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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I think CRINGE is one of the most versatile of words among those recently added to the modern English lexicon. Still, due to its versatility, CRINGE has probably become far less meaningful in any given usage.
  2. It's like War and Peace It takes more than a minute to form an opinion.
  3. Why? Is it because the students know that the teachers are just too dumb or disinterested to be able to reply logically? Or, is it because nobody cares about academics? Or, is it because everyone has SEX on the brain? Or, is it because they have not had a decent breakfast? Or, is it because the students fear that the teacher might think them ...UPPITY? Or, do students receive negative reinforcement for asking questions, every time? Or, is it because some students realize that some questions might not be appreciated....such as....
  4. Sure, there are plenty of pics. How many do you need?
  5. You did not watch the documentary.... The Farmer's Wife worked even harder than the farmer, for gods sake. She worked, and she worked....until...she almost worked herself to death, and almost thanklessly.... This is just one of the key points of this documentary I linked. Please watch, and then comment....Tks!
  6. Better before, I think. Not sure about Brian, though....maybe he was good.
  7. There might be many reasons for what you observe when observing foreigners. a. dementia b. illness, either mental or physical, or both. c. intentional d. a bad hook-up with a Pattaya Bar Girl, is a reasonable assumption e. old age f. reading too many Topics on TV Farang Pub, probably... g. Feet might have been soaking in brine...and who really knows because you did not ask him the question which you are now asking us....
  8. This is the BEST headline of all time.... My only question is.... Why was I not able to come up with it before you.... How did you, before I.... This is the question. Am I slipping, Sir Frog?
  9. Of course, DUAL was a cheap turntable, back in the day... But, still, the Farmer's wife could not afford one, while working on her farm.... Fortunately, I am happy to inform you...that.... She can now. During recent times, her life has improved a great deal...and.... She is now very happy and successful.... And, her happiness makes me happy, too. Still, DUAL was a cheap one....yet, quite adequate....with very little wow and flutter....for the money...
  10. One thinks that the Farmer's Wife would never have spent money, so frivolously, as to buy this turntable.... She was a beauty, both the wife and the turntable.... There are different realities for different folks, I guess. And there are different turntables and wives, too. Just depends upon one's taste.... IF one has any taste...which I very much doubt.... Here on TV.
  11. Dear Folks, Here in CM, the Tokay lizard has returned. Just a moment ago, I heard, for the first time this year, the wonderful vocalizations of the grand Tokay. What does it actually sound like on a good night??? I love the sound. When I first arrived in Thailand, I thought this lizard kept repeating....FU, FU, FU....but it doesn't... In fact, nobody knows what it is saying. Weeks ago, we had the arrival of that bird that sounds like a backing-up Toyota minivan. And now, we have this. These wonderful sounds of Thailand mark time, and remind us that... One more year has passed, and that we... Are one more year closer to being burned in the local temple...if... We are fortunate, and LUCKY..... I don't know about you....but.....I might not have too many more ....seasons....to... Hear... Once again..... This sound of the Tokay lizard, in the month of March...... So lizards, my friends, can be seen as both a blessing and a curse.... Their arrival is a blessing, marking a new year. Their curse is their sound....always....and forever.... FU FU FU FU..... This is Thailand, and the lizard is a comfort to me. I love the sound of them. Fantastic beasts, really, even if they are too tiny...for me...and I wish they were a bit bigger. Regards, Gamma
  12. That poor Farmer's Wife..... But...no worries...FOLKS...because.... She is really doing GREAT..... These days. ((Of course...She is MUCH older now...but still beautiful...really.....)) I took the time to find out..... Just so that I might sleep at night..... That doc really did a number on my head..... I was so sick in love with the Farmer's Wife...for a period of time that.... You would not believe.... This is NO Joke, fOLKS......
  13. You know....Things like THIS never happened to young women in Nebraska...in Farm Country.... Which is better? The life of a Stone? Or, the life of a Farmer's wife in Nebraska...? I know... Hard to say. Really. Because..... WORLDS APART.... Just no way to compare. Really.
