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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Good Job! These Mongolians need the money to fight air pollution in their cities. Thank the Lord for honest taxi drivers.
  2. When you say, "White Bread", what do you mean? Do you mean, "Farang"? Or, do you mean: Whitebread, waltzing down the street with Jimi? Whitebread conservative flashing down the street! Anyway, Jimi was anything BUT whitebread... Wave On! Dig!
  3. What you do not know is that ALL the bread is white bread. Except, in the case of the browner colored bread, they just add in a bit of bran, or something. They usually do not use true whole wheat, or whole grain, to bake any color bread you can think of. Am I right?
  4. Where does Thaiger find these stories? And, why? Seems to me that too many sensational stores finally become less sensational, the more we read of them. No longer that attractive to click upon. And, maybe someone there at their site should keep this in mind. Who knows....
  5. I will still be in full control at age 101. But, I am unsure about what my state of mind might be by age 110, and I agree with you about this.
  6. This will be my next Topic. But, since teeth brushing is off-Topic, I will not say more here, except to suggest that, when one visits Tops, there are just TOO MANY toothbrushes on display. My belief is that the shorter ones are better, and the longer ones do not get the job done, quite as well. Stiff or Soft? I have my own views concerning this aspect of toothbrushing, too. Please wait for it.... I have some Science-based evidence to share, not to mention my own personal experiences with various toothpastes and brushes over the past seven decades. Hopefully, I will be able to shed light here, in my next Topic, which will be helpful to others. I am always aware that my Topics should be as informative and helpful as possible. Tks for your continued interest...for sure!
  7. Could be true, as you say. Or, it might be different for each individual. Personally, I have never rolled around in my own pi$$ and $hit... And so, I do not plan to do so in the future.
  8. Does anybody know: Has anyone read anything, very recently, concerning an impending PRICE Drop in mid-level CPUs, within the next few weeks? The reason I ask is this: https://www.pcworld.com/article/2193906/intel-drops-18-new-14th-gen-core-desktop-processors-at-ces.html Often, as far as I know, when Intel comes out with new and faster CPUs...then the price of mid-level CPUs sometimes decreases. So, I don't want to buy a CPU, such as the one I mentioned in the headline, if the price will very soon be reduced for this item.... My budget is USD250.... And, I will want to get the best CPU for this price. If the price is destined to go down for these CPUs in the next few weeks, then I will wait to buy. Anybody know?
  9. Please do. Please do go on. I, for one, enjoy reading your comments, and replying to your comments, for that matter...
  10. I don't know how you might feel about the celebration of your birthday, and maybe this depends upon one's age. My view is that no birthdays should be celebrated until one reaches the age of 101. And, furthermore, if you can get it up at age 101, just like this Bamboo Building in Taipei, at age 101, then you have something for which to really celebrate. How do you see your birthdays, as time goes by? This song still brings a tear to my eye. INGRID was just so beautiful in this picture...and, she never looked better. Time goes in only one direction. When you get to age 101, then.... There is really only one thing to celebrate, and only one thing to look forward to. Do you wish, as I, that you were already aged 101? No worries once you reach 101.... Regards, Gamma Note: Still, by age 101, I KNOW that this will be my go-to song for feeling better.... The lead singer here comes from Scotland, or his ancestors did...at least.... The guys from Scotland have a better perspective on the aging process....is my belief. Do you agree? NOTE2: When I see these VERY beautiful black girls jumpin', like the fish are jumpin' in that other great song, Summertime, by Ella, it always puts a spring in my step. I simply LOVE these particular girls in this particular song by this particular band, Talking Heads. What could be finer? Answer: Nothing could be finer... The older we become, the more wisdom and knowledge we amass. But, you know, there will come the day when all knowledge amassed in our mortal minds will be lost as the electrical activity which represents our very soul will cease, and then.... What will we have to show for all these years of striving?
  11. Please Note: Many chlorine-free products use formulas that release hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine. Other bleach alternatives include baking soda, tea tree oil, lemon juice, and vinegar. And... I will now try some of these.
  12. RE: BLEACH in Septic Tank? FYI: https://www.muck-munchers.co.uk/can-i-use-bleach-in-my-septic-tank/ https://www.petesoutflow.com/bleach-and-your-septic-system#:~:text=Although bleach effectively destroys germs,will become clogged with waste. And so... Maybe it is best to research this question further. And, if you can hire a woman/man/marine to clean your toilet for you, instead of simply pouring bleach in your bog, then.... Why not? Unfortunately, these days, it is not so easy to call out to hire somebody to clean your bathroom unmentionable. I hate cleaning toilets. This is all that I know.
  13. I love tradition. I am with you in your opinion about this.
  14. What?.... Did I say something amusing?
  15. I never create torrents for upload. Therefore....
  16. Nothing wrong with using torrent clients, me thinks, per se.
  17. Apple is FOREVER overcontrolling. JOBS was a Control Freak, as we all know. Nobody could tell him nothing. And, he died early as a consequence when he insisted that his fruit diet would cure his cancer. Finally, too late, he changed his mind due to the reality seeping in, all too quickly....
  18. I have been to Makro. They do not accept AmEx Card...so...I do not shop there. I am NOT arguing. I do NOT care about my post count, and I only care about the quality of my comments. None of my posts are useless; please just ask other readers who will confirm my opinion regarding this question. AND, I am very interested in bleach, no matter what the brand.
