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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Dear Folks, Australians are getting them…PrSMs…I mean. So then, why not Ukraine? Just like Trump, I am getting tired of the Ukraine war. I don’t care who wins, just as long as the war stops. But as I say, I think I am now coming down with a bad case of Battle Fatigue. You guys must know, that when we get older, all these incessant wars begin to seem like they’re being led by a bunch of children (brats really) squabbling all the time….Just selfish brats, I say. This is why conventional weapons have not a chance in heck of putting a stop to constant war. The ONLY solution is to arm the proxy-combattants with NUKES….!!!! You know, my friend Elon worries about the disappearance of intelligent life from the universe, should Mankind be wiped out. I no longer worry. Mankind is not really THAT intelligent, is he? I also believe that there are intelligent beings somewhere…OUT THERE. And, so, having this belief of mine, I am not worried. This is why I say: If we wish to stop war around the world, then the only way is to arm EVERYONE with nukes. If everyone were armed with NUKES, then war would soon become a thing of the past, FOREVER. Here is the weapon of choice for arming almost everybody: This is, truly, the ONLY way to put an end to armed conflict around the world. What do you think? I think…GOOD…!!! Best regards, and welcome to oblivion,... Gamma Note: These nuclear-tipped weapons have a range of up to 1000 kilometers. They pack a wallop. If everyone had these, then war would soon be a thing of the past. This is the only way to combat Man's fighting nature. (This is NOT a Political Post. This is a Social-Science post. Therefore, probably there is no need to move this to the....Political SoapBox Sub-forum...one might guess.) Note2: Thar She Blows........!!!! Note3: Obama gave them sheets.....? Obama gave them.... FLOWER POWER.....????
  2. Because they are not the RIGHT TYPE of crossings, and poorly designed.... If the crossings were designed properly, then vehicles would STOP when spikes are raised. THIS is the way it should be done...!!!
  3. SHOCK and DISMAY is far better than.... Shock and Awe....!!!!
  4. Don't waste the money on military aid to Ukraine. Pointless to spend the money. And, it will be a safer world without NATO encroaching so closely on Russian territory. Never should have been there in the first place. Forget about the Ukraine and rare earths, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Are these tiny round green things tiny mangoes? If so, then how much longer will be required before they are large enough to pick and eat? Also, what are those very tiny purple berries next to the larger green mangoes? Just... Purple berries? Are they also edible? These purple berries..... Tell me.... Please.
  6. WRONG!!!! This is the MAIN reason, during the past decades....I never told my shrink... NOTHING...
  7. Obviously, there must be some sort of French Connection to these deaths.
  8. Popeye Doyle He will be missed....!!!!!
  9. The East is Red....DONG FANG HONG....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Should have stuck with beer drinking. The beer with tiny bubbles, maybe.
  11. You know, I must admit, that one of the concepts of Chemistry/Physics that I have always found most non-intuitive is that of... Adiabatic Systems vs Non-Adiabatic Systems. Do you also have a solution for this? Meaning... What is the best way to make this concept more intuitive? Sure, it sounds easy enough, in words. But when it comes time to actually DO the calculations: I have always found this entire thing to be a BIG pain in the neck... So then, you have any useful advice for someone like me?
  12. OTOH, hopefully, not yet. I will keep you informed, however.
  13. Wait a cotton picking minute! Do you think? Should I be tested? Should I then... Post the results on TV?
  14. If one is unwilling to do one's best...then... Why do anything at all?
  15. Random superfluous word sneaking in, obviously. Should have been scrimps. This is just one more example of entropy happening in real life. 2nd Law, as you know.
  16. By the way, and sorry that I am too late to add this thought to the original Topic: The main problem with Air Conditioning in Thailand is that too many here scrimp on it. This is why SEVEN is so very popular in these parts. SEVEN never scrimps on the AC. You walk in, and immediately one is hit with a BLAST of frigid air. In case you do not know: This is one of SEVEN's most important marketing strategies, and it has been this way for decades. But as I say, most people here tend to scrimp on the number of BTUs required to properly cool any given indoor space. I do not. One of the reasons I do not do this is that I learned how to use AC properly during my years in Hong Kong. Do you think anybody in Hong Kong scrips on AC? NO they do NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! You walk into almost any store in HK, soaking wet, from head to tow, clothes drenched with SWEAT...!!!!!!! And then, so very quickly, the sweat soaking your clothes turns to ice water, if not ice. This is what I once loved about Hong Kong, so much. Of course, 25 years following the downfall of Hong Kong, to the commies, I really do not know what the state of HK AC usage might be. I refuse to return, until.... HK becomes, once more, a colony of the UK. Only THEN shall I return to HK. But, meanwhile, I just wonder if that cold indoor air remains, or is now just another fond, but distant, memory.
  17. Dear Folks, Throughout my life, I have learned that it is best to always provide circularly-circuitous replies, comments, neigh! even Topics, rather than to speak directly. Speaking directly often causes conflict. Therefore, would it not be better to speak obliquely and nebulously, rather than to cause undue consternation and offense to some? Sometimes, yes it is true that, when speaking this way, some small degree of consternation is just unavoidable. Yet, still better to speak hazily, I say, rather than to risk what might be worse, if one spoke overly directly. Maybe you do not feel this way, though….. And, if you do not agree, the question is: How do you go about your lives not causing offense or irritation to those you interact with? Just another thought, maybe from one’s inner monologue/dialogue, that I wish to share this HOT Sunday afternoon. Best regards, Gamma Note: Yes. The weather has shifted, this week, in CM. It’s HOT, for sure, about 36-degrees C. And, it will soon get a heck of a lot hotter, before this year’s Hot Season becomes the Raining and Flooding Season, sometime around the middle of June. I love the heat. I just cannot get enough of it. In fact, the Hot Season is my favorite season in Thailand. Just turn those 70,000 BTUs up FULL BLAST….and… Enjoy! HOT TOWN: And....LAZING on Sundays (that's a gerund, Folks!):
  18. Jeff Sachs BLASTS Biden for starting/prolonging Ukraine War. Biden LIED. Jeff is a GREAT Man. And wonderful lecturer at Columbia. Pro Humanity. Anit War. He BLASTS Biden in a great presentation. This is a MUST see. Biden, as Sachs shows, was evil through and through. Watch the entire presentation. Worth it!
  19. Careful, though, because one does not "develop" cognitive dissonance. One experiences it. Please read more Festinger, the original papers, if you doubt me.
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