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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Trump People, and Trump, often insist that MANY non-Americans vote over there. Why are you so special, that you do not?
  2. Trump is our new TEFLON DON.... Even an exorcist could not remove Trump. Trump will be with us for the next 200 years. Our ancestors will, forever more, see Trump on Time.
  3. Wow. That sounds very stressful... Having to live with that sword dangling over one's head... Every day, and on into the uncertain future....
  4. Yes. Very comprehensive. All aspects are covered. For example, a comparison between braising and Sous Vide and the resulting tenderness of meat, and much longer cooking times, etc. Very nice.
  5. Here is a rather good and early article from quite some time ago: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267687810_Sous_Vide_Cooking_A_Review There are many advantages to this method of cooking which I did not know about. For example, prevention of re-contamination, just to name one. Here is the exact opposite of ultra-processing of foods, it seems.
  6. Yes. And I would choose sunflower oil, first.
  7. This is so bizarre! It's like:.... The Outer Limits meets The Twilight Zone....
  8. Thank you, once more. And, I think it will require a bit more research before I feel comfortable cooking chicken at lower temps than I would customarily use, when checked with a meat thermometer in an oven, for example.
  9. I think that if you need help or advice with this, then you might try adding a clearer photo of the problem, or maybe several images. Also, sometimes sliding glass doors do not completely close due to alignment problems, or maybe height-adjustment problems.
  10. I am familiar with these machines which are often used in factories, etc.
  11. At least for me, this method of cooking, one that I had never heard about until now, makes a lot of sense. I would seem that cooking this way is healthier, since no oils are exposed to very high temperatures (although perhaps this is not true). I do not care so much about having the chicken brown or crispy. I just want to eat the chicken with rice. Or, after cooking, I could also probably brown it in a high temp oven. I will definitely reconsider any need to roast chicken, in the future, on a regular basis, and will research this further. This might very well be better than any other cooking strategies/methods I have tried, so far. I am not sure why I had never considered or heard of low-temperature, long-time (LTLT) cooking. I guess my only reservations might result from my fear of bacteria often found on poultry products. I am not immune compromised, however, I just worry that something might go wrong, and that not all bacteria will have been killed by the time the cooking process is concluded. I think it might be difficult for me to put these fears to rest, in fact.
  12. I would say that one should never engage in passive-aggressive behavior in order to retaliate for injuries caused to us by others. I say this because, this is the SOP for many in Taiwan, where I lived for several long decades. In Taiwan, most people will think nothing of using a key to scratch the entire side of a car, just for parking a bit too close their car, or for parking in front of their business, or for other unknown reasons. So many cars in Taiwan had key marks when I lived there. And, I almost never see this in Thailand. I am glad of this. Alternatively, they would pour acid on the hood (bonnet) and burn off all the paint. Living in a society like that is just as intolerable as living with major noise issues. My guess is that you will not be able to solve this problem, long-term, through discussion. You are asking the guy with the loud bike to change his basic personality, and personalities, as we know, never change. This guy with the loud exhaust pipes loves noise. He loves to sit on his bike and rev the engine, and hear the power of his machine. You will NEVER change his behavior using any means available to you. I have lived in places with terrible noise problems. And, there is really nothing for it but to move. Moving away from the area is the only solution. In your case, if unable to sell your property, then think about renting it to a local person who enjoys/easily-tolerates noise. Then, use the rental money income to rent somewhere else. From my experience living in Asia for a long time, this is the best solution. Otherwise, you will just sit in your home, and stew, day after day, month after month...and.... This is NO WAY to spend your time in Thailand. I am fortunate: After many moves, I finally found a place with a good landlord, quiet neighbors, friendly neighbors, zero roosters, no nearby music festivals with the thud thudding bass, no low overflying aircraft from 6am to midnight, very little perceptible traffic noise when my windows are closed and AC on, no angle grinders, no barking dogs throughout the night, no large motorcycles with no mufflers to speak of.... But, finding a place as quiet at this is just trial and error. And, my peace and peace of mine could be shattered at any time if the status quo suddenly alters. I say that moving out of your place and renting out your place might be the best solution....IMHO....
  13. I agree that the image of the oven I use is NOT an Air Fryer. In the distant past, in Taiwan, we would daily use air fryers, which are usually circular, and the fan and heating element sits on a glass bowl, where you have a rack. We would buy those at Costco, and buy the meat at Costco, and then do a lot of roasting. But these units that we purchased in Taiwan, although a name brand, would not last very long, either. And, yes.... chicken breast is not so easy to cook so that it is tender. I do not care so much about it being a bit dry. I care most about tender meat after cooking. Of course, if I am not mistaken, the quality/choice of chicken breast is a factor on the tenderness/toughness of the finished product after roasting. Sometimes, you cook 18 half-breasts on two trays, and, even though the breasts on each tray are cooked under approximately the same conditions, and are approximately the same size....some end up being super tough, while others are done very nicely, and are very tender. So...IDK...
  14. Amazing. You ALWAYS, without fail, provide information of use in any given situation.... Actually, just before reading your comment, I had been considering the same possibility: Is there any way to find a used, usable, fairly reliable piece of commercial kitchen equipment... Because, as I mentioned above: These ovens that I see for counter-top use, at least to my mind, are more like those play ovens that preschoolers use at home, or during preschool hours. They are not real ovens, at least compared to what I was used to using in the US, before leaving 45 years ago. This is my take on the ovens I see for sale in the shops. But, these play ovens sold by Amazon last longer than what I buy locally.
