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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Traditionally, especially in my family, Sundays have always been "washing day".... Sundays are the best days for ablutions and salvation through spiritual cleansing, too.... This is why.
  2. Mostly because.... I would not wish to impose upon them....to much.... You know...we live in a new age... Locals that live nearby us are no longer to be considered peasants at our beck and call.... This is why.
  3. Just ignore him.... You will then... Live even LONGER....if you do.
  4. Dear Folks, The main reason I ask this is.... When I lived closer to the university, I was able to take advantage of the same shop that the students used... for clothes ironing. Normally, I would first wash my clothes and bedding, sheets, etc.... And then I would just take the stuff to the shop in order to have everything professionally steam ironed. Now that I have moved away from the uni, I no longer have this service. At the moment, I rely on a very small clothes iron. Even though it might be a steam iron, yes, ...yet it doesn't get hot enough, nor put out enough steam.... To get that nice, sharp, crispness to my sheets and clothes. In the past, I looked really sharp, having had the benefit of a real pro to help me with my pressing. I really do miss that about not living closer to where the students live. Therefore: a. How much time should one, normally, require to do one's ironing for the day? b. Do you use a regular ironing board, which I think takes up too much space in the home? c. Or, do you just use your spare bed mattress, if you might have one? You know, it is just part of normal bias that women believe that men do not care about ironing their own clothes... To look neat. This is not true. Even if I might live by myself, and not see anyone, even for months... Still, I do enjoy a well-pressed sheet, and a shirt that looks just-from-the-cleaners. I also like keeping my house tidy. And, if I had a vacuum cleaner, then I would use it, as well. Sometimes I think that I spend too much time fussing with my ironing. And, I would like to know how much ironing you do...before going out each day. I guess everybody recalls FREDDY....such an amazing performer...who also loved to vacuum. But, THIS Topic is not about vacuuming, and more about ironing. IF Freddy had only lived long enough, so sadly he departed way before his time, then he might have done a music-video... About ironing. One of my problems is that I purchased a too-cheap clothes iron in China, when I was last there. Just not enough heft to it. And, not nearly enough steam. Also, I wonder if most of you even have an iron, other than a FIVE IRON. The 5-iron is one of the most versatile clubs one could ever find. Just a thought.... Regards, Gamma NOTE4: I LOVE this photo of Freddy....simply love it.....
  5. Sorry to hear that. But, do you have any idea how he ever found you in the first place?
  6. Dear Folks, I guess almost everyone has heard about WET-BULB temperature, by now. And so, what do you think? Do you think you will be able to survive, in Thailand, when next year turns out to be even hotter than this year? And, in case next year turns out to be an anomaly, and 2025 might be cooler than 2024, then what about 2026? If you don't know about wet-bulb temp, then you ought to learn something about it, and concerning the effects of working outside, just in case you plan to dig any ditches....during the Hot Season. Fortunately for me, I never go outside, other than walking in the Noonday Sun....for only about an hour, or so. And, nobody forces me to, but it's done of my own free will. I am convinced, due to what little that I have read, that Big TIPPING Points are in the offing. And, I have already prepared myself, somewhat. For example, I have doubled the BTU cooling capacity of my house. And, probably, I will add a few solar panels, just to lower the cost of cooling my house, though I will not add any battery storage. Someday soon, most of us will no longer wish to go out in the daytime hours.....well...maybe.... Except for me. However, when I return home, I will have my ACs...simply.....BLASTING....! I do not care what it might cost.... But, when I return home, I want my house to be as cool as a SEVEN, and then some.....like...about.... 19 degrees C. Right now, just for my small house, I have over 60,000 BTU of cooling ...and.... Bayby I ain't Foolin'.... Way down deep in side.... I need cooling...... Humans were never adapted to live in our world today...and.... I guess you have also already realized this. I could say more. But... Do I really need to? I am not worried for this year, since we made it through. I am only a bit concerned for increasing temps next year, and the next five years. I will remain here, no matter HOW HOT it gets.... Just as long as I have enough available energy to keep my HEAT-PUMPS working....NON-STOP, 24/7/365. So then, what do you think....? When will Thailand become too hot for you??? Thailand, some have said, has been too hot for them...though never for me. Yet...I can see it in the wind... Thailand will, someday soon...be too hot for just about anyone, ...unless.....they are..... TALL and THIN.... In order to better radiate body heat, of course. Are you tall and thin? or Are you short and fat? because This does make a difference. Thinking of you.... Gamma NOTE4: So, how much longer, if you are younger, do you think you can live in Thailand, as temps climb ever-higher? Good Question! My answer, for now, is to just Add Coolin' I will had BTUs....as many as required, for as long as I can, before....maybe... The grid is unable to supply any more watts.
  7. Wow! I just saw, this moment, on this forum.... An ad for ... CHANEL N° 5 FINALLY....this forum is beginning to dish up some ads that I actually LOVE to look at....if not... Buy. No Joke..... We need more CLASS around this place. And, if you have the money.... Chanel is good for the mosquitoes...too. ALSO.... This is an example of Beautiful Packaging.... If you are into this kind of thing. ====== I'll take hers...... So distinctive....
