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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Wow, Man! Very NICE to see you posting here, after so many days of not seeing your postings, my friend. I always look for your comments, for sure. Seldom find them, though, in recent months. As everyone knows, some posters are better than others. Sorry. But your posts are, just, better. You are like the Ravi Shankar of TV, in my opinion. Hope all is good with you, and yours.
  2. BY THE WAY..... I just really hope that some of you might listen to ... RAVI SHANKAR ANDRE PREVIN Some of the best from East and West.... Why? Because, I think that this is beautiful music, and is a product of East and West. I am not trying to "promote" it. Just hoping that others will enjoy it. Maybe you might find this music exactly as uplifting as I did, almost 50 years ago. Take care, my friends.
  3. Thank you for your recommendation. In truth, the reason I am used to writing longer Topic Titles is simply due to having read so many academic Thesis Topics. Still, your suggestion is well noted, and I will attempt to abbreviate title length, in the future. Thank you.
  4. OK.... NOW, I will provide you with an amazing listening experience, one which few people your age might even know about: This has not been available on YouTube, for years, and is still not fully available. I am not sure you might know, but Andre Previn was an amazing director, and one who loved to try new things. And, also, Ravi Shankar was an amazing musician. So, anyway, one of the best Mind Melds between East and West, in my humble opinion, culminated in this very interesting London Symphony Orchestral rendition. Enjoy if you will, this very truncated version of the original performance. The orgiinal full length version is not easily available on YouTube, so much the pity. Probably most London Cab Drivers will appreciate my thinking, as must be obvious. London Cab Drivers are Liberals, and open to new experiences, in my opinion. Take Care, My Friends.... It Ups To You!
  5. Also, just in order to prepare the Newbies from the West, how to settle down here, and feel content during the remainder of their days: I would say that you must do your best to engross yourselves in your new culture, and engage the locals, and encourage them to accept you, just as you must also accept them. I have spent most of my life in Asia, and I like it, with no regrets, so far. Maybe, SOMEDAY, I will wake up, and find that I have mispent my life, but I doubt it. ASIA has been so amazing to me, for years and years. I have NO regrets. From 1971 to 2022....so far....I have no regrets about spending my time in Asia. Maybe, other than planet Earth, I should have spent my days on planet Neptune, or planet Saturn, with Vonnegut.
  6. In my considered opinion, and in my wisdom after seven decades on Planet Earth: London Cab Drivers are: a. Helpful b. Intuitive c. Empathetic, regarding their fares d. Intelligent, to the max e. Humorous in the best respect f. Fine fellows, well met, in every way g. And, so much more.... This is why, I know that London Cab Drivers will find utmost happiness and pleasure if they were to just board a plane and come here to Thailand, when they choose to retire. I know this to be true. London Cab Drivers, those of yore, are amazingly wonderful people. Everybody must agree.
  7. One Additional Thingie that I wish to mention here, since I mentioned this thingie above, and wish to extrapolate on this important thingie: aa. About 50 years ago, I had my first opportunity to ride in a true London Hackney Machine, driven by a wonderful person. bb. Even today, after 50 years, for sure, I still recall this GREAT EXPERIENCE! cc. London Hackney drivers are professionals, and they are SMART. dd. What I do know is that the London Cab Drivers, of yore, were both amazingly smart, and helpful, not to mention men of good repute, in every way. ee. Maybe these days are already days never to be repeated; these days when you could board a cab and be treated to such a wonderful experience. ff. Maybe, those days have gone the same way as the Beatles, for example. gg. So, anyway, I just wish that we could relive the days during which we could enjoy a politer society, and a society in which most of us respected those who actually read BOOKS, rather than wasting our time reading Twits posting on Twitter.
