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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I said from the beginning that there was NO 7th Man involved. The facts of the case did not support the hypothesis that there was an involved 7th individual.
  2. Sure, and I realize that this might be possible. But usually, when drinking tea, we do not "toast" with it. We do not say, when consuming tea, in any way......: One, Two, Three......GAN BEI!!!!!!! (bottoms up in Chinese) And, nobody drinks hot tea quickly! We drink it slowly, during a period of about 20 minutes, while chatting with others, before we finish the contents of our tea cup. Alternatively, with beer or white Chinese liquor, we often say..... Gan Bei, Gan Bei..... GAN BEI! And, this behavior is normal. But even then, some refuse to finish what is in their beer glasses or Chinese shot glasses. Therefore, I still find this behavior a bit odd.
  3. We usually do not drink a toast to someone using hot tea!, I think. Also, as to the idea that someone might have said....Let's all taste this new tea.... Was it not reported that some drank coffee and some drank tea? Therefore, it's unlikely that anyone was able to coax them to their deaths using the words: "Hey. Let's all try this new blend of coffee and, or, tea."
  4. You are absolutely correct about this. I know that this is true, just from my own experience, as well. This is still something that I would consider odd about the findings in this case.
  5. I think that it's incredible and admirable just how fast this case was accurately solved with validated data after good research and investigation. My only wish is that someone would discover and tell us why the honey became such an important part of the reportage of this loan-investment-based tragedy.
  6. Yes. And you are correct. And this is because the vast majority of those Americans who had been living in America for thousands of years died due to illness after being exposed to disease/diseases carried by the "pilgrims", from their origins in Europe. Or, at least, this is my limited understanding of history.
  7. Same as this day in August of 2023. 5-egg omelette 1.5 bowls of steamed jasmine rice large-tall 660 ml glass of iced Green Tea from Sichuan China Soy sauce, White pepper, Chili powder on the eggs, but not on the rice!
  8. YES. I have been saying, and almost screaming this, since yesterday evening! This MUST have been an act of 6 individuals that happened ALL at the SAME TIME. And, the poison must have been extremely fast acting because: Only two had the ability to try to escape, by making it only half-way to the door. So, right! Very fast acting poison. And, at least two, had, seemingly, tried to escape! Very strange!
  9. Yes, but the NYT prints ALL the news that is fit to print. And, they do a better job at checking and corroborating sources that they either quote, or use as back sources, one hopes.
  10. What about the Americans who have been living in America for many millennia? Are they not more REAL than the Real Americans who have only lived in America for centuries? (So, my point: The two Vietnamese who had citizenship were REAL Americans, too! Who knows, maybe they were boat people, too.)
  11. So, if this is true, then it will be like.... Don't drink the Koolade, all over again. I tend to agree that this was intentional on the part of most/all of the six...only because of the white powder that was clearly visible in/around the cups. Nobody would willingly drink tea with conspicuous white powder, unless they knew what the powder was. And, also, they might have gotten rid of evidence using the bathroom toilets. Note: Fentanyl intoxication DOES cause MUCH foaming at the mouth, too!
  12. Yes, I noticed those vacuum bottles yesterday. BUT, if it was the vacuum bottled liquid that killed them, then WHY is there that metal box of Chinese tea sitting there? Why have a tin of loose tea sitting there if they were drinking tea from the vacuum bottle. And, how could the 7th man be sure that all the drinkers would drink from the vacuum bottle, and not drink something else, instead, after the 7th individual had left? And, then, why lock the door from the inside, unless they were retiring for the evening? The problem is that this must have been fast-acting poison, since two of the six were unable to even make it to the exit door.
  13. Sure, but Asians, or Chinese, and probably Vietnamese, typically have their tea with or after meals, not just before a meal. And, we DO know that they called for room service at 1:55 PM. Therefore, the meal untouched on the table was probably not lunch, but ordered for an early dinner. Therefore, why not eat it? And, why drink tea before the meal, as the caffeine would tend to decrease appetite. If they drank poisoned tea, then they must have drunk the tea in the later afternoon hours. It cannot have been that they ordered a meal, and then they saw the meal, and then they drank their tea? Also, they had ordered fried rice with a fried egg, it seems. Nobody likes fried rice served cold! Why did they not eat it as soon as the food arrived? In addition, even if they had a microwave oven in their "suite", one microwave oven is NOT enough to heat up 6 large plates of food, and 4 bowls of TomYomGong, while keeping the food warm, so that all could sit down and enjoy a nice meal together. This is what really seems most bizarre to me: 1. I would rather die than eat cold food if the food was intended, by the chef, to be eaten hot. 2. So, maybe the food got cold, and then they said.... "Mai Ben Rai", and then they all drank the poisoned tea, in unison. If so, this would be the MOST bizarre ending to one of these investigations that most of us have heard, to date, .... maybe...
  14. I am sure of NOTHING, .....FACT! To paraphrase Inspector Sellers.
  15. I have been in Asia, full time, since 1979. I traveled to Thailand several times, non-military, in 1971. I have seen some squabbles, and have been an onlooker, many times, in court cases. All the Farang I have known over the years are no longer with us here in Asia. I am the Last Farang Standing! The very best policy one must adhere to in Asia is this: Avoid direct confrontation. Also, avoid passive-aggressive confrontation. Both direct-confrontation and indirect-confrontation in East Asia and SE Asia inevitably boomerang on the Farang. Maybe this is why having a lot of land is so important here in Asia. Find a way to obtain land, and then build a small house in the middle of it. Commune with the birds, especially the Thai Myna bird who is our friend, and never causes us heartache, but only provides us with joy and happiness. I am not tired of the Human Race. I have two friends, one here and one in Japan. Two is the right number. I am much happier now that I have made the move to not move out of my house, or beyond the gate of my wall. I dearly hope that I never need return to the noisy condo life. That would be disastrous for my health and mental wellbeing. Note: When I stated that I am now the Last Farang Standing... I really meant that I feel like.... The Last of the Mohicans.... An outcast in his own land... But in my case, I am welcome in a foreign land, or feel so, anyway.
