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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Sorry. I think I lost count in 2021. Happy Birthdays, to you, then.....
  2. So, anyway, as I stated, I buy a lot of canned Tuna from TOPS. The TOPS tuna is good quality, and slightly lower price. I like shopping at TOPS, too, but not at all the stores. It all depends upon which store has the better manager. I am not that price sensitive, because I do not buy a lot of CRAPPOLA that I do not need, especially any ultra-processed foods. I stopped buying peanut butter. Skippy now tastes so disgusting (to me). Skippy tastes to me like..... pure pig lard, ... in fact...especially after not having tasted it in a few months. I found a jar I had not known existed, purchased last year, and tried it. If one does not eat this junk regularly, one is able to really taste the disgustingness of it. Of course, some people love it, just as they love SPAM. So now, I guess, anytime I feel like paying CASH, then I will head to MAKRO, which is not far from me. I recall that they seem to have cheaper vegetables. But I rarely eat vegetables. In future, I think I will not change my buying habits: Lotus GOOD; Tops GOOD But, I will reserve the right to go to any good store with a deep discount on quality Extra-VIRGIN Spanish Olive Oil. I really like olive oil, on just about anything, and for any occasion.
  3. OK. Now I feel a bit better about this entire Topic. It seems I had mistakenly believed that MAKRO was unfairly biased and against AmEx. Now, I realize that all credit cards are equal in the eyes of Makro. That's fine with me. If they insist on nothing but cash, then I can easily adapt, and pay them cash. And, I won't even try to pay them in One-Baht coins, either. If cash is their policy, then I think it is a good policy. Paying cash is good for the consumer. It helps the consumer to realize that things they buy actually DO cost money. And, it helps consumers to stay withing their budgets. So, I guess they also do not take the VISA credit card, as you say? If true, I can gladly accept their policy.
  4. Well, it seems the problem is increasingly the fact that any drug experimentation by "youth" is more hazardous than it ever was in history. This drug here, is insane! Who in their right mind would knowingly imbibe? And, who can experiment with any reliable assurance that one of these adulterants is not present? It's like......DEER HUNTER !!!! All over again.... https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/drug-addiction/in-depth/xylazine/art-20559909#:~:text=Xylazine is a medicine given,opioids that are taken illegally.
  5. The Biggest Problem with MAKRO is that this retailer refuses to accept American Express Card. I would not mind shopping at MAKRO if they would change their credit-card policy. Maybe they already have since I was there last, to check. Until then, I will just shop at Lotus which takes AmEx. I also buy a lot of TOPS Tuna, and Makro does not have Tops Tuna. Really, there is not much that I need to buy at Makro, when I think about it. Basically, at the larger stores, I just buy rice, extra-virgin olive oil from Spain, chicken breasts, and canned tuna. So, would it even be worth it for me to buy at Makro, considering the fact that they won't take my AmEx card (as far as I know, and as of this date). Also, I like shopping at Lotus. Very bright and friendly atmosphere, for example. If Makro has some super deal on a gallon or two of Spanis olive oil, then I might be tempted, and then be willing to pay cash. Until then, I must give Makro a pass. Not sure if GO is nearby. If GO accepts AmEx, then I might try.
  6. Being here in Thailand provides me with the best/easiest/most-convenient environment to live my Hermit-Kingdom Lifestyle. Here in Thailand, I am free to dial down my contact with the world outside my garden walls. I can keep my gate locked for weeks, and nobody objects. Thailand, 3BB. offer super-fast and stable internet service connection at extremely reasonable rates. I can go to the markets and shops, and buy what I need for up to 4 months, and then store in my two large fridges. I can order omelettes 30 at a time, and have them delivered through the bars of my gate, without even needing to unlock it, if I chose not to. I enjoy my Thai friends, my Thai Myna bird friends and Thai human friends, and I need no Farang friends. I also have many Chinese friends, but these friends I mostly see via internet and Google Meet, because I will never return to China until Xi is 6-feet under. I love Thai food, and it's these simple things in life that I enjoy most. And then, of course, there is TV, where I interact virtually with my only Farang friends. I would say that I have about 2K to 3K Farang friends on TV, possibly more. I am free to do just about anything I like to do using my computer connected to the internet. I never wanted to climb Everest, or visit Greece. If I want to look at Van Gogh's Peach Tree, up super close, and count the brush strokes, then I just go onto the Van Gogh Museum site, which is dynamite. I am the type who might be a suitable candidate for being shot to the Moon, one-way. I mean, this was actually considered by NASA when we were in the race to the Moon. Shoot a Man to the Moon or Mars, one way...and then... Spend the next few years trying to figure out how to return him to Earth. Still, Chiang Mai is a far better existence than Moon-living could ever be. I am happy to be here, rather than on the Moon.
  7. I predict that you will find this both entertaining and informative. Great video from a Black Brother, Bro! Extremely well done, with over 2.2 million views.