  14. One of the greatest beginnings to any movie must have been The French Connection, with Hackman.... Waking up in a tiny room.... About to go to work. Fantastic..... Most of you guys are just too young to recall this scene...watching it when you were young, and... Impressionable.... Sorry..but no clip available for free on YT....of this.... ((Wait. I just downloaded the French Connection and.... I think I might have mixed up the beginning of two movies.... I think it was the beginning of the film SERPICO that I was referring to. Anyway, Hackman was greater than Al Pacino....in every which way.))
  15. Nothing. Nothing except.... I want to see her happy.... After so much suffering. ((And, fortunately,...for me....I took the time to find the conclusion to the story...as I mentioned above.)) Note: I would still insist that this doc is just....SO amazing...at least for me....
  16. Sure....no worries.... I am only saying that her story has haunted me...for over a decade, since I first became riveted by it. There are just some things that cannot be denied. And, her story is one. Sorry for mentioning it.... (Has no one a heart, for God's sake???)
  17. All that I am saying is this: Having watched this doc several times...from beginning to end..... My heart went out to her for what she endured. I just cannot tell you..... Her story has haunted me for decades. And, this doc is one of the best that I have seen in my life. I recommend it to anyone with a heart, or half a heart, even. OK??????
  18. Gene was not ripe? But, for sure, after lying around for days before discovery...then...maybe.... He was ripe.... Indeed.
  19. Such an allusion.... Maybe you should explain it for the rest of us.... Such abstruseness, I have never seen.
  20. I wish I had a wife like her....if that is what you mean.... YES. I REALLY DO..... (I am still in love with her....actually.)
  21. NOT, NOT horrific. These details are just natural happenstances that can happen to the best of us, when one gets old and senile. Both lived to a ripe old age. And, they died in LUXURY with good dogs around them. I, for one, would wish to be half as fortunate as they....however...I will...I predict...NOT... Be so fortunate in my demise. Yet....probably I deserve it....just because.... I am NOT as good an actor as the GREAT Hackman.... The True Popeye of of all Popeyes Jimmy, you were truly AMAZING.... JIMMY .....WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK..... Probably never.... There was only ever one great Jimmy Doyle..... HACKMAN was GOLD.... This song goes out to you....GENE..... LOVE YOU.....
  22. Dear Folks, If you are as old as I, which is pretty old, then you will recall one of the best docs you ever saw in your life. But then, did you ever wonder what happened to her? Sometimes, in the past, before I actually KNEW what happened to her....I could not sleep at night. Now, though, knowing....I can sleep easier. I could tell you what happened to her, but then....I would have to kill you. I think it might be better for you to find out for yourselves, rather than to have me tell you...because... Nothing easy is good. And, it might not be so easy for you to find out....the conclusion to this story...and...you just cannot find out by...going to...the PBS website.... Either. And, the Farmer's Wife is a Good Woman, for sure. She is one of the best of her kind. I do not know why I have become so....FIXATED on this woman, throughout the past decades...but I have become so.... Am I CRAZY? OR.... Am I just saner than most for caring so much? Do I have more EMPATHY than most viewers, for example....I wonder.... To myself. What are your thoughts about this great American Woman.... SHE is ....truly.... The.... AMERICAN WOMAN. I love her, though I do not really know her, too much. Best regards, Gamma Note: I think I might move to Nebraska, any day now..... Note2: I really bet you never thought that OLD GAMMA has such a soft spot in his heart for women....did you..... But, I actually do. I have a GREAT SOFT SPOT IN MY HEART....for good women.
  23. No worries: Just send them to NYC.... Case closed. America has plenty of military jet transport aircraft. We could transport all to America within a matter of just a few weeks. I would back this plan! Let us, the USA, welcome anyone that Thailand chooses to export to China..... Case Closed....in a Good Way.....!!!!! NYC needs more immigrants, of Higher Quality.... And, IMHO, the WEEGERS are a very nice bunch of people.... Nice, no matter how you spell them....
  24. Still, for sure..... I LOVE Elon.... Elon, my favorite fellow alum. (Besides Chomsky, of course.)
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