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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Here is Herodotus. Yet, who was he? He wore robes. He was an historian. Even after almost 2500 years, he is remembered. He wrote in the Ionian dialect. He was a traveler, similar to Marco Polo. He was an early novelist who wrote prose before anyone imagined doing so. Herodotus, the great story teller, would have done well here. We are Herodotus, one can say. Our postings are no more, nor any less, than the gifts of Herodotus who went before us. We all have our critics: "In 425 BC, which is about the time that Herodotus is thought by many scholars to have died, the Athenian comic dramatist Aristophanes created The Acharnians, in which he blames the Peloponnesian War on the abduction of some prostitutes – a mocking reference to Herodotus, who reported the Persians' account of their wars with Greece, beginning with the rapes of the mythical heroines Io, Europa, Medea, and Helen." Fast forwarding another 2500 years, whom among us does not doubt that our postings here will surely survive? If the Internet survives, than so shall we. There is always the Wayback Machine, which will be stored in ice, along with the seeds we plant, today, in Norway...
  2. Looking back among my fond memories of all the wonderful women I have known in East Asia, and filtering them by age groups, I can only say that the "39 to 43" age group was the best I had ever had. For one thing, women of this age have, in most cases, already reached the stage when their children are almost off to college. And this is also the time when, in my opinion, Asian women become most attractive. Also, at this developmental stage in their lives, many women are exceedingly ripe. In most cases, due to almost perfectly tuned hormonal balances, at this stage, the majority of women in this age group are both very attractive, as well as being exceedingly ready for love. Now look. What I am saying is that a woman of 40 can easily have a body of a woman of a much younger age. And, her skin is almost the same. Most importantly, she responds even more quickly than you might imagine, with just the touch of your finger. I think you know what I mean. Think springtime. What I am telling you guys is that you need not seek out, and compete for, the young things when there are so many beautiful women of age 40 who are even better. That's right! Please do not be fooled. Women of age 40 are the very best you will ever find here. I can guarantee that they are. For one thing, you will not need to worry about your girl being dissatisfied with your performance, or her stepping out. I know most of you are worried about this. And so, I just wanted to suggest that you step up one or two decades to age 40, or even 45. If you do, then you will be happier, without doubt. Regards, Gamma Note: Also, let me put it this way... When I was 17, I was attracted to a woman who was 50. And, when I was 30, I was in love with a woman who was 41. Age does not matter much. Love is a product of the brain, mostly. Although, if one were truthful, then one also would admit that the beauty of the region between the legs is the sweetest spot imaginable. I love it.
  3. Strangely enough, this preference is actually, occasionally, true, and some Thai women prefer to hang with men from foreign lands. The question is, why. AA. Is it because you are more handsome? BB. Is it because you are more romantic? CC. Is it because you are perceived as being more exotic? Erotic? What is the reason? Why do you think Thai women love you so much? Are you more caring? Do you think you enjoy pillow talk more than most? All women love pillow talk, for example. There is no simple answer, and no single answer fits all cases. And, therefore, what is the reason that Thai women will cross cultural boundaries and seek out foreign men, and fall in love with a foreign stranger? Each of you, those who have fallen in love, might have a different answer. Maybe, the answer is that cultural barriers no longer count, much. Maybe, no one much cares about cultural barriers, these days. Or, is is that, you are both exotic and erotic?
  4. My Dearest Friends, Would you not wish for a more stress-free lifestyle which is far easier to attain than conversion to vegetarianism, if only you had the encouragement to adopt it? I am talking about a better way of life which can improve your wellbeing, one which requires little need for relinquishing your well-known passion for the consumption of charcoal-burned hamburgers or thick Kobe steaks. I am speaking, now, for the first time on TV, about the important topic of Celibacy. Particularly, I am exhorting you to follow my lifestyle, and thereby improve your lives, immeasurably. I think you know that I have read a few topics on TV, concerning lovesickness, and all the heartache concomitant with it. So many topics on TV involve love-related issues, and love gone wrong. Everybody knows that guys here are sometimes hurting due to misplaced feelings of love. Please let me tell you about my last and final experience with loving: My last experience with loving is now foggy, yet it was the year 1999. It was in the cab of an Isuzu truck, and I recall that we were driving through mountainous roads late at night, some place on an island province off the coast of China. Pete Segar was playing in my head. We were getting hot and heavy. She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes. Funny how you remember the Isuzu, and the seats of the truck, sitting way up high. We were parked above a cliff, with the Pacific ocean far below. Funny how we began humming a song from 1962, simultaneously. Sweet summertime I never used her, but she used me, workin’ on our night moves. I woke that night to the sound of thunder. How far off, I sat and wondered. Then, with autumn closing in, my memories of her were growing thin. Where was I? Celibacy. I know that most of you, though not all of you, will recognize my escape from the yoke of hormonal servitude to my sexual need as being truly triumphant. Am I being facetious? Not at all. I am free now, free as a bird, without any thoughts for birds, other than for my continued love for birds, if only platonically speaking. If you want to truly be free, like me, free of the yoke of your uncontrollable hormonal passions, then do what I do, and do as I say. Never give in to the call of the sirens, for carnal pleasure. Instead, enjoy women’s company as you would the Bronte Sisters, all three or four of them, at once. Believe me, you will be a happier man if you do. Celibacy is a lifestyle which I highly recommend. I would not suggest this lifestyle to you if I had not personally practiced celibacy for more than 20 years, with positive results. Take or leave my advice, if you will. I am only asking that you first try celibacy for 20 years before reaching any final judgement. You cannot, in good conscience, criticise a lifestyle unless you have first tried it. Physical love is like chocolate ice cream. One scoop is never enough. One scoop leads to another scoop, and another, and another, and the next. Where will these endless helpings of chocolate scoops ever end, unless one just swears off ice cream all together, and gets free. I am free. Free at last. God almighty, I am free at last. Wish you the same. Complete Celibacy is the only way. (Take just one scoop, and you will fall off the wagon of love, and be lost forever, maybe.) Stay celibate, my friends. Stay Strong!