  8. What is Nirvana? In Indian religions, nirvana is synonymous with moksha and mukti.[note 1] All Indian religions assert it to be a state of perfect quietude, freedom, highest happiness as well as the liberation from attachment and worldly suffering and the ending of samsara, the round of existence.[7][8] However, non-Buddhist and Buddhist traditions describe these terms for liberation differently.[9] In Hindu philosophy, it is the union of or the realization of the identity of Atman with Brahman, depending on the Hindu tradition.[10][11][12] In Jainism, nirvana is also the soteriological goal, representing the release of a soul from karmic bondage and samsara.[13] In the Buddhist context, nirvana refers to realization of non-self and emptiness, marking the end of rebirth by stilling the fires that keep the process of rebirth going.[9][14][15] To achieve this status, one has to get rid of three psychological evils – Raga (greed, desire), Dwesha (anger) and Moha (delusion). So, I agree... Greed is not good Anger is not good Delusional Thinking is not good. These are the three things I mentioned, in the topic, above.
  9. My Dear TV-viewing Friends from the UK, North America, South America, South Africa, etc…., Probably, many of you might know this, however I have actually lived in Asia for most of my life, after having lived for a few short years in a Western Country, not Colorado, up in the Silver Mines, among the uneducated hardworking panhandlers. So, what might you imagine are the Three Best tools you will need, besides a gold-washing pan in order to acclimate here, for your future happiness? aa. Language acquisition, which you can fairly easily accomplish, if you are dedicated enough. bb. A nice smile, something everyone appreciates, and which is always returned, in kind. dd. Always maintain a LOVE of the culture, here. And, if you don’t love the culture here, then you should not come, because….without a love of this land, then you will never be happy, but only experience various degrees of bitterness, which is not good for either you or the people you meet. cc. Just maintain some degree of youthfulness and playfulness. The people here, for sure, enjoy playfulness, and they have a wonderful sense of humor, too. ff. Do what you can to maintain good health, and white teeth, without bridges or implants. You will remain happier if you do. The above three suggestions are just some of a few that I would recommend to any newbie coming here. Do not fear the unknown. And, if you are a London Hackney, for sure, you have much less to fear by coming here, as you have already faced the most fearful things during your career. Well, there must be so many suggestions and pointers that I have forgotten. Whom among us can even begin to list what is required to know, by the end of your retirement in Thailand, including, maybe, choosing a temple which might send you up to the sky, in a puff of smoke, which is something to consider, for some of us, as we continue to age. You know, life is not easy, anywhere. However, life is more pleasant here, and, if you have a lot of money, live will be even easier here. Happy Lunar New Year, my friends, Best regards…..for sure. Note: I forgot the FOURTH thingie... The Pan for Gold Panning, a requirement for you, before you arrive here....
  10. Regarding waiting for death, as mentioned in the first post, I, TOO, am waiting for death. And, the suspense is killing me. That and.....sick jokes. And, also, gallows humor....which, I love.
  11. Mark Twain: "If I do not get out of debt in three months --- pistols or poison for one --- exit me." "You see, the lightning refuses to strike me -- that is where the defect is. We have to do our own striking, as Barney Bernato did. But nobody ever gets the courage till he goes crazy." "Suicide is the only sane thing the young or old ever do in this life." "Unfortunately none of us can see far ahead; prophecy is not for us. Hence the paucity of suicides." Is there really nothing that Mark Twain did not write about, so clearly? Even Hemingway lauded Mark Twain in stating that the book, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was the book from which .... “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called 'Huckleberry Finn,'” Ernest Hemingway famously declared in 1935. “It's the best book we've had. All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before." Mark Twain? Who was he? Maybe Twain was just another tortured soul who wrote better than all other Americans. Never give up until you have written the perfect sentence.
  12. Anyone who has lived here long enough knows that showers in the Hot Season are TOO HOT. Showers in the Cold Season are TOO COLD. And so, almost everyone who prefers control over their showers, no doubt, is seeking further knowledge about this topic. I am quite sure that I am correct, simply because this has always been a very hot topic of discussion, from my experience. The only experience I have not, might be yellow showers, but such a topic should be posted elsewhere, for sure.