  8. Although....I must say....that.... Carl Sagan's English accent had me and a friend of mine rolling on the floor, overcome by mirth, every time he came on the Boob Tube, back in the day. Turns out, Sagan was serious about his belief in science and exploration of other worlds. He was a serious scientist....at times. I seem to recall that he sent out......far out..... Into Outer Space.... Messages to Extraterrestrial Civilizations, on a gold platter.... And, actually...he appeared to be serious about it....too.... And NASA bought into his idea..... And....they did send it. Whether or not any alien has read it yet.....is a Known Unknown....in Rummy-Speak. I guess we all know what too much weed can do. But I guess.... It's too late to warn you about this minor issue.
  9. I liked Richard's stories about getting turned-on in his family's garden to things like butterflies....if you really want to know. I think that Richard is much more enjoyable to listen to....in many ways. Also, I prefer his English accent....by far....
  10. Sam is not one of my favorites. But...still.... Richard tolerates him....sometimes. Both guys, actually, are quite OK. Richard is far superior....although just...IM-very-HO....
  11. Just a further inquiry, following your comment: Does this stuff work on human leeches, too? Maybe also Pattaya leeches, and leeches in the Caribbean islands, also? Leeches, so unfortunately, abound almost everywhere. But there is no worse than human leeches, ...maybe....
  12. Dear Folks, If one is truly happy to be alive, then why let the small stuff interfere with one’s wish to be happy, happy….HAPPY? Let me provide you with just one example from my own sad experience: Yesterday, and on into the night, I was worried about an Energy Sticker that might be improperly stuck to my machine. Was this worry warranted? Or, could it even have been avoided? No, not likely. Almost Nobody can avoid Energy Stickers in Thailand,...Obviously…unless…they have power and clout… Therefore, you just gotta deal with it, and go with the Thailand Flow…. As it turned out, at least for me, my Energy Sticker had been relatively painless to pull off from my machine, and nothing like a stuck-on bandage, to a festering wound, or anything like that…. I am only saying that sometimes we overly concern ourselves with pointless worry about small issues that might never, finally, even materialize, no matter how unimportant they might be. And, it’s these senseless worries which often distract us from our HAPPINESS. I think you might recall the wonderful and insightful film: The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness, maybe when you were younger, in 1958. Well, this is what I’m talking about! Well.... Here we are, in Thailand, in The Land of Six Happinesses. And now that you have taken the trouble to arrive, would you then really want to spoil your great time in Thailand….just by worrying about an Energy-Sticker Requirement? I thought not, and I STILL think not! I realize that I have written to you many times on this Glorious Forum….TV….over the past many years…..BUT….. I think that THIS Topic is one of my most profound. And, in addition, I think that it’s most apropos of this profound Topic that ….TOMORROW is a Sunday, which might be a wholly day for some of you, and I respect your beliefs. However, I still must say that MY Topic is above religiosity, in any sense of the word. I am just asking you ….not to do as I…but to, instead… Not sweat the small stuff….and, again…not as I. And, most of all… Please do not sweat anything nearly as small as a sticker. This is my sermon to you…. This Sunday. I knew you would love it. And, there are those here who might love it more. Best regards, Gamma (The Same Gamma)
  13. My house NEVER gets humid. I do not let water collect on the bathroom floor, which is a hazard, in itself. The ONLY reason I have one of those mozzies, as you call them...is because....during new AC installation... The workers left the doors open...
  14. This company, as you might know, has slightly changed its packaging...over the years...but... It's still the best stuff I have found...so far....outside of.... THE US ARMY Supply Depot....
  15. I know this product. Quite good. But, I do not like the stickiness and the faux lemon smell... Still, this product DOES work better than most. And, it comes in several different strengths of DEET.... So...I have used this a lot in Thailand....for various purposes..... Some of which... I will not name here.
  16. Dear Folks, Unfortunately, this will not be a long Topic, as I am now unable to easily sit at my computer, being consistently dive-bombed by just one super mosquito...already bitten me several times, and she is still out for blood! Some of her bites, on my hands, I have already rubbed raw with a stiff scrub brush....yet still they itch, and itch.... I cannot see her, buy I can HEAR her. What can I do... Oh... What can I DO!!!!? I am sure you realize, just from being in my position in the past, that this is actually NOT a joke. I have tried opening one door to the bathroom....with a light on... Yet, she will not cooperate. So.... Any ideas? And, just about.... How much longer will she live...if I do not kill her before she dies a natural death? Thank you so much. Best regards, Gamma NOTE4: Mosquitoes in this part of the world....prefer biting ..... Hands Feet IMHO....
  17. GO-MAN-GO!!!!!!!!! We need to protect the world from Harris.... At all cost.... NOTE4: Yes... TRUE.... I have been against Trump from Day One..... (even before I left Taiwan....many years ago....)... But now is a new day. The safety of The World is in balance... And, I have suddenly switched sides.....to align myself with the Barbarian...Trump. Who would have thunk it?
  18. NO! You, as I realize, are just trying to GOAD ME INTO sharing, here, more than I am willing to share. Everybody KNOWS this....Sir....! NOTE4: Rest assured, Sir....that I will NOT be baited by you..... Still.... I enjoy reading your comments.... Of Course......!
  19. I love Chanel No. 5. I just wish I were a she, so I could wear it, too..... It's .... I think it's...... Just DELICATE..... If you know what I mean.....
  20. I would only do this if the REAL Jackson could return and do the painting. Then.... I would be EVER-SO happy!
  21. Regarding numerology... I like the number FIVE for omelettes. But, I dislike the BIG YELLOW AND GREEN NO. 5 on my machine. Chanel No. 5 is quite good, though....
  22. Yes, but.... Actually, I NEVER lie. Prevarication is completely anathema to me....in fact.
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