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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. In my opinion, Scotland and people from Scotland, are both mysterious, simply because almost no one knows much about either the countryside of Scotland nor the people who live there, and also interesting. As you may know, there are plenty of people here from Scotland, even if they rarely let you know. Another thing, the people of Scotland have a long history in Hong Kong and other places in East Asia, over hundreds of years. And yet, truth be told, no one hears much about what it is that makes people from Scotland, or their land, so special. Scotland, therefore, for most of us, unfortunately, continues to remain a mysterious land, to many. So many people from Scotland reside in Thailand. Still, they sometimes seem almost invisible. And so, I would like to know more about guys from Scotland. What are the TOP 40 greatests things about the place and the people. Sorry: 40 is only an arbitrary number. Maybe you can think of 50, or 60. Take care, my friends.
  2. Dear Nancy, You always post logical posts which make much sense. In fact, the only reason I first decided to post here, several months ago, was because I read your post about travelling to Guam. It is important to have someone, such as yourself, who uniquely represents reason amongst us others here on this great Pub Forum. Last time I read one of your posts, you were sunning yourself in Guam, and preparing to binge on Netflix...Yes, I do remember ALL, or most, of your posts. Anyway, I hope you got to Guam, and then returned, without undue difficulties, for sure. Did you read any good books while in Guam? Please recall that, last time, I suggested you read Nemesis, Herman Wouk. Take care, Nancy. You are always a beacon of reason for us all. Take care.
  3. They call themselves Celtics...but.... They are not Irish, really. I don't even like basketball. I prefer laying with Maggie in the Wood. Basketball, compared to Maggie, is just so ho-hum.
  4. Well, if it was your first funeral, then you can look forward to more, maybe. The most important thing is planning. One always hopes that one's funeral is at least one decade in the future. However, it is always best to plan early, just in case. My preference is to make my last appearance at the local temple. I am sure my good friends will follow my wishes. However, I need to write down my wishes, is all that I am saying. Although, I am not sure how to do this, in order to make my wishes legally binding, here.
  5. My Dearest Friends: As you probably know, I love all things IRISH. a. Irish writing b. Irish humor c. Even the beauty of Ireland d. Irish music e. Irish women f. Maureen O'Hara g. Single Malt Irish Whiskey h. ........ so much more I am not Irish. But, I wish I were, in order that I could write better, and speak better than I do. I love all things Irish. What about you? (I am not from Boston, either.)
  6. I have not been to Pattaya for a fling, not even once. I have seen videos about Pattaya on YouTube, which is plenty, for me. I think, probably, that if I were to fling my thing around Pattaya, then I would never reach Heaven, should I die. Or, maybe, flinging one's thing in Pattaya could be Heaven, in itself. Heaven on Earth. Each to his or her own. Instant gratification seems to be the main attraction of Pattaya. Are you for it? Or, are you against it?
  7. Today, while riding in the backseat, like Miss Daisy, I spoke, for the first time, to my driver, about death, in general. My driver has gradually, over recent years, become sort of a good friend of mine. She is not too close, but yet not a stranger to me. I told her that I am….All Alone in Thailand. I explained to her that, when my time comes, which will be either sooner or later, I told her that, next week, I will write down, and verify legally, my wishes, upon my demise. For example, after living here in Thailand, I also wish to die here in Thailand. And, I want to go up in smoke at the local temple, with only two or three friends ensuring that I get fully turned into fumes, and that the resulting ashes be totally forgotten, or mixed with the concrete for the next temple building project. Some guys might get tired of Thailand. However, I just love this place so much that….I just never want to leave, even in spirit. So, I really have not done much research about this topic. However, I am sure that I will not live forever. And, especially these days, during this virus, and since I have not yet been vaccinated, I just think that the wise thing for me to do would be to, somehow, write down my wishes regarding my bodily remains, should I cease to breathe, for whatever reason. I know that, in the past, I had wished to give my body to some med school here. However, someone here pointed out to me that my body, as it is a farang body, might not be accepted. And so now, I am thinking that I would far prefer to have what is left of me, when my heart stops, be sent up in smoke. Personally, I like this idea. I like the thought of it. Of course, there is no rush to formulate my plan, at the moment. Yet, I do think that I will begin to put my wishes into writing, probably within the next month, or two. This will provide me with peace of mind, and I will then feel happier as a result. Please do not misunderstand me, because I really do hope that I can live another five years. However, who really knows? And so, I think that it would give me some relief if I could put down in words just what I want to happen when I take my last breath, and when the blood in my veins stops pumping. So, anyway, when I mentioned this thought to my driver, she was completely in-tune with my thinking. I really do not know, but maybe, in Thai culture, such thoughts are not looked upon as being odd. Why should we not think of our own demise, and why should these thoughts be perceived as anything but positive and fruitful? I rarely dwell on such topics as this. However, earlier today, this topic just popped into my head while riding in the backseat of my driver’s car, looking out at the glorious day, the mountains, the low humidity, the sunshine, and the beauty of the world. My existence in Thailand has always been the happiest time in my long life. And, I might even live for another twenty years, conceivably. Or, I might get hit by a runaway TukTuk, tomorrow. Who knows? This is why I think I would be even happier than I now am if I were to write down clearly, in a legal way, exactly what I want to happen should my life become terminated, suddenly. I am sure that it will make me feel good if I write down my wishes, now, and if I talk to the temple nearby, and if I can come to some understanding, what will happen to me, should I suddenly become less quick and, maybe, completely dead. I guess that some of you, not tourists, obviously, have been here long enough to pay some thought to what you want to happen to your body, when your body becomes just an object, and not you. What even happens to one’s body IF one makes no provisions, if one is a farang, and one just suddenly stops breathing, anyway? I really do not know. ============ So, anyway, I am not thinking morbidly, here, in any way. I am just thinking proactively, because I want things to go my way, even after I have left planet Earth and have headed up to Saturn to commune with Kurt Vonnegut on planet Saturn. ===== I am a procrastinator. But, this time, I really need to get my rear in gear and do some writing, so that, when the inevitable happens, then things will go as I wish, and as I had planned. Do any of you know of any resources helpful in making plans for the hereafter ?