  13. OK. But, I actually DO know what size water I need, thank you, as I stated above. This is not about my asking DIY questions, which I really do not care about. The TOPIC, as you can read, is sort of a poll to inquire the wattage of water heaters that most Farang Pub Readers use. Simple question, really. And so, how many water heaters do you use. And, then, what is the wattage of each machine you use. And, does anyone here, during the Cold Season, ever get a hot-enough shower. Because, I never do, for sure. Thank you! Note: Absolutely, no penalty if you do not wish to answer the question. Yet, please participate if you are willing.
  14. I really do not know about waiting for death, and enjoying it. I only know the play, "Waiting for Godot". Why don't you read this play by Samuel Beckett, and, hopefully, the reading of this might distract you enough to see things in a better way. But, please don't read plays like Hamlet, or Rhinoceros by Ionesco, for example.
  15. You are correct. Without 3-phase, as you say, this is the limiting factor. This is why I have only 8000. Still, in Europe, water heaters routinely go to much higher output. Not sure why this is possible in Europe, but not possible here. Obviously, throughout much of this month, the water input temp will continue to drop. And, for sure, when you turn the shower to full blast, the water temperature becomes nothing above lukewarm, even at 8000 watts. Having lived in Japan for some time, these "lukewarm" bathing conditions might cause an uprising and revolution, judging from the love of hot water among the Japanese people. If you want a nice hot bath, therefore, the best solution might be to head to your favorite Onsen Ryokan in Tokyo, or up in the mountains, where you can bathe together with Snow Monkeys. Otherwise, in Thailand, just using locally sold 8000 watt water heaters, this might not be enough for you. There is no doubt, of course, that if you were to contact a decent contractor, then you could get enough heat for your shower. Or, probably better, one should instal a solar hot water heater, which would seem to be the most environmentally friendly solution. Of all choices available, my preference would be to always bathe with macaques in the snow, in Nagano.
  16. YES, you are exactly correct. This is why I have only 8000 watts, which is not enough. The circuit connected to the bathroom is only 55 amps, as you also state, correctly.
  17. "As the election neared, President Donald Trump said he would deliver to Americans shower heads that really let the water flow. No more drip-drip-drip showers supposedly caused by water-conservation rules. “You take a shower, the water doesn’t come out,” Trump said at the White House last July. “You want to wash your hands, the water doesn’t come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair — I don’t know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect.” It sounded like an idle riff. But in December, as his administration was getting ready to depart, Trump’s Energy Department announced it had changed the rules for shower heads. The amount of water used in a shower was still capped at 2.5 gallons per minute. But the agency gave a new interpretation of the cap, saying water use would be measured per shower head instead of per shower stall. Many newer shower stalls have multiple shower heads. So three shower heads in one stall, for example, could allow for 7.5 gallons per minute." https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/07/19/trump-stronger-showers/ Anyway, as I stated, it was either Rummy or Cheney who had, like, 12 high power shower heads installed in his stall. Not joking. The more powerful the politician, then the more showerheads they might need, perhaps. As for me, 12,000 watts is about right, during very cold mornings in Thailand. I know I am right.
  18. Only speaking about well-known controversy, concerning Wagner's political views. And, here is not the right place to discuss this, no doubt.
  19. Van Gogh struggled. Therefore, why shouldn't you?
  20. Also, other than using Helium, from canisters meant for party balloons, is there any other better way? I agree: If one has the energy to travel so far around the world to get here, then why not use this energy to prolong one's existence? Oh, I get it. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing. Until the last syllable of recorded time, even! So, then, why go on? Answer: Peach Trees Life is a Peach
  21. No matter how terrible his thinking, Wagner's music is amazing. Therefore, one must remember to discriminate between the music of great composers, such as Beethoven and Wagner, and their glorious compositions, as opposed to their political beliefs, or their, possibly, disgusting habits.
  22. 8000 watt water heater, which is the highest wattage sold in most local stores, is still not enough. And, at this wattage, that would be about 40 Baht per hour. When the weather is cold, I take a 40-Baht shower, and feel thankful for it.
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