  5. I have a different view of Thailand than most of those who were born post-1955. I do not want to get into particulars here. All that I might say is that, now that I am rapidly approaching the end of my life, I have become sentimental about my times in Thailand, pre-1971. As we increasingly become aware, due to extreme overpopulation and inundating, overwhelming pollution, our beloved world which we once knew is now a distant memory. And, maybe the sea is rising. Some might say that things will get better, and that people in Thailand will ride Musk’s rockets to Mars. But I think such a thing may not happen in my lifetime. I really do not know what will happen during the next five years. All I know is that you can book your launch on a site like ISILAUNCH. So, the question is, do I really want to launch myself into orbit, so soon, before I die? I mean, I already know that I will be up there in space, eventually, for free. And, therefore, why should I pay to ride with Musk? Note: For those who might wish to get to space SOONER, then.... You can go onto one of Musk's sites and BOOK a LAUNCH. I will not provide the link to BOOK a LAUNCH, simply because I do not advocate going to space before you are ready, and before you have lived a full life down here on planet Thailand.
  6. Wishing Good Health to All: During this lockdown, and possible future rolling lockdowns in the offing, I have come to the realization that the best choice for me might be to just hunker down and do another 150-page thesis edit for a deserving/perfectionist grad student in Thailand. If I did, then there would be no need to leave my house for three months. And, no time to think about COVID. I have done a fair number of these long and time-consuming ESL-type edits in recent years. And, due to the projected effects of COVID, I believe that several more time-consuming and worthy projects would be a win/win proposition. Obviously, I do not expect that any grad student worth her salt might be reading this forum while completing her thesis research, and so this is not an ad. Instead, I had hoped that just one or two readers here might provide me with some pointers concerning how to quickly find ESL grad students in Thailand who might need my help. ESL thesis editing is actually not typical editing as most editors might know it. ESL editing is more a matter of careful interpretation, plus editing. The task is to preserve the meaning of convoluted paragraphs while making them readable. And then, to do a second edit, and maybe even a third edit after thesis defense. I have edited theses written by students from Burma (Myanmar), China, Cambodia and Thailand. It’s always the same, and the process from beginning to completion requires about three months as students proceed through the thesis writing process. This is what I am seeking. I usually work 12 hours per day, 7 days per week, on a good thesis edit, and rarely feel the need to think about the world around me or come up for air. True, I listen to JS Bach, The Well-Tempered Clavier and Bach’s cello compositions while editing, and this keeps me going with very few breaks. These days, and this next year, I am considering doing one or two, maybe three, more thesis edits, and just hope to let the world go by outside my house, and be able to happily subsist on food delivered outside my door. Such a thing as this will be good for students, and good for me during this unique time in history. Most likely, the worse the virus gets, and the more the virus adapts, the more theses I will wish to gladly edit in a meticulous way. THEREFORE, I kindly ask any knowledgeable reader here to provide me with a few pointers concerning best ways to quickly find deserving Thai grad students in need of thesis editing help. I work hard, and I am a perfectionist about such things as transition from one paragraph to the next, in order to create a more logical flow of ideas presented throughout each chapter. I prefer helping a student who has chosen a topic in the Natural Sciences. However, if/when I agree to edit a thesis in the Social Sciences, then the topic should be worthy and should not be boring, but should broach something new and interesting. In case anyone might wish to know, I am an IVY grad from a top university on the east coast of the US. Think Benjamin Franklin. I exercise much patience and do my best to be supportive of students during the extremely stressful writing process as they complete their thesis and defense. In Conclusion: There are some serious people on this forum who are also smart and resourceful; I know. How can I find a good and caring student who needs help? What is the point in being in lockdown for many more months without using this time to help a student, if one might? Why waste this time??? Please feel free to send me a message if you have any thoughts. Or just reply on the forum, even better. I do not exactly expect I will find the answer to my question here, although I just might. And so, it is worth a try to ask such a question in this space. Thank you. Note: Of course, most thesis edits are normally done between the months of April and June. Still, due to the pandemic, maybe timing, and our times, have now changed. Tks, again. (If this turns out to be a double-post: Sorry. Not intentional.)
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