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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I agree that even if the preacher was a bonified member of the clergy, having worldly goods tossed out windows onto pavement, below, is not beyond comprehension.
  2. Now, I have landlord & landlady who are my friends. Before, I had Narcissistic, Gaslighting Witch, spelled with a B. The Witch was too stupid to calculate energy costs and other costs, so that there was no possibility of discussing return of rental deposit. I was not happy to lose my deposit. But, this time, I have a wonderful landlord. So, if they keep my deposit, when I leave, I will still be very happy. This is why it is so important to have a good landlord.
  3. WARP, Yes! There are two WARPs that come to mind: a1. WARP from CLOUDFLARE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ a2. WARP VPN from CLOUDFLARE Will WARP, and Cloudflare products, including VPN, work well for users behind the Bamboo Curtain? China can close down VPNs at will. b. WARP (OS/2), the Better Desktop OS from IBM which I loved.. The OS/2 software from IBM was better. The world chose Microsoft, instead. Very bad decision. Just because some service, or software, or OS, is technically superior does not mean that the Joe Blows of the world will be impressed, and choose the superior product. Such a shame, really. OS/2 was amazing for its time. Would the world now be a better place if the world had stayed with IBM? Yes. Of course. IBM... IVY style... Just better.... No slovenly slobs at IBM, back in the day. The world was a better place. And, we knew where we were headed, back then... c. Read this. Learn about WARP for single user (desktop) use, and What is it Exactly? https://blog.cloudflare.com/warp-for-desktop d. Just installed WARP from CloudFlare on this Desktop here... Now waiting to see what might happen. Hopefully, it will improve my world, and might even make it faster. The world, as it is now, is just not moving fast enough for me. Simple to Install the WARP software. Free, too. No worries. e. WARP on Apple/Windows, and....Linux? The Cloudflare blog/website states that WARP (free) is now available for Apple/Windows OS. However, I noticed a Linux button, as well. I will install WARP on Linux, next. If the Linux port/version is available at this time.
  4. Yes... Just to state the obvious for all to see.... Of course. But, yet they remain human beings, which means that they are, in fact, doomed in the long run. In the end, even the Israelis follow orders. If Israel had railways and ovens,.... One shudders to imagine what might have happened to those who now are being pushed out, pushed off their land,.... Pushed into the sea. The citizens of Israel would have made EXCELLENT Germans, in the 1930s and 1940s. And, this is now apparent for ALL to see. So much for the special case of giving the State of Israel any special considerations due to the horrific events that overtook them in Germany, and, throughout history, in Russia and other climes. Now, the slate is wiped clean. And now, it is time to start again, and now is the time to... Treat the Israelis and the Jews living there no differently than any other human beings. Thank YOU! YOU Yahoo!
  5. Japan is better than Europe, and better than many countries around the world, especially at this time. This is true. And, most of the members here on the forum probably agree. Why not ask them? Because, obviously, you would not want to give any credence to opinions that might be warped.
  6. China will never forget nor forgive the Japanese, at least not for another 100 years. The Jews will never forget their history in Germany. Japan is OK, today. Germany is OK, today. But, the World is Not OK, Today. And, the history of the Jews in Germany, and the Japanese in China, is an important reason why. Nothing ever goes back to normal, after atrocities of that magnitude. We never really forget.
  7. I agree. Racism is alive and well in Israel. Thriving, in fact.
  8. Yes, wrong. My point, too. Simple concept. But, too few are able to grasp it.
  9. Too hot for warm milk. But, thank you for the thought, just the same.
  10. Atrocities are Atrocities, no matter who commits them. I am most definitely NOT anti-Semitic, not a bit. Israel must learn that the world will NEVER tolerate what they have done under their FEERLESS LEADER, Mr. Yahoo.
  11. The Israelis are completely unable to make Israel workable. Israel does not live in peace in the region. I do not consider myself to be an extremist. The events of the past months have changed my position from being fairly pro-Israel, before the attack on Gaza, to something else. Perhaps you are more invested in keeping the state of Israel alive than most people around the world. However, in my view, the price to be paid is just too high, especially when Israeli leaders shoot themselves in the foot. It is time for Israel to go. Israel will never willingly live with others, in peace. The territory is full of fanatics of every stripe. The world can no longer afford a separate Israel state. The people of Israel should be welcomed wherever they wish to emigrate. The total population of Israel is only 9.5 million. Let the USA take 9 million of this number, and allow the other 500,000 to go where they like. Israel, the land there, will soon be too hot for human habitation, anyway, due to Global Warming. Well.... Dust to Dust. The Creation of a Blooming Desert has failed. Nobody wants that land. And, nobody will be able to live there, very soon. Why prolong the inevitable? Get out Now, While the getting is Good!
  12. I really think that today, at least near my house, has been the hottest this year. It was so hot that when I went outside to open the front gate, to take out the garbage, I used oven mitts to hold the padlock. (Electric bill will go from Bt.3600, last month, to Bt.6000 PLUS, this month. And, neither hide nor hair of the Soi Dogs have I seen, these days. (hope they are staying cool, and are well-watered, and well-fed.)
