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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. OK...This is a very simple topic which might generate many differing opinions. I am trying to figure out what is the best method and best product to keep my toilet bowl sparkling. Obviously, this is a Topic that many of us do not find very inviting or pleasurable to contemplate. Still, if we are to live happily in our abodes, then there is nothing more important than the maintaining of extremely clean, mold free, etc., toilet bowls. What is your best advice? What do you use to easily keep your toilet bowl inviting? In other words, just think of keeping your toilet bowl in a state which you would not be embarrassed to have your guests see. Obviously, some kind of brush is important. And then, what about some sort of cleaning product, some chemical solution that can provide a good solution to this nasty problem? I will be going to the store, next week, and I want to buy the right products to do the best job possible. No need to write more. This is such a simple but important question. Please provide your best solutions (without any toilet humor, preferably) which might be beneficial to all on this TV forum. Thank you and regards, Gamma Please Note: If I have this Topic in the wrong sub-forum...please move... I was looking for some kind of TV Housekeeping Subforum...but, unable to find.... Thank you.....
  2. Yes, of course. As the global mean temp increases, then this will cause increased water vapor in the atmosphere, which will cause more rain to fall, even as the land becomes dryer. This is just one thing that most people seem to misunderstand: Increasing temps will lead to more rainfall...but....the land will become drier. Please Note: A dryer is a machine that dries something, such as clothes. And, drier is an adjective that describes what is happening to the land about us as the global mean temperature continues to rise. I love the English language in its complete versatility to adequately and easily describe almost any outcome of Nature.
  3. Hi Folks, This is not one of my usual humorous postings, for sure. Throughout last night and into the morning, we had a very steady and soaking rain here in CM. (Also, this has led me to believe that I may not need the sprinklers that I had asked about in the DIY forum, but still not 100% sure.) Anyway, during my many years in Thailand, I do not recall such a soaking rain, a steady rain, and a welcome rain, as we had during, mostly, the wee hours. I believe that we are witnessing just another example of what many have called the Great Global Warming Effect, attributable to the great CO2 outgassing due to human endeavor, and the burning of coal, etc. Yes, for sure, our climate is changing here in CM, just as it is rapidly changing almost everywhere, if not EVERYWHERE. For me, this is not a big deal. I can easily adjust, just as most of you will be able to do the same. However, just as a matter of curiosity... Do you believe that the Raining Season here in Thailand will now be arriving about three months earlier than ever before? If so, should we move up the Thai holidays to coincide with these new dates of changing seasons, and the changing times of the Monsoon? I am speaking, principally, about the Songkran Water Festival. What might happen if the Raining Season in Thailand, from this day hence, might begin in mid-January, as I expect it already has? Will this throw a KINK into the airlines' scheduling and planning, for example? So much to think about... And...so little time to prepare for the more pronounced impacts of Climate Change. YES... For sure..... I do often think about the impacts of Global Heating, and I know that they are REAL, Baby! And, in fact, we will see far more changes during the next few years... And do not think you can wish away these changes, because radical change is already upon us. Any thoughts? Let us plan for the future, instead of escape into a less threatening dreamland of unreality.... Best regards, Gamma
  4. Gimme a BREAK, Man! Be serious. This is a serious Topic. This photo is in no way indicative of 99 percent of Chinese Culture in China, even today. The sensationalist stories popular on social media are in no way accurately reflective of the reality of most Chinese families. Mostly, it is the CCP barbarians who give China such a hard time.
  5. In fact...you are correct.... However, the original moral fiber still exists below the surface. We just need to find some way of ridding the Chinese Culture of the parasitic CCP.... And then, the Chinese Culture will soon recover. I know this is true.
  6. Americans should know better, or should have known better, or should STILL know better...right? And, so should everybody! Use your handkerchief... BUT, please DO NOT use the gutter!
  7. No. It'd be like talking about The Canterbury Tales, on TV, is what you should have said.
  8. Uncommonly common, in this instance, maybe... But, what do I know about anything?
  9. Yes. It is very easy for me to utter, in Chinese, the utterance that you have just uttered here.
  10. Finally, JT... You and I have found something (important) to agree upon. Just do not, ever again, mention to me the unmentionable Dr. F. Thank you.
  11. I am just happy for you that you still find something to love in this world. I love China, for sure, by which I mean Chinese culture, including the language, and the written language, which is just one part of Chinese culture.
  12. Maybe you cannot. But, maybe I CAN, and have/do. I know what I like. However, taste is not something that can be objectively measured. Again, you are so right, JT!
  13. Begin with the mastery of the Chinese language. Even more important than sampling the Chinese cuisine, IMHO.
  14. Again....You speak the TRUTH. Thank you for backing me up here on this important Topic!
  15. The Family is China's strength which has been responsible for the endurance of Chinese culture. I agree that my spelling is atroshuss, and, on most days, I am unable to spell civilisation, in a civil fashion.... Spelling is less important than Familly, however, is my humble two cents.
  16. By The Way: Thanks to all for some good suggestions, THUS FAR. I must assemble a new desktop computer, very soon...probably next week. And, I will try to choose components which might even outlive me (Same as with My Refrigerator.) Personally, I really like the looks of the Fractal Design 7 Case! But, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...I guess. Each to his or her own.... Tks again...
  17. The CCP is warped. Yes. Everybody knows this is true. However, mark my words, The Family shall survive intact, in China. The CCP has, so far, been unable to destroy the Family in China.
  18. Being a US citizen does not necessarily mean that Trump is on one's mind, or even a welcome topic of discussion.T This is the reason for the question posed in my Topic, of course.
  19. Neither. We are talking about Chinese culture, and not Chinese governments. We are not talking about governments; we are talking about China.
  20. No. I would not. What would be the purpose of using fake RAM? What would be the benefit? I use a computer for many years. I buy 16 GB of RAM, and use it for 10 years. I buy the best I can afford, and it lasts, and has never failed. Therefore, it would not be cost effective for me to buy fake RAM. But this time around, I think I will get two sticks of 16GB RAM. And, I will have no need to get the fastest RAM, either. So, IMHO, RAM is a true bargain for what one gets. No need to shirk by buying less than genuine.
  21. They have the right to their conceit. This is what I am saying! What is your favorite Chinese dish?
  22. Australia is STILL a great country, IMHO. I would be HAPPY to live there, for sure. The greatness of a country depends UPON the lens used to view it, for sure. What lens do you use?
  23. Chicken Chao Mien, I think you meant to say...because this is how we romanize the Chinese using PinYin.... Good to know if you are thinking of visiting Beijing, perhaps....
  24. And to think, after all these years, I have still not completely shaken off my American roots....! Boggles the mind, actually.
  25. This may be the consequence of having to STAND IN LINE to obtain anything of value...during the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and the extreme competition for resources ongoing in Commie China. BUT, the Commies have not been around very long, relatively speaking, in Chinese history. They will be gone soon...and...The family will continue to survive.
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