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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. No doubt, I share many of the same sentiments shared by my Canadian friends. LOVE McGill, for example, and the great profs there. The Canadian food, most of it, stinks. So, this is why I am living in Asia and not in Canada. If Canada joins the US to become the 51st state, then.... Canada will be the greatest state in the union... By far....!!!!!
  2. Poor Elon. He is just trying to do the right thing. Also, he is doing his best to save humanity. The only problem is that the American People are unwilling to be saved. Instead, most of the American People are hoping, beyond hope, to be RAPTURED as soon as possible. I would not waste my time on the American People. The IQ of the American Population is BELOW 100, probably about 96 or 97. They are just too dumb to care about, IMHO. An Ignorant People, if I ever saw one. And, I should know....not because I am ignorant, ...but....because... I was born in the USA.... And, Springsteen is an example of an American Goon from just outside Philly. What a wingnut, full of strange ideas. No hope for America unless America changes its spots. America was great in the 1950s and 1960s...but.... That was then. And, this is now.... Sorry, .... Not sorry for being an American. But, sorry for what America has become. So Solly.....
  3. He needs to focus more on MARS.
  4. Putin is a pacifist compared that the old man Biden. Biden will be the worst prez in History. Just listen to Jeff Sachs talk about Biden's last two years in office as being one in the complete fog of dementia. And yet, they still tried to elect him for Prez, even though a larger percentage of his brain had been rotted out, due to dementia. This idea of deceit and deception is abominable. Biden was abominable. Biden did more damage due to having more power than Putin. Maybe just a slight hyperbole, maybe...
  5. Biden the GREAT WAR-MONGERER.....truly.
  6. Dear Folks, Yes. I agree. Just about everybody loves Bernie. I have listened to him for many years. I simply love the guy. And, there is why I love the guy: If Sanders had run for prez, I would have voted for him...except....I don't vote...because... There is never a candidate running that I approve of. The Earth is Cooked with Trump. Sure, we know this. But, as for me, Trump has a great sense of humor and... Best for me to just go out Laughing, I figure. You go out laughing, too... Best strategy. Best regards, Gamma Note: Go Bernie GO....!
  7. Let them believe what they will. Sachs is NOT Alex by ANY MEANS!
  8. This is on-target, too.
  9. I disagree. Also, I believe Jeff is NOT a "once-respected" prof at Columbia. He is still respected. And, he even helped found and run Earth Institute at Columbia. Go Jeff GO....!
  10. Only one word.....DASHING!
  11. Haha..."caca" Haven't heard that term since I left New England, like New Hampshire, I think.
  12. So many on this forum deluding themselves, and listening to the wrong analysts, maybe. Instead, just LISTEN to Jeff Sachs, for once in your lives. This is actually an important topic, and why would you wish to get it wrong by believing phony propaganda. Just listen to JEFF!!!!!
  13. Somebody here mentioned the color orange: Yes. I forgot to mention this last time in the DIY Forum. If you do not like this skin coloration, then do not buy Panasonic Soft Warm CFLs. Most Thai people tell us that these lamps are ORANGE. They make the skin orange. They make the lips redder. However, some people actually LIKE Orange. I know of two people, at least.
  14. Here is a direct quote for you: "Almost anything will grow on your toe if you stay still, long enough, and don't move fast." You can hear this quote here:
  15. Yes. Wars will then be a thing of the past. I, like Trump, am tired of constant wars.
  16. Tks. So great. In boarding school, at the time. First time I have heard this one in about 58 years. In fact, just listening to this song, once more.... I can even now... Smell the pheromones in the dorm....BIG TIME.... It was.... Magnificent.
  17. Of course.... We have seen better..... No hangups, Baby....because.... I have no hangups.... And.... What about you???? (( I have been shrunk, already.... ))
  18. OK.... FYI: I was in HK when Cats first came to town... It was WONDERFUL....!!!!
  19. Dear Folks, Using my phone, this is the best I can do. Can you do better? Let's see...... Regards, Gamma
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