  13. The problem is that the Israelis have proven now, beyond the shadow of any doubt, that they will never accept living in harmony with those who have long inhabited the land. Therefore, if the Israelis refuse to live in peace with other groups who have equal right to the land, and if the Israelis refuse to share and share alike, then they really need to find a better piece of land where they can live in isolation, by themselves. Living in solitary confinement is the result of aggression. And, Israelis need to find their piece of land, a piece uncontested by others who got there first. There is plenty of land available in the world. Why don't they try making the Southern Icecap Bloom? They are completely unable to live with others in peace. No one need question this fact, after so many decades. Really, it might not be such a herculean task to relocate Israel to a land more hospitable. No sympathy for war criminals, no matter WHO they are....
  14. I So, it is always the BEAN-COUNTERS and the Low-IQ University managers, the uni administrators, that do not like what they see on campus. And, it is they who haven't a clue what is actually going on, on campus. Profs HATE the Admins, and rightly so! The University Admins, and the Politicos, should be run off campus on a rail, and then tarred-and-feathered. They want to run the university as a BUSINESS. But, Penn was never intended, since its inception, to be the typical business. When everything is run as a business, with profit the sole goal, then all is lost. The people running Penn are NITWITS. Was it always this way? No. So... The Penn Students must NEVER give in to the tyranny of the university administration, nor to the unprincipled and misguided attempts to sweep under the rug, the holocausts that are happening as we speak. The students know that the occupation of the territory now occupied by Israel, including the very territory upon which Israel sits, is unjust. Israelis need to find a new promised land, not one already occupied by other peoples, and the students need to continue their protests until this happens. Who is not already tired of this...after so many decades? When will it end? Maybe never?
  15. Having a teacher from either London or Manchester, or both, or an American teacher, or all three, is good for students. The classroom should reflect the diversity of the real world. We do not live in a world filled by people speaking only one language, or one dialect, and with only one accent. I enjoy listening to different accents. But, I think I am most partial to the speech patterns of The Fine People of Ireland. Does anyone recall that great film: Filmed in Ireland, it was....
  16. When I remember being at PENN, I recall that the students closed the campus in 1970s, for a short period of time, or sporadically. I guess some might recall this scene at College Hall, for example. Now THIS was a good and deserved action! (Those were very uncertain times.) PENN Students have a history of protesting what needs to be protested. So...Let the Protests BEGIN, in earnest now! Who is that Senator with the Tats? Queequeg? I would rather be an Ishmael than a Queequeg, any old day... Call me Ishmael. Nice to see PENN Students getting a bit of BACKBONE... After all these years. It's about time!
  17. Nice stuff! And, I really LIKE the website.... (I wonder if the webhosting server for this site can be improved in some way so that the site is more responsive. Why? Because the site includes many interesting images, and it would be nice if they would load faster. Very nice website!) If I bought many of the designs available from this company, then I would need to quickly buy a new house. It's not that I do not have wood floors, but I would prefer my house to be of more-traditional construction. (Such a beautiful Website)
  18. I have spoken to a few young students out of China who come to Thailand to study at local International Schools in Phuket and other places. The kids cannot help themselves, but.... When their teachers open their mouths, and begin to speak, especially the teachers from Manchester, ... All of the Chinese students fall over laughing, and roll around on the classroom floors, in helpless mirth. Some teachers from Manchester might mistakenly hold the belief that their efforts to speak RP is successful....but... The Chinese students are NEVER fooled. I have heard many interesting stories, replete with examples, which the students enjoy relating to anyone who will listen. Fortunately, students never roll around on the floor when I lecture. https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/magazine/opinion/lets-talk-about-accent/#:~:text=The Mancunian accent%2C for example,general' sounding accent in between. Note: So, now, Pronunciation is Society's Problem, is it?
  19. Can anyone answer this simple question: Why do so many in the UK, such as in Ireland and Scotland, and elsewhere, refuse to use the past participle? Also, on the Forum: It just, sometimes, seems as though the past participle had never been invented. Why is this? https://kpu.pressbooks.pub/effectiveenglish/chapter/__unknown__/ I find the refusal, by some on this Forum, to use the past participle, when needed, to be quite jarring. Surely, this oversight cannot be due to laziness....! Nobody's asking anybody to do anything irregular, after all.
  20. I love Nylons on a woman. It's ok of men wear Nylons, too. Nylons on a man....don't make me Hoover, Strangely enough. What some people do not realize is that nylon (not Nylons) is tough. And, men should be free to wear anything, including Nylons, or nothing at all. Men are tough, and so is pantyhose (Nylons) made from nylon. Namath, just as Aluminum, was once a household name. Due to the British Pronunciation, this English-language teacher, and indeed ALL English who teach almost any academic subject, always sound far more learned using a British pronunciation. This is why many English children receive such a well-rounded classical education.
  21. Not sure why condo is spelled with the 'o', instead of my preferred.... conduminium, which is more 'congruent' with aluminum.
  22. I seem to recall reading about the renovations/building going on about two years ago, or more. Will Keep this place in mind, to go. So, Keep Kalm, and Karry on..... KUDOS! (There is another Chiang Mai Thai textile shop whose owner also is a teacher at CMU. I wonder if there might be a connection, although the FT article mentions none.)
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