  19. Sorry, but I respectfully beg to differ. Here is meant: a. BEST for my particular uses b. Low Cost rather than High Cost for the range of my uses c. Do I expect an expert answer for my questions? Why not? d. I am not asking anything about automotive related questions. I have already explained my guidelines and my usage for my new computer. Therefore, I would expect that some here would be able to express valuable and informed opinions and suggestions. Do NOT sell the readers on TV short, my friend. Anytime you might, then you also might get the shock of your life. I have been similarly shocked in several cases, so far. And so, I NEVER will, again, sell TV readers short. Take a lesson from what I have already learned, the hard way. Best regards, Gamma
  20. Again.... THANK YOU... THANK YOU.... For pointing this out....! I feel much better now, after reading your info. (By the way, about a decade ago, I could buy one gallon of Clorox at Costco in Taipei for about NTD25, or about Bt.25. I guess the cost of bleach has risen many fold during the past decade... But, there must be a reason for this...right?)
  21. OK. When you are right...you are right....and....I am wrong. Therefore, thank you for your clarification. I will continue to buy Haiter, based on your information. STILL....I think it is too expensive. WHY? I think that most people here do not understand that this product should be very cheap, based on cost of production, packaging, shipping, and distribution. I will not return home, even if I had another home outside Thailand to return to, just because Makro is beyond my means when purchased at more expensive stores. Instead, I will take your advice and purchase it at Makro. And, why don't they give us a discount by packaging this product in 4 liter (litre) jugs? Can you answer me this?
  22. YES! You are correct that there are too many seemingly useless and whimsical changes being imposed on Google users, for no apparent reason. Also, Google being a God, does not listen to mere mortals like you and me. This is a problem caused by Google's Nooglers and Googlers who are, evermore becoming increasingly out-of-touch with their user base. As for me, I just want to be able to use Google's many tools, features, and functions, without needing to think too much. And, as we all know, even Thai Girls teach us that we should NOT: Tink too much.... (They always say...Don't Tink Too Much!) Google's products come and go too quickly. And, they are always asking us too many questions while we using their products, and only want to use these products, without being disturbed by their incessant useless marketing questions. Google is becoming just another lousy company in the same vein as AT&T once was...just too intrusive. Although, it must be said that AT&T was once a dynamite American company, for sure. I JUST HOPE that the Nooglers and Googlers at Google will read my post and try to NOT make too many changes in such short periods of time....which...just cause use users confusion and consternation, and only lead to lower efficiency for us, the guys that use Google products to do the work that we do. Will they listen? NO, they will not. Google is now OUT OF TOUCH with almost all of its users. Google is on Mount Olympus, it seems.
  23. Hi Folks, I do not, really, mean to take up too much of your time in the consideration of my next desktop computer. But, also, I think that some others might be interested in how to get the most bang for the buck. a. I have pretty much settled upon this CPU (INTEL CORE I5-13500 2.5 GHz (SOCKET LGA 1700)) as the one that I will buy next week. b. My only question now is... What mainboard might be best? 1. I will attach three monitors. (and these are sort of legacy monitors, some without HDMI ports, etc, although I can buy adaptors, of course.) ALSO, I might want to attach 4 monitors in some cases, because I think that the onboard Intel CPU graphics can accommodate 4 monitors. Although, I will need to check this.) 2. I need to attach two scanners, and at least one USB microphone, and a few other things. 3. Needs to be really reliable. I have had problems with capacitors burning out in the distant past on other mainboards, probably due to salt air off the Pacific Ocean. 4. I always opt of ASUS motherboards...and I know what to expect. And, I like what I get. c. After this question of which motherboard to choose, I have my second only question of what 500-watt powersupply to select. I have no idea. It seems to me that there must be a heavy import duty on powersupplies to Thailand...but why I do not know. So, which power supply might be best from those offered at JIB? d. I always buy my computer stuff at JIB. I am just a creature of habit, and so I will buy everything at JIB in CM. e. Concerning the CASE for this new build.... I would like to thank everyone for their suggestions, to date. I DID learn quite a bit from the Computer Case input from readers here ont he IT forum. And so, thank you for this. f. Now....I am mostly concerned with which socket 1700 mainboard to buy from ASUS..... I am NOT a gamer. And so I do not need superfast RAM or super fast anything. Except, in the future, I might like to have a PCI-e ramdrive...if you know what I mean. I just want to speed up the display of information on the screen the moment I hit the button, if you know what I am talking about. Therefore, I need the capability to install a Samsung Ramdrive....in the PCIe slot, I think. I will not buy it now. But, I might buy a better one within the next several months. Until then, I will just use my SSD and my 4Tbyte HDDs.... So, anyway, this is just about it... I already know the CPU I will buy. The only question here is what mainboard might be best. I do not mean to trouble you. However, I also realize that there are many here who just enjoy sharing opinions on a Topic such as this, especially when a new motherboard purchase is in the offing. Thank you and regards, Gamma NOTE: Not such a bad price at JIB for this CPU.....but....maybe I could do better elsewhere? Or, maybe they might have a promotion next week? I really do not know.....
  24. Yes. This is why I do not go to see the ocean in Thailand. The pandemic is now over, and so I missed out on the ONLY time I would have gone, if I had had any yen for a visit there.
  25. OK.... FIRST, when considering this Topic, one must define Education! Is Education Indoctrination? Or...then....What is it???? I am with Noam! As usual. Two very interesting videos from Noam. BUT, please begin by watching the second video I have linked here, if you will..... IF you will.....
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