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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Well, you have the respect of many readers here. At least this counts for something. In addition, everyone knows that you are a caring person.
  2. I recall, from days gone by, that you always believed you could out-post me. However, truth to tell, I left you behind me, when I was in my prime, like Brody.
  3. Are you implying that the choices we make, collectively, do not predict our fate? Or, are you stating that our fate and destiny is preordained, as in forordinatiin? By the way.... I am VERY pleased to see you alive and well, after a few years. You have the best profile image of anyone on TV, a rotating fluorescent ball which is unmistakable. Take care, Real Thing. If fate, and the gods, are with us... then... I have no doubt that you and I can share another thought, in 2031. As I do recall, from almost a decade ago, you were more lively, then. What happened to you? Did the cat get your tongue, since then? Take care, my friend... We are becoming older, by the day. (Wish we could return to the days of Wine and Roses. However, Time only moves forward, due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and Entropy. And, you, like I, are no longer as hot as we once were, back in 2013.) Take care, my friend.
  4. Hate to put a damper on some choices. However, has anyone considered two important factors? aa. Emigration and population migration. bb. Radically changing visa policies due to global warming. I mean, during the next decade, our world will not be the same as you see it, now. Politics aside, the US Army is already strategizing ways to deal with upcoming major mass movements of people, And I don't mean movements we all must deal with, in the bathroom. If you are young enough, and you expect to live 20 more years, then maybe you should just join the US Army, and get into the field of intelligence. The arctic is melting fast. Savannas are drying out fast. Santana left Mexico, long ago. No need to take my word for it. Most governments around the world recognize that planning for the next decade is challenging. I guess that most of you guys know about positive feedback loops. Need we mention methane? So, really, if you are planning for the future, then you should be thinking... Haiti. I mean, I thought that this was supposed to be a serious conversation. And yet, not even one person mentioned the important issues which keep the US Army strategists shaking in their boots. Also, no mention about the probable conflict in the offing, in the South China Sea. No mention about possible conflict in the arctic. I mean, if you guys just want to dream away, as if you are like Michael Jackson, dosed on Milk, then please feel free to delude yourselves. You guys are dreamers. Children hiding under desks. (Love you guys!!!)
  5. Backhanded compliment. If you really want to be happy, then, you would ship out aboard an oil tanker traveling between Rastanura and Satahip. Out upon the briney sea, nothing but stars and flying fish, and porpoise riding the bow wave. It's magical. Only sailors know what I am talking about.
  6. Are you sure? Or, are they just invisible peasants? When you move to places such as Columbia, you will NOT see half of the populace, which are those who are invisible. After reading Invisible Man, everybody recognizes the invisibility of most of the people living in the places being suggested on this thread. Please, Sir, may I have one more bowl of porridge? Fortunately, Life is not everlasting. Everybody is bent upon eeking out one more day in paradise... until... Until, one fine day, the realization of our own mortality comes crashing down upon us. Anyone who has had a near-death experience fully realizes that there is no escape from our inevitable and inglorious final moment, no matter if we might travel to the wilds of Chile. The guy from Pategonia met his maker when he least expected. In my opinion, if I wanted to escape death, I would live in a tent on the pack ice, for a while, and then row my boat, in order to save my men, same as Shackleton. If you want to know where to go, then just follow the path of Shackleton.
  7. Miami Beach with falling-down apartment houses? Been there. Did that. Drug lords for neighbors, sometimes. Just recall Al Pacino with his head full of snow. Or, in Pacino's case, I think Al was snorting baby laxitive. Google it.
  8. It's not a problem here, when we do our best to plug ads which support TV. Also, most women love H&M jeans. Although, nothing wrong with USD200.00 designer jeans, form fitted, with sequens, etc.
  9. My only advice is, no matter where you might go... Please take as many pairs of women's H&M jeans as the airline will allow. All women love H&M jeans.
  10. If one is a software engineer, Belize is good. The waters are crystal clear. Very few regulations in Belize. Take your Glock. 40 millimeter. Bang Bang, I shot him down. Bang Bang. He hit the ground. Bang Bang. Or, off yourself in Spain. Life is so unpredictable once you decide to leave Thailand.
  11. Japanese women are starved for love. Please just refer to the demographics. It's like about 0.8, maybe. Although, having been celibate since before 2000, the Japanese government would not welcome me.
  12. Somewhere where all is red. Somewhere where The East is Red. Somewhere where concubines teeter-totter around on hobbled clubbed feet. The clubbed feet of yesteryear-women is like Viagra to me.
  13. You will return to TV, even from the afterlife! Such a thing as this has occurred time, and time, again. No one knows if a poster might be 6 feet under, unless the cadaver dogs provide TV with the smell test. I hope you have 35 or 53 years to go TV cannot afford to lose even one good writer. Eat more steamed brocalli, vitamin D, zinc, and Stilton cheese.
  14. However, it is only sentient beings on TV who can possibly give meaning to the construct of infinity. Are you now saying that those posting on TV are not sentient? If so, I disagree.
  15. Have you ever toyed with the option to donate your body to science, in order to help med students? Also, how do you sign up for this? Med students, here in Thailand, like everywhere else, need to practice on us old guys, when we stop breathing, for good. Now that I mention this, I realize that I need to make some provision in my living will, in order to provide some service to local med students, in my death. Not joking. However, one thing that I think might be a joke is to have med students dissect me and see that I have a small member, only about seven or eight inches, and you could say that it is one of my shortcomings. Still, anyway.... In fact, it is a wonderful thing to do,....to provide one's body for research purposes. I will definitely do this. The only question is: Which university will I choose, if I have a choice. Hope that you will donate yourself, too, because...doing this is helpful for young students, as you know. Regards, Globulin
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