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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. UV exposure risks the development of various skin cancers. Also, UV exposure causes the skin to age prematurely. And, UV skin exposure can cause other deleterious effects which, as you say, you truly LOVE. Anyway.... Please feel free to swipe RIGHT on the above image. Be my guest.
  2. Yes. I agree. I hate those black girls who are so white that they try to pass. Just does not seem honest.
  3. This guys looks a little bit like River Phoenix.
  4. This is COMPLETE nonsense. I just hope that you will live long enough to RUE THE DAY...that you penned this nonsensical comment of yours.
  5. Yes, but only about 0.5 to 1.5 percent are COMPLETE rubbish. And, this aint bad.... Thankfully, I know that most people on TV now realize that most of my comments are more incisive than insipid. Thankfully.
  6. Is your name Tim Tiger? Tim is the MAIN Man who thinks that only HE understands satire and irony. How ironical, indeed. He is one of the best examples of NitWit Irony among us Farangs, today, in Thailand, BAR NONE! Old Baldy, by another name, maybe...
  7. NOT comical. JUST logical. I just hope that we are finally OVER those days of the 60s when we thought that lower animals had consciousness and their own personal Gods. Don't be fooled. The research was done....many decades ago.... Inside that chimp mind does NOT exist a Chomsky...for sure. Don't believe me? Then maybe you are a chimp. STOP with your Pop Psychology beliefs, please, because they are totally unsubstantiated by valid research. Still.... UPs to YOU what you believe, I guess.
  8. What? You mean... You don't just love Black Girls singing? I do. I have, throughout most of my life.
  9. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE Where did you study your American History? You need to broaden your horizons beyond US Elementary School... Try Howard Zinn on for size, why don't you? So many other good and decent authors that might change your warped view of American History for the better... BUT, do you have the time and will to actually READ books, besides...
  10. Don't gimme no White Bread, NO TIME, NO HOW! Just a lil bit.... Just a lil bit. Do you feel as I? I KNOW you do.... And, the Black Girls go... Lou Reed knew what he was singing about.... RESPECT!
  11. In Thailand, there should be NO BAN on the consumption of Barking Dogs. Instead, Barking Dogs should be considered morally edible. The human consumption of barking dogs should be encouraged. Note: Humans who consume barking dogs should be wary of the fact that, in some cases, after eating dog meat, humans have been known to emit canine-like vocalizations, sometimes whining, yapping, or even barking. In Canton, this phenomenon of humans barking like dogs after the consumption of XIANG-ROU has been recorded many times during the past century.
  12. All the more reason for me to remain quarantined, or under self-quarantine, for another two years. Total time of my self quarantine will probably extend to about 6 years, before we see the end of this virus. Still, I do enjoy more time with myself. Home Alone.
  13. No... Actually... It is the will of the demigods on this forum, obviously....
  14. For Eternity, surely.... At least, as I recall it, I was less stressed out, then.... And far happier...too.... If I were to be honest about it. STILL: On the other hand....IF I had not been born, then would I have ever heard The Brandenburg?
  15. Thank you, AGAIN, for your suggestion of this type of tape! This, I am confident, will most definitely do the trick. So, you see, TV is often a valuable font of information useful to expats in Thailand, not unsurprisingly. Norwegian Wood.... It's time for bed....
  16. I can honestly say that I enjoy ALL of you comments. However, who knows about the other members of this forum. It's just a matter of taste; and we know that good taste is something frequently lacking on TV. Well!!!! Talk about BAD Taste!
  17. Yes, I do agree with you, partially. And, might I add just one thing to this comment?: Personally, I find it very gratifying and encouraging that you so kindly deign to read and reply to some of my more interesting Topics. Honestly, I cannot thank you enough, just because there are so few people of value on TV who truly "get" my Topics. As you may recall, Washoe knew nothing of God. And, the researchers who handled Washoe made the choice to NOT inform Washoe the Chimp of his mortality. It was the decision of the researchers and grad students who managed Washoe that .... to impart the knowledge of MORTALITY to a Chimp such as Washoe would be too cruel, and even rise to the level of Animal Cruelty. I could go on about this and many other things relating to the God of Chimps compared to the God of Man.... But, I think this comment is long enough for your liking. Am I right? ===== Anyway, lest we forget the Great Washoe, here is his photo for all posterity.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washoe_(chimpanzee) Barnum might have had more to say about this chimp, of course. Thank you, once again!
  18. As we all know, when the smoking season in Thailand begins in earnest, then many of us will spend much more time indoors than outdoors. As I have also mentioned, several times, I do NOT mind the Smoking Season, but often welcome it. The Smoking Season provides me an excuse to remain indoors and attend to many things, such as working on my new book. Also, The Smoking Season allows me to spend more time with the Chinese students who really need me to set them straight about things like Biology, The Meaning of Life, and other matters of import about which some of them have fairly limited understanding. So...YEAH....Even though the Smoking Season is abhorred by many here in Thailand, yet for me, I take the Smoke in Stride, and just do my best to enjoy it more than many of you might expect. After many months of very clean air, I even find myself looking forward to some at-home time, behind my house gate, walled up in my house, with Gaffers Tape sealing my windows, snug as a bug in a rug so to speak. My only complaint is that, each year, I have found it difficult to predict how severe the Smoking Season will be, and when it will begin. Are there any METRICS we can look at to more predictably predict the approximate week of the year when the white stuff will descend upon us? As we know from experience, when the white stuff fills the air at night, then the street lamps turn fuzzy, and there are circular patterns caused by refraction of the light rays from the street light passing through the smoke, which I also appreciate. (Are these circular patterns due to refraction of light? In my opinion, unschooled overly much by Physics, I would say....YES! And, this might be called the TYNDALL EFFECT: So therefore, we can see that there will be a lot to learn from this next Smoking Season, whenever it finally descends upon us in EARNEST. a. When will the REAL Smoking Season begin, and not just this early precursor to the real Smoking Season? b. How severe and HEAVY do you think the Smoke of 2024 will become during the next several months? I am VERY GLAD to be able to experience life here in all its splendor, culturally, as well as in many other ways. I am sure this is the case with others, such as I, who have lived in Asia, not just SE Asia, most of their lives. Make sure to have a few air purifiers and a few large rolls of Gaffers Tape on hand before the Smoke arrives, is my best advice. Best regards, Gamma
  19. Personally, I would not go so far as to encourage euthanasia for you; this is a personal choice, I believe. Anyway, if you do not live to at least 105, I will be most surprised. Furthermore, if you should not live to age 105, I hope you will send me a PM, so that I know. I will still be here on TV, for sure, awaiting your news. I would guess that you will live quite a bit longer than you now anticipate, just due to advances in medicine during the next eight years. I can't provide you with any guarantees, but this is just my prognostication based on my present understanding of science and the predicted advances in medicine now already in the works. Good luck to you. But, for sure, I just hope that you do not outlive your GF who enjoys the light emanating from your posterior, as do we all. As long as the mind remains lucid, then life remains valuable to each and every one of us, no matter our advanced age.
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