a good cause if the aspirant is rich. Hit me up, if you would take me up on this one-time offer. I am sure that we can cut your verbosity down to size, quite easily, in order to make it more readable, not only to you, but to everyone else. Don't delay, is my best advice to you.... Best regards, Gamma
  16. It is not that I do not like the headline. It is only that the actual news story rarely measures up to the headline. Always a letdown, with Thaiger, IMHO.... But then, what else is new?
  17. Sometimes, like the fish I am, it is difficult to not take the bait. Any suggestions?
  18. This is COMPLETE nonsense...just because.... Almost anyone with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, by definition, is unable to have control over his narcissism. AND, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is almost impossible to treat, simply because the narcissist has no motivation to change....just due to the symptoms of his illness....even though it is also possible that the narcissist may have limited insight into his condition. Read what you write...and then edit out what is bogus, is all that I am suggesting....
  19. Yes... We, those who have used Pirate Bay for many years, understand how torrents work. But, in the past, some sites actually stored the full content on their servers for some files...or.... Maybe you don't know the history of how Pirate Bay has changed throughout the years....? Anyway..... Long Live the Pirate Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the greatest humanitarian gestures of All Time!
  20. Newton 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27 Leibniz 1646–1716 Goethe 28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832 21st Century teaching....Indeed... Rather.... 21st Century Schizoid Man, is more like it... Someday, when you are older, you might gain more perspective and more insight into education, and...by that time...you...might... Get Educated....
  21. Speaking of Smells: I would rather bake bread than clean my toilet, any day of the week.
  22. Tks. Also, I have stopped worrying about the color of my bread. As you know, I just use, almost exclusively, as do you and others, the good quality flour available from the local supplier that sells under the brand name, White Swan. I like this product. The only problem I had in the past was my own fault...due to my adding too much sugar. (Now, all is well. Good product, this flour, and it is sold at a reasonable price, too.) I never go to bread shops, BTW, because.... WHY? Bread shops are beyond my limited budget, and my bread just tastes better (to me anyway). NOTE: Helpful Hint... For those who prefer dark bread, but cannot find it here.... Just put on a pair of shades, Man, and the bread will become darker.
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