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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I wish I could take a poll: How many of us here can say that their pole has been under the weather with a dose, twice or thrice, during their lifetimes? Would anyone admit to it?
  2. There is this myth, still believed by some, that the clap originated from sheep. I would like to debunk this myth. In my view, it is sheeple.
  3. I have yet to meet the woman so attractive that I would risk for her a case of the never-ending drips. I have just too much respect for my member.
  4. I used to read a lot about the social implications of VD when I was young. Can you even imagine how discomforting, not to mention inconvenient, it was for men to be compelled to self-catheterize any time they felt the need to void?
  5. If this proves true, and the clap will soon become incurable, then will hats for men with hatbands also soon be back in vogue? The hatband is the most convenient place to store a catheter, after all.
  6. Sorry to hear that. But, still, I know that you can read Thai script, right? And, therefore, your life in Thailand is made much more fulfilling just through your ability to read. Anyway, do not give up, yet. Where there's life, there is still hope.
  7. Are you saying that she doesn't look like a starlet? In any case, one should not rush to judgement before all the evidence is presented. Why don't we contact her, directly, to better understand her side of her story?
  8. How's your passa Thai, these days? Any further progress?
  9. The manufacturing and fabrication is in Taiwan. BUT, the software is from the USA, etc. I have lived in Taiwan for over 30 years. Just one word best describes the people and culture: BEASTLY Years ago, I visited all the major pcb manufacturers in Taiwan. Since then, they have grown considerably. BUT, the software and the design of fab manufacturering equipment, the cutting edge, does not belong to that piddling, forsaken island. There are some bright lights in Taiwan, including one Nobel. But, they were trained in the USA. I have been onhand to see Taiwan develop since 1979. I was there before Hsinchu was even conceived as the disgusting science park which it has now become. What,... You want to tell me something more about Taiwan that I do not know, something you quote from a science journal? Taiwan is dead, Man! When is the last time you checked the fertility rate on that beastly Isle of Formosa, mostly full of betel nut chewers? (Also, thank you very much for your reply... It's not often I have opportunity to discuss the travesty of Taiwan, and Salmon Zhu Yi. Taiwan was once a nice place. A very nice place before the KMT invaded the island.)
  10. You are correct. This so-called actress stated that she recorded a video of this event. Then, she stated that she was asked to delete the video. However, in most cases, depending upon the OS of her phone, the video should still be easily recoverable. Why does she not just recover the video and provide some EVIDENCE? Also, this "actress" was carrying vaping paraphernalia. This is illegal here. Also, this woman is from Pingtung County in Taiwan! Have you ever been there? Too many KMT in Pingtung! Frankly, I definitely do NOT buy her story, just based upon her hitherto unproven "forced" video deletion allegation. I would urge Ms. An to quickly submit to a full forensic analysis and investigation of her phone. Additionally, why was it stated that Ms. An could not speak English? Is this true? One of my favorite Taiwanese film directors is Mr. An Li. He speaks admirable English. And so, if he can speak English, then why can't she? Oh, wait! An Li (Ang Lee) was educated. Anyway, as many people have said, Taiwan is a small island full of people, 650 per square kilometer, having an amazingly insular mentality. It's true, I have heard it said, that they just don't trust one another. Personally, I would not trust one any further than I could throw one. We should stop worrying about this case of Ms. An, and instead focus on how to move silicon wafer production out of Taiwan, PDQ! BTW, whose dumb idea was it, anyway, to locate the world's chip production in Taiwan, the island of earthquakes and fickle people? Churchill's memorable quote about a mythical people might apply: An unspeakable people with an unspeakable culture. Actually, Churchill used the term, beastly, not unspeakable.
  11. Or, maybe this is some sort of delayed negative reinforcement for Bad Acting? I have no idea. Everybody is a critic, these days. Or, perhaps, she is just a bad actor in more ways than one?
  12. You wrote: "Grab a Beer" a. Grab girls are NOT B-girls b. Girls who drink Beer and Girls who are B-girls are subsets c. Thai bar girls who drink with farang are a small subset Psychologically speaking, the term GENERALIZATION is applicable here. There is a small, though quite objectionable, subset of newly-arrived tourists who suffer from generalization. They step off the plane and immediately begin to salivate upon seeing a person they deem to be female. Yet, they are completely ill-equipped to distinguish B-girls from Ladyboys, or, most likely, prefer not to. This is the principal reason I choose to not live in an area frequented by other farang, as well as tourists of any ilk. This psychological construct of GENERALIZATION, which seems to overly infest most male tourists, makes life too difficult for us normal locals. My advice is to get educated. Otherwise, you will soon embarrass not only yourself, but also most of the good people around you.
  13. If I were to be honest, I would state the following: After having been cheated and lied to by women most of my life, but not by bar girls who I consider to be more honest than most girls, my advice is to stop trying to find a girlfriend. Girls are more Venus-like. Boys are more Mars-like. The main reason I would never, again, entertain the thought of having another wife or girlfriend is just because….I know that women love to cheat on their men. And, this cheating is just too painful for me. I like to look at candy. Just as I like to look at girls. However, candy rots your teeth, and girls rot your heart. When I was younger, I often kept candy in my pockets. And, the girls with a sweet tooth would feel around down there, and then eat what they found. Yet, each and every time, after feeling around down there, and after expressing undying love for me, they would inevitably break my heart by eating candy, elsewhere, even eating candy from other men’s pockets, not to mention… bananas, too. This is why I suggest that you be careful when searching for a girlfriend. Where to find a girlfriend? Probably the best place to look is out in the woods/jungle. Most girls out in the jungle, Jungle Girls, are not too particular. Most newly-arrived farang can very easily find a new girlfriend in the jungle. This happens all the time. So, if you really want a girlfriend, quick, then head out into the woods. Everybody knows this.
  14. Did you ever get the feeling that children, today, are living in a complete fantasy world? Or, do you believe that children, today, are realists? Alternatively, might it be more accurate to say that children, today, see our world more realistically, and therefore choose to retreat into fantasy?
  15. IS THIS REALLY Real? I cannot believe that I have lived long enough to see this happen. Now, I can happily die and go to.....wherever.
  16. Why mention Chomsky's infamous book? Just because, it is important to separate oneself from mass media, just to think. Otherwise, one winds up buying more than one needs, and more than that which can make one satisfied. One ends up acting in ways which are not aligned with one's best interests. I have a suggestion for everyone who reads my words: Shun pointless conspicuous consumerism. Read more Chomsky. If you do not mark my words, then what do you think might happen? Are you smart enough to know? Stop acting like automatons, which you are not.
  17. I did not mean to intimate that I am Taiwanese. I only meant to suggest that I read Chinese, both simplified and FanTiZi.
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