  16. Yes. And, entirely possible for the two to be among the children in the boats of the boat people who had been rescued and welcomed to the United States. They ARE Americans,too, of course. And, most are very hard workers. I had not intended to imply otherwise. It is just their ages that made me think they might have been among the rescued boat people.
  17. They seem to have, on Monday, checked out of several smaller rooms, in favor of this one large villa. Then, they move their luggage in the villa, sometime Monday. And, at 1:55 PM, Monday, they order room service. This is the last contact made from the villa, to the outside world. Tuesday evening, the maid discovers the unbeaten food, and contacts the constabulary.
  18. Concerning the type of tea they may have been drinking, in this video, one can see a metal box/tin of loose tea, similar to traditional packaging of Chinese tea. Now, IF, this is Chinese tea, everybody KNOWS that no Asian would ever add any honey or sugar or powdered sugar to Chinese tea. Sure, maybe in Thailand, there are those that add milk and sugar to tea. But, not in China, and probably also not in Vietnam, typically. So the open container of honey is strange. And, the white powder is not powdered sugar, of course. Such a fast acting poison, and it must have been painless, too. Fentanyl is still the best choice, it seems. Fentanyl intoxication does cause much foaming at the mouth, as well.
  19. At 1:55 PM, Monday, someone in the "suite" placed an order for Room Service (food). This is a more informative BBC video just released...
  20. So now, from UPI, we see mentioned a trace of "WHITE POWDER" residue around the tea/coffee cups.... https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2024/07/16/Thailand-Bangkok-poison-six-dead-Grand-Hyatt-Thiti-Saengsawang-Srettha-Thavisin/1341721155627/ Also, if a white powder, then this could be consistent with Fentanyl. If it were a cultist suicide, as has been suggested, why would anyone choose to ingest CN, which is painful. It would be more logical to take Fentanyl, which is just as lethal, but probably completely painless. How could it be another party that did the poisoning, if there was this white powder visible on/around the cups? Would you drink tea from a cup with white powder residue easily visible? And, again, why the container of honey?
  21. Yes. They arrived in two separate parties on Saturday and Sunday. They are said to have died on Monday. And they were scheduled to check out on Tuesday. But then, why check out of their other rooms on Monday? Why move all their luggage to the larger suite on Monday? Why not move to the suite on Tuesday, which is the day they were scheduled to check out? https://www.odt.co.nz/news/world/six-found-dead-luxury-bangkok-hotel
  22. If it were suicide, then why would they have ordered such a very nice meal, and then left it untouched? On the other hand, they DID have an open container of honey. They might have used the honey to mask the bitter or metallic taste of cyanide... https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/departments-and-agencies/dph/dph/communications/cerc/cyanidespdf.pdf So, in this scenario, all six individuals added cyanide and honey to their coffee/tea drinks, and did a bottoms-up "gan bei" down the hatch, in unison? But then why would two of the 6 try to head for the door? Cyanide is painful, and so why did the group looks so "peaceful". If they were going to ingest cyanide, would they not have first wished to have their nice, and last, meal, together? Nothing makes much sense here. Perhaps this is just another completely senseless act?
  23. From the New York Times, we have corroboration that all SIX drank coffee or tea! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/16/world/asia/thailand-six-dead-poisoning.html So, why would they drink coffee and tea before their meal, and not after or during the meal, and most Chinese do? And, once again, what is the role of the open container of honey? Was this a purchase made in Thailand as a souvenir, as honey is a very nice gift to be bought by many in Thailand, while visiting. Also, according to this article, it was only "assumed" that they had been poisoned, and so this does not rule out some sort of mutual act engaged in by all SIX which led to death for all. But then, why were two of the individuals trying to reach the door, to exit? ===== One other curious fact: There were 6 plates of food ordered for 6 people, consisting of fried rice and a fried egg, one plate per person. But there were only 4 bowls of TomYongGong soup! What happened to the other two bowls? In addition, there was a plate of seaweed, and two plates of some kind of mixed vegetables, some sliced Asian cucumber garnishes, and all the coffee/tea cups were missing from the table in the BBC photo image, except for one lone cup. Who overturned that water bottle in the BBC photo image? The water bottle was lying on its side, empty. If we had more information, or all the information available, then it might be possible to say more, and, perhaps, help to suggest solutions to this mystery.
  24. If poison, then it must have been an extremely fast acting poison, simply because two individuals tried, but failed, to reach the exit door of the room. This means that the individuals would have had to take the poison all at the same time. And, further, that the poison would have had to be able to kill in seconds. So, then, it could NOT have been cyanide, UNLESS the cyanide were inhaled, and not swallowed or injected.... But, if something like Fentanyl, they might have been overcome in seconds, as well, even without inhalation of the drug. If CN, then how do you get 6 individuals to inhale cyanide gas, all at the same time? ====== Could it be possible that this was an allergic reaction? Some allergic reactions can constrict the airway and cause collapse very quickly. But then....why would all 6 individuals be susceptible to the same allergen? ======== Possibly even faster acting than cyanide gas, might be something like a nerve gas, but doesn't Sarin nerve gas take minutes, and not seconds? You also get the foaming at the mouth, of course. In this crime scene, I think that I might have worn a hazmat suit, which is becoming standard garb for these types of cases in the USA, it seems.
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