  8. Darned Right: Brilliant Movie. This is one film that I have never forgotten. Also, a good book. Amazing! Thank you for sharing my appreciation of it!
  9. Here we are, under the volcano, so to speak.... I have always loved Albert Finney. TEQUILA! Somehow... Finney speaks to us., or would you not say? I mean...we, most of us, are all expatriates, in the end, and to the bitter end.
  10. As you state: There are two types of cots. I am referring to a cot for an adult, and a cot which can be used comfortably for several months, if not even up to one year, and one which can be relatively easily moved to an adjoining room, through a doorway, for storage during the day. This is REALLY needed. However, I am not willing to pay a high price. Maybe there is some good "local Thailand" solution. The cot must be about 30 cms off the floor. This cot is for old people to use when they visit, for example. And so, the solution MUST be comfortable. Thank you very much.
  11. OK. But soon, you will be feeling better. What you need to do is something called "anchoring". Imagine for a few seconds something worse... Like not being in Thailand, and trying to return to this good land. Frustration is unavoidable, anywhere. In my opinion, and from my experience, I have never lived in any place better, due principally to Thai culture. My love of Thailand, and Thai food, and Thai culture is something that I never joke about, but instead just honestly voice my own personal opinion and thoughts. I also never require any affirmation from others about my choice to live happily here. I hope my longstanding appreciation for this land will never change.
  12. A. Usage: Must be comfortable enough to sleep for several months, at least. B. Must be portable enough to move from one room to adjoining room, easily, by one person. C. Must be fairly low cost. (Lowest cost while still retaining functionality and enough comfort for sleeping nightly, several months.) D. Must be at least about 35cm off the floor on some sort of structure, which then can be moved into adjoining room. E. Of course, a tatami would be the best solution...IF....the cot did not need to be 35cms off the ground. Googling, some suitable designs can be found on various retailers' sights. However, none in Thailand. F. On-line Purchase is NOT OK. Cot and mattress must be available in a major city in Thailand... Think BKK, CM, etc. G. When needed: SOONER THE BETTER... Thanks to anyone who has a suggestion. OR.......perhaps there is some different local-Thai solution to this sleeping requirement. But, a hammock is not OK. The cot and mattress must be completely flat, and comfortable. Need a solution fairly soon, or ASAP. Hopefully, there might be something "off-the-shelf" at low cost. Much obliged.
  13. Two replies to this question of yours: a. She was too driven to be kind. b. She was not driven enough, and resultantly not sufficiently satisfied, and then unkind. Still, my question stands: Did Doris Day ever visit any country near Thailand? Doris in Thailand? Maybe like Night and Day....that great old tune. I have always loved Ella! Enjoy!!!!! Under what is left of this Hal'Oh'Oh moon.
  14. There are many who love this great song. Jerry Lewis was anything but an idiot. I love this film. What about you? Amore!!!! Did Doris Day ever visit Thailand? She would have loved Bangkok.... Such a nice smile did Doris have. And, so kind.
  15. If you are now 50, then what will the world be like sixty years hence? Are you really sure that you wish to live that long? Also, what would you do if you found out that you were living longer than you wished to live? Let's say that you did live to be 110. Then, by then, what would you be doing? Golfing? Sailing? Mud wrestling? Sometimes I wonder why we want to live so long, even over a century. Maybe, one reason might be, like Herman Wouk, you could write another book. Other than that, what would you be doing on your 100th birthday? Teeth, as we know, are not designed to last for 100 years. Fortunately, sharks are able to replace teeth. But, we are not sharks. Everybody says they want to live forever. But...WHY? Why would you wish to live forever? Isn't about 30 years already enough time? Some guys cannot accept the state of the world. The state of the world is that we are born, and then we die I don't know why. Maybe we should NOT be born, in order that we should never die. This is probably the best option. Unfortunately, we are never consulted about our birth, whether we might want to be born into this world. And so, we are faced with this conundrum, whether we wish to live forever, or die. Life makes no sense to me. This is why my life seems so strange. Don't know about yours. Nothing makes sense...UNLESS one is living in Thailand. And, if one is living in Thailand, then, as for me, EVERYTHING makes sense. No more ennui for me, after arriving in Thailand. Same for you, doubtlessly.
  16. Springsteen was a wussy, compared to John. Springsteen, I know this guy. Springsteen spent most of his time looking in the mirror.
  17. who's bb king, for that matter? Each to his own taste in music. Maybe you prefer to listen to the music of Ted Haggard? https://youtu.be/yRxIBo3X6QQ YouTube does not allow embedding of the above link Don't know why.
  18. Some of us might be struggling with incontinence, dementia, or other problems during our golden years. Yes. It is hard, and will become even harder as the years go by, inevitably. And so, do you recall John Mayall in his prime, years ago? He was amazing. Even now, he is not unamazing. John's voice has changed a bit. Still, he is till doing OK. What do you think? John Mayall was amazing in the late 60's, I guess. Please enjoy the Japanese subtitles here on this video. And, never give up, no matter how old you may become. There is always hope where there is life. Enjoy!
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