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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes, but whatever poison was used, this poison must have been super fast acting. If CN, then CN is a very painful death, and should be easily spotted by looking at the body, one would think. And, how do you get 6 individuals to swallow CN all at the same time? If it was something like Fentanyl, then this might have been a bit slower acting, and maybe someone did a GanBei bottoms up with the drinks? But what would be the point of the 7th individual leaving the room? There are security cameras all over. However, of course, there was no 7th person in the room, because there were only SIX orders of food! Also, what about the open container of honey? What would you use honey for? Asians do not sweeten their tea, usually. Very rarely. And, you don't put honey in DomYomGong, which I can see on the table. So, then, why the open container of honey, which seems to have NO USEFULNESS in this setting?
  2. So then, please explain this: Why would they have drunk their tea/water/sports drink/cola....BEFORE they even touched their meal? Only one meal's plastic wrap is even uncovered. Nobody sits down at table, FIRST drinks tea and coffee, and THEN eats their food....do they?
  3. Yes. And, even more puzzling... This is like "The Last Supper", or something... https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3g3prgzzjpo How can you poison so many people at the same time? It looks like they were getting ready to enjoy a very nice meal, too.... "The Last Lunch". And, obviously, from the photo: There were orders for SIX people on the table. This is sort of like one of those: Agatha Christie mysteries, or something...
  4. If you read the news reports, there seems to be conflicting info. Some say they were preparing to check out, and other reports say they had just checked in. Must be something lost in translation. Anyway..YES...as you say.... If from America, then Fentanyl is not unlikely. And, it acts fast!
  5. Do you recall this case in which 5 people died, all at once, and suddenly, from overdose of Fentanyl. A friend visited the apartment, and found the 5 people dead, as if they had just fallen in their tracks. It hit them that suddenly. So, sort of the same scenario: 5 people die together, suddenly, and immediately, without being able to call for help. But, I find this very strange, too: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/bangkok-shooting-hotel-casualties-thailand-police-b1171036.html They were preparing to Check Out! They had already packed their bags! Then, they drop dead?
  6. Maybe deep discount using coupons and online reservations, or something. Or, maybe they borrowed points from a third party?
  7. No, that is not correct: a. If it is BY CHOICE and intentional, and the drug taker knows what he is taking, and chooses to take it, and is NOT intending to off himself, but still dies because he has ingested too much, then.... This would be an "overdose". b. But, if the deceased never intended to take any given drug, but somehow happened to ingest a drug, and that drug killed him, then this would be a poisoning. It could be an unintentional poisoning. Or, it could be an intentional poisoning committed by another party, which would then be considered murder by poison. c. Then, in the US: If a drug seller sells a drug (if it is FENTANYL) to a user, and if the seller knowingly misrepresents the type of drug he is providing, and the user ingests that drug, and consequently dies of that drug, then this is considered a poisoning, and this is also considered murder, first degree, in some states in the US. At least, this is my understanding. d. In this case, it is still probably: Intoxication by Substance to be determined...
  8. Are you sure that Fentanyl would leave a trace? I am not sure. 2 milligrams is really quite a small dose. Also, didn't all deceased die almost at exactly the same time? Otherwise, at least one might have called for help. Fentanyl acts immediately. Also, if the poison was in the tea...or coffee....then.. Would they not have all have had to drink their beverages at the SAME TIME? Also THIS: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/six-people-two-vietnamese-americans-found-dead-bangkok-hotel-rcna162144 So then: Foaming at the mouth? I am going with Fentanyl, or the similar but stronger version of Fentanyl, which is 20 times stronger than Fentanyl. In that case, the lethal dose would be 0.1 milligram, per deceased
  9. How could this be a possibility? Did they not pack up their belongings, in anticipation of checking out? Also, why are the investigators not wearing HAZMAT suits? ========= But, of course...it's still possible, I guess. Because... Remember Heaven's Gate? These guys, too, packed up all their stuff, in anticipation of traveling to, I recall, some comet, or asteroid, or something...
  10. I wonder if the poison used was..... FENTANYL ?
  11. Musk is one guy I hope will live to see the last of his natural lifespan on planet Earth.... Or, more likely....on.... Mars.
  12. No. Impossible. If he is an atheist, then, by definition, this would rule out Satanism.
  13. THAT would be one heck of a METAMORPHOSIS....indeed! One that would make even Kafka...proud....
  14. Every time I read anyone using the abbreviation, SS, I immediately think: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel So, yes... Bizarre is the word, and it's very bizarre if one is able to use the abbreviation SS to refer to the secret service, or anything other than Stainless Steel, and the Schutzstaffel.
  15. When he says.... Fellow Christians.... I am pretty sure that this guy is an ATHEIST....like me. For example: Vance really digs Curtis Yarvin. And, Yarvin is an atheist. IF Vance is a Closet Atheist, then, at least, that is one point in his favor. We really need to remove religion from politics, before we can take the next small step for Mankind.
  16. If you are referring to me.... I am impervious to Borax. Even so, as I mentioned, I would not intentionally bring it into my nest.
  17. Some people here are trying to deceive me, and trick me into buying Borax powder to carry back to my nest. They think I am THAT stupid? I am not so easily killed-off as they THINK!
  18. I already have, and already did, and it was rightfully and justifiably removed....no complaints from me...for sure.
  19. Yes, Your conclusion was obvious from the beginning. Also, it will be a very NOISY hallway...but...that's OK. Everyone likes noise in Thailand.
  20. I Agree to: a. Having very wealthy Thai people hold onto, and protect, large parcels of land. This will be good for Thailand, as a whole. b. I do NOT agree to opening up long-term lease to foreigners and Farang. This will only increase land speculation and drive up prices. c. I hate the modern-day developers in Asia, and around here.... They just despoil, desecrate, and defoliate the land. They replace the Natural Beauty of the environment in Thailand with useless and shoddy eyesores, which, mostly, due to lack of insulation and other factors, are unfit to live in, comfortably. d. Therefore, increase landholdings for the Rich and Super-rich. Because, future generations of Thais will be grateful, and will agree with me, too!
  21. OK. Simple enough. I will try it when I next am able to find some Borax. I have none stocked in my house, of course.
  22. Anybody who has lived as long as I must realize that these unstable times (or just changing times, or just times which are a-changing) FEEL extremely and eerily similar to... The middle-late 1960s...FOR SURE.... Welcome to your world! Welcome to Bedlam! Welcome to our near-term future of greater instability! I doubt that either Great Good or Great Evil will come of all this unscripted and rapid social and societal evolution... I think, maybe, we will just be back in the Stone Age, soon, but without the petroleum products, easily accessible, to restart "Humanity-on-Earth 2.0"... Here is a great song which captures this feeling....maybe.... The cover of Time is not what it used to be... \ Note: We Boomers grew up, and lived our formative years, with revolution in mind. And, the world today is a reflection of this. The boomers were never very smart, you know, and they still are not smart, you know... I just wish my fellow alumnus, Chomsky, were in better health these days....Wish him Well!
  23. Microwave, of course. I have already stated that I do not use a stove. I do not like to cook indoors. I could set up a stove outside my kitchen...but... Too many mosquitoes in the evenings, and too hot in the afternoons. So....I prefer not to set up a gas stove......yet.
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