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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. This is why I do not go to see the ocean in Thailand. The pandemic is now over, and so I missed out on the ONLY time I would have gone, if I had had any yen for a visit there.
  2. OK.... FIRST, when considering this Topic, one must define Education! Is Education Indoctrination? Or...then....What is it???? I am with Noam! As usual. Two very interesting videos from Noam. BUT, please begin by watching the second video I have linked here, if you will..... IF you will.....
  3. Singapore is the PITS of education. Who wants to be a robot? Talk about INSULAR, and exhibiting insular thinking. These Singapore Guys are just too constrained and too narrow minded, in my view. And, they DO NOT even know it! Take the Cane to Them, is the best way to beat some sense into them, maybe.... They have been inculcated in group think. Beat it out of them with their own canes, is the best solution, maybe...
  4. Yes. Good Topic. I have, for many years, been looking here for CLOROX BLEACH, at a cheap price, just like it is available in North America. For some reason the Haier Stuff is priced above my means. What is really inside the pink bottle, I do not know. I guess it is bleach, but not sure.
  5. Absolutely...NOT! It is a matter of dedication to learning, and understanding the importance of learning. And, this is a generational thingy, and a cultural thingy. Nobody loves and respects learning more than the Chinese. Why? Isn't it HIGH TIME that all of us got on the Chinese Bandwagon when it comes to the important Topic of learning? And, how to shift focus of the common hoard, in places like Thailand, to take up the cudgel of learning for learning's sake? This, my friends, is the question. Because, respect for learning and knowledge and curiosity about our world....must begin at an early age, and far before the first year at school. This is a very good Topic. But, it is not a Topic which can be adequately addressed in just one TV Topic. Note: I LOVE this Topic!
  6. You also can't pickpocket someone who has no pockets. Or, for that matter, someone who is careful not to fill their pockets with anything but air. I never put anything in my pockets when in public. Consequently, in my opinion, this is the reason I have never been pickpocketed.
  7. The problem of education does NOT start with teachers. Everyone needs to understand this elementary concept. But.... Will they ever?
  8. With regard to formal and informal education in Thailand, I would like to draw the distinction between the typical Apollonian and Dionysian cultures, and the impact these may have upon education outcomes: Let us consider this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollonian_and_Dionysian#:~:text=Anthropologist Ruth Benedict used the,to the Dionysian Kwakiutl people. For example, would you consider Thailand's culture to be either Apollonian or Dionysian, or both? Well, of course, one only needs to open one's window on most nights of the week to have an opinion. And, even if you close your windows, you still might guess. What do you hear: Thud, Thud, Thud, and THUD....all the livelong day. In other words, if the music here in Thailand, the thudding sound of it, is so very distracting to most Farang, then what might you imagine is the effect on young minds? Instead of remaining at home, they are out and about listening to this terrible music, a circumstance almost completely in opposition to quiet study and diligence, and the reading of books. So, parents need to decide for their children: Do they want their children to grow up as THUDDERS? Or, do they want their children, at an early age, to gradually become scholars? As for me, when I was young, I read books with minimum time spent thudding. I know this makes sense. So, people should think about it.... And, take a lesson. This is not rocket science. The cause of the problem is evident. And, the solution to the problem is obvious. Regards, Gamma
  9. I am VERY satisfied with 3BB. And, my phone's DTAC bandwidth is not good on my NOTE4. So, I would never try to share my NOTE4 DTAC WiFi with my desktop. I have 1Gbps UP, and 1Gbps DOWN, using 3BB. Paying about Bt.750...I think...if I recall correctly.... Very satisfied with 3BB. When I call 3BB, the English service is excellent, and I never need wait for an operator, AND...they always send a technician immediately when needed. So, I will NEVER switch. And, I would never consider using mobile internet.
  10. Yes. If only more Thai parents were Chinese parents.... Problem solved in a heartbeat. (Let me please be slightly facetious, here, if you do not mind.)
  11. Again, I will respectfully remind you: The Scientific Method relies on the DESIGN of experiments which are able to test hypotheses. First one observes. Then forms an hypothesis based on ones best assumptions. Then one must devise an experiment to test the hypothesis. Let's not forget this last important step I have just listed, PLEASE....! Thank you!
  12. You forgot: You must design experiments to TEST hypotheses....!!!! And, we do NOT prove observations!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Very interesting Topic! Somehow, a more dedicated ethos involving the importance of education, reading, diligence, homework, study, and a more STEM-oriented curriculum, needs to be instilled in all children from a very early age. The Chinese can do it, and are doing it, and have been doing it for hundreds of years. If the Chinese are able to do it, then everyone can just follow their lead. Simple.
  14. There are nuclear batteries, based on GAMMA Decay, ie GAMMAvoltaics, that can last thousands of years. Unfortunately, these GAMMAvoltaic devices have outputs measured in microwatts, and, unless you have very many of them, probably will not supply enough to power an LED. Still, ongoing research may be able to increase power output, somewhat. I am looking forward to the improvement of GAMMAvoltaic devices which will improve the life of batteries.
  15. Confirmation bias is a problem that all of us must guard against. Confirmation bias infects us all, even HVAC technicians that come to our house to test for proper operation of AC equipment. Confirmation bias is insidious and must be stamped out, as much as possible. This can only happen through proper training and inoculation against such bias.
  16. Have you been able to get funding for your grant proposals? If yes, what was your secret sauce?
  17. I am often asked this question: Will the world end? My reply is always both nuanced and based on Science. But, what about the Faith-Based view? Or, is BOTH Science and Religion, not to mention the Philosophy of Science, all faith-based? Here is a nice video from this German lady that speaks to these two important questions: Also, a further consideration is the view that when the world ends for you, then it also ends for everyone. What is your view? Are you a scientist or a common person? Are you a lay person? And, does the world often seem to end, even though only momentarily, each time you experience an orgasm, which is a phenomenon that many have often reported. Let's consider these questions carefully.... Regards, Gamma
  18. Obviously...NOT...Princeton grads...if they are duped to this extent, IMHO...
  19. I have read that people once drowned cats by convincing the cats to enter a burlap sack, and then tossing the sack into a river. Sounds like the same crime, but with a twist. Very twisted, in both cases, anyway....
  20. Education is better than eradication. Education of dog owners should be a priority.
  21. I enjoy reading your comments. Any thoughtful insults are just icing on my cake, in my opinion. Still, it is most important to treat others (meaning our neighbors and not you) with respect, should we also wish to be treated so.
  22. Two of my neighbors have told me that I bring a touch of class to the immediate area in my neighborhood.
  23. Very nice knockers on the woman to the left. They are very young and, obviously, being so young they were totally ignorant of their transgressions. I am sure they meant no harm. If only they had done some reading, instead of sunbathing, before arriving!
  24. Yes. I too enjoy educated neighbors. Fortunately, not a Farang within a stone's throw. Rarely do I even see a Farang. I prefer living with educated Thai people to the right and to the left of me.
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