  8. But, have you heard about Nitazenes? Here is a drug that requires more Narcan to reverse the effects. And then there is Xylazine being consumed by humans, yet it's a drug intended for Dogs and Cats! And, Narcan will not work on Xylazine overdoses. Where will this all end, one wonders? It seems as if what we had seen, in street drug use, up to 2015, was another age. And now, the world is going to hell. Who in their right mind would wish to risk bringing a child into a world such as ours? The risk is so high. Just one mistake, and game over for one's child. How do parents cope? Just too many reasons not to have children in this new age we are in. And so, it is no wonder that projected demographics in many countries are plummeting. And, maybe too, perhaps the increased opioid use is one more symptom of the deteriorating environment, and destruction of the social fabric needed to keep us social animals from going collectively berserk. I am just SOOO glad I am not young. And, I am sooooo glad I no longer live in the USA. One can complain about certain aspects of Thailand-living....but....compared to what is happening in the USA.... Thailand, most parts of Thailand, is both a haven and a heaven. I am grateful to be here, especially when I think about the alternative in America, both North and South America. Asia is the the only place to be if you want to escape true insanity. Note: Good for Canines, I guess... https://www.petplace.com/article/drug-library/drug-library/library/xylazine-rompun-for-dogs-and-cats So cute !!!!
  9. This move feels/smells of being the result of desperation. Why the urgency? Why the policy change? Are things that bad, economically speaking? If one lives away from tourist locations, and one does not frequent shops and restaurants, then the results of these types of policy changes will only rarely be noticeable. Still, it seems odd, indeed.
  10. You are correct about the stomping and banging, and dropping of coins on the floor of the floor above you. Especially if you get some Big Fat Slob of a guy who walks on his heels, back and forth, at all hours...back and forth, back and forth. This is really NO WAY to live. And, yes, the stress can get high enough to cause cardiac arrest, ....maybe. So, I would NEVER again live in a Thai condo. You see, the regulations for the thickness of the concrete slab, between floors, is actually not thick enough. I guess they do this to save money....obviously. This is true of residential buildings in other countries in Asia, too, such as China. So, what you need to do is to either find a commercial building with super thick concrete flooring, IDK...maybe like 14 inches or something, or you need to move out to a single dwelling, or maybe like the townhouse in your photo. The reason for the very thick flooring in commercial buildings is that some companies require floors that will hold a lot of weight (i guess). But, condo buildings are not the same. And, vibration is easily transmitted from one floor throughout the building if you just tap the concrete with a hammer. Nobody should live like that, unless they are either completely deaf, or completely daft! If you choose a townhouse, especially one like 3-levels/3-floors-3-story, then you will have plenty of room, and be very comfortable. Just makes sure that you know who your neighbors might be. For example, I found one, in the recent past, which had the two connecting units on either side used just for warehousing and storing items that were not often used. So that kind of setup would have been ideal. But, even better is to find a single dwelling, an unattached house, where you have enough land around the house, and enclosed within a wall, with a gate. But, even then, if you do not choose the right location, you will have aircraft overhead, roosters at all hours, and Music Festivals blasting until after 12 midnight. Then, also, if you have young people near you, then you will have that Thump Thump Thud Thud base all day at unexpected times. It has taken me many moves to finally find a house where I can get some uninterrupted sleep at night, every night, except the nights when I post comments on TV. Quiet nights and quiet days are precocious to me, here in Thailand. Places like I have now are scarcer than roosters teeth. If you find a place like this, then this can add years to your life, I would imagine. Good Luck!
  11. South Pacific. Music by Richard Rodgers, with lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein
  12. Project 2025, obviously, is PURE IDIOCY. Only the idiots of the Heritage Foundation would have formulated such a collection of misbegotten proposals. Just take one, as an example: Cutting funding for Global Warming research in order to favor fossil fuel use. That is idiocy, for sure. But, it goes over well with many in the mid-western states of the US. Project 2025 is probably the wackiest collection of proposals the US has ever seen in all it's history. Still, I am all for it...IF... this is what the majority of Americans choose. I will not stress about it. I have no children. I care not about the future of humanity. I care far more about the Thai Myna Birds on my property whom I see every day, hopping about, and chatting with one another. I treat them more like people, these birds, than I would any American wishing to come through my locked gate. I do NOT care about Americans, as a whole, who are too dumb to care about themselves. Worrying about anti-science dummies is pointless stress, for anybody. There is no benefit in it.
  13. Being the anarchist that I am, you hardly need ask me, I would think... I would get rid of the executive branch. If we did that, then we could also get rid of Biden and Trump, in one fell swoop.
  14. Tom Jones, "The foundling". He was my hero. Also, Squire Western who loved sleeping in the barnyard, in a pile of hay, with the dogs and the pigs. Squire Western represented almost everything I aspired to when I was 12 yo...
  15. In fact: Increasing migration of humans trying to escape desertification and increasing heat, increasing water stress, and famine due to crop failure, will only continue to increase, and this is utterly unstoppable. Don't think that the US Army has not been gaming contingency measures to fend off the hoard of intruders that is sure to come during the near future. This is a Known Known, as Rummy told us! What I worry about most, being the true Anglophile that I have always been, is what will happen to the British Culture in light of this unstoppable onslaught from the south? Of course, it is not considered politically correct to call a spade a spade. However, the US Army has never been accused of being PC. The US Army's mission is to protect the United States, at all costs. And, rampant and increasing migration from the south, due to Global Warming, is happening already, and has always been considered inevitable. It's time to get tough. There is NO WAY that the UK can absorb all those that want to be admitted, just to enjoy things like old Hitchcock Movies. And, all this sudden migration hitting British shores will be far worse than the film, The Birds. Very soon, most countries will arrive at the best FINAL SOLUTION to this challenge. What this solution might be, one should try to ask the US Army, for one. Surely, this issue is being discussed at the highest levels of government in the US and the USA. We are brothers, the Brits and the Yanks! We need to raise the drawbridge.... NOW!
  16. Dear Folks, How many here have donated sperm to a woman or a couple wishing to start a family? How do you do this? Do you advertise? And, if you have not yet donated, would you consider doing so, if asked? And, do you think that many couples in Thailand, or even a few couples in Thailand, would prefer receiving a donation from someone with Long Golden Hair, instead of the regular old black hair. The reason I ask is that you see so many young Thai people, and even older Thai people, coloring their hair blonde, or almost-blond...therefore... They might also prefer to have a sperm donation from someone who is a natural blonde. Also, would you donate for payment, only? Or, would you donate for free, if the couple were financially less affluent? Here is an interesting analysis from my friend, The GEEK, who has put together a very entertaining lecture on this Topic. I hope you enjoy it, and that it might give you some good ideas. Also, I forgot to mention that, towards the end of this lecture, there is a very nice discussion of the MATH OF SPERM DONATION. Quite informational! Hope you enjoy. And, be charitable if you feel you are able. Regards, Gamma
  17. Those with IQs less than approximately 85 are not welcome in today's US Army: The ASVAB is not an IQ test, but an aptitude test. Still, with an IQ of less than around 85, not many would be admitted into the US military. In America, anyone with an IQ of less than 85 is probably rather useless. There are only so many positions for lumberjacks and chimney-sweeps available at any given time in America. Low IQ is a huge problem with moral implications for society. The US needs a way to provide a monthly salary to those who are too dumb to work. They must be provided healthcare, and a decent and humane life. In a sense, they can become the pets of the wealthier intelligent people in America. There is really no need to euthanize them as you suggest. Many of these people with extremely low IQ go on to engage in Fentanyl use. What is the point of prematurely euthanizing some dummy who is taking illicit Fentanyl on the street??? Pointless, really. Just wait a few weeks.... But, do we need any MORE of these people coming over the border? No. Best to be more selective concerning who is allowed in. There should be a sign at every border crossing: Dummies Not Welcome (unless you can do tricks)
  18. So my point was.... IF one must choose a lawyer as our Fearless Leader of the Free World, then.... WHY choose a dumb one? Better to choose a smart one. And, also, intelligence is just one important characteristic for being Prez. Besides superior intelligence, one must be an excellent liar. Several other important qualities are must haves...and....so obviously.... Harris does not have them.
  19. I would've thought.....the same thing. And, interestingly enough, your assumption turns out to be correct. I am an anarcho-syndicalist and libertarian socialist, and so I do not care about political parties in the American traditional sense of the word party. I believe that the ills plaguing both America and, thereby the world, will never be rectified through traditional politics or voting for self-serving politicians who are not guided by the needs and well-being of the populace. Fortunately, we, in the US, still have Free Speech. But free speech is not helpful unless it is used, and not wasted. Does anybody in America even care about the truth, or reading truth, or speaking truth? No, not many. They only care about taking political sides, which is meaningless. Life is not a game of Football, Folks!
  20. I have noticed that, recently, I have been making far more typographical errors than I once did. So, this might be due to some sort of AI interference. I mean, I know the word I want to type, and I know that I am hitting the correct keys, but somehow the word I desire to type becomes a different word, a word that does work in context, but the context has been altered. It's sort of like there is this AI overseeing what I am posting, and that this AI is trying to predict what I will say next, and then it's like this AI is using it's predictions, and being creative, instead of just adding the text that I had intended to add. It's weird, Man! Is this same thing happening to any others here? Or, only to us Democrats?
  21. Yes. And the dealer/culprit must pay for the bullet, as well. Totally fair, after having been a burden on society.
  22. Hi Folks, Kamala and Ron are both attorneys. But, they are different, too. Kamala is an idiot who attended a substandard school, Howard University. And Ron? He attended: Georgetown and Harvard. And.... SUMMA CUM LAUDE So, really, there is no comparison. It would be like a Birdbrain pitted against a Brainiac. The THING IS that Americans do not like, and are deeply suspicious of, intelligence and intelligent people, especially if they are from the East Coast and not from Texas or some other similar backwater dump. Also, Ron Kain is a Jew. So for me: a. I would like to see a Jew for US Prez....definitely. b. I would like to see an intelligent person as Prez. The last one we had was that guy Tricky Dick, I think. So then.... If Ron ran against Kamala... Who would you prefer? Who would win? Who would do a better job? Regards, Gamma
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