  15. I, too, worry very much that our oceans are so obviously dying. Tonnage of what we take from the sea just continues to increase. My guess is that in 2024, this year, life in Thailand will be far better than in 2034. And also, 2024 will be slightly better than 2025, on the whole, and both environmentally speaking, as well as considering the societal implications of our progress from 2024 to 2025, and then to 2034. Therefore, we should be mindful of our unique time in history, and we should not waste a minute of what we are still able to enjoy in 2024, and what is becoming gradually lost, as our years are lost to history.
  16. Please allow me to clarify a bit. a. In this case, I am not speaking of using a typical "Air Fryer". b. I am referring to my problems using a convection oven: c. I am not here to review this product, or to critique this product. Instead, if you are interested in buying an Electrolux oven, I suggest that you do your due diligence, yourself. In my opinion, there could be a problem with the max temp achievable, based on my oven thermometers. Also, I needed to have it serviced once, just about 2 weeks after purchase, and after using it only once. In addition, after using other products by this company, I would say, as others have written on the Electrolux site, that these products might be considered as "disposable" items. Use for a while, and then dispose of them. Certainly, these products are not intended to be used like we use ovens in America or the UK, almost every day, and for many years. HA! What a JOKE! Never Happen! This is why I never buy anything expensive in Thailand (meaning appliances). Always buy cheap. And expect the junk to last about half as long as a Nike shoe, if even that long. d. Oh. Where was I?: So, THIS is another reason I want to "GO SOLAR"...! If I can use the SUN to cook, then I will never need to worry about sudden loss of heat from the Sun, as I do often worry about sudden loss of heat from an oven made in this country. This has happened to me several times: I get all my 54 chicken breasts marinating in a large plastic container, actually just a bucket, after having defrosted the chicken for a few hours....and then.... I get the chicken placed on the aluminum-foil-covered trays (2 trays)....and then... The oven's heating elements will not get even warm to the touch. The elements are getting no electrical power. So then, what to do? You gotta call Electrolux, and then they send someone to take your oven, and do not return it for several weeks. This never happens with SOLAR. e. If I do not follow through on my DIY Parabolic Mirror fabrication project...then.... I may just begin searching for a good and cheap solar oven, designed and prebuilt to roast chicken. I just worry that the solar mirror of said oven may not be large enough, nor the correct shape, to achieve over 250 degrees C. (My convection oven dial says 250. But, the oven thermometer says the cavity of the oven is only 220 degrees C. So....in this case...the oven, I guess, was defective from the beginning.) This never happens with the Sun. If anything, the Sun is getting HOTTER, and not cooler, as time passes, and as millions of years continue to pass, the Sun will get even hotter...until Earth's oceans begin to boil, and then evaporate completely, with the resultant gasses, Oxygen and Hydrogen being blown far out into outer space. So, the Sun will never lose power in my lifetime, unlike my convection oven.
  17. Important NOTE: a. Since this is a DIY forum, I think it is best for me to fabricate the parabolic mirror MYSELF (DIY) rather than to buy one. And, also, parabolic mirrors are more expensive than the typical spherical reflectors. b. So, I am now in the process of researching this. Any ideas? c. Meanwhile, I have found this very interesting YT Video concerning a How-To for making a DIY parabolic mirror. d. Also, this guy is from the UK, and I am enjoying his British accent as he discusses his project. Note2: I actually think that this guy lives somewhere near Canterbury.
  18. Yes. You are correct. I can use SS 316 wire, instead. Stainless Steal wire is very cheap, and also easy to keep clean, unlike my very-large convection oven. This SS 316 would do nicely. And, a plus is that it is 50 feet in length. Good idea. Thank you. Please NOTE: 20 gauge wire is 0.9 millimeters in diameter. I really don't know why Americans are unable to go metric!?!?
  19. Some days, when I am feeling particularly lazy, I have 2 boxes a day, and 10 eggs, total. Remember Rocky Balboa? He was a fool to eat raw eggs, due to differences in assimilation of protein when consuming raw vs cooked eggs. I have known this for a long time. And, I always considered Stallone to be the moron that he has proved himself to be. As evidence for my opinion, I submit to you...THIS: 10 eggs is not over the top. These are not GIANT eggs, after all. I would say that these eggs can be considered smallish-medium. Maybe I can ask my chef to weigh the eggs, but I don't want her to think that I am in any way complaining about the omelettes that she prepares for me. I am not sure how I might test to see if 10 eggs has had any negative impact on my health.. I feel fine after a full omelette-meal. So then, why worry? Still, there is no way to cook an omelette by hanging the eggs from a string suspended in front of a Solar Mirror.
  20. I have always had this phobia of wasting aluminum foil, beginning when I was quite young. In those olden days, the foil was quite a bit thicker, and better, and much more expensive than it is now. Please recall that my lifestyle calls for me to cook in large batches, and to store in two freezers. I buy omelettes 50 boxes of 5-egg omelettes, packed in plastic boxes, 5 boxes per bag. I like everything relating to omelettes to have a 5, just like Boeing Corp prefers the number 7. I do not like to shop more than once every two months. I do not like to roast more than once every two months. So, when planning my schedule, I like all scheduling to have a 2 in it.
  21. Do you recall one of my previous posts in which I described choosing 2 refrigerators with large freezer compartments? So, I have plenty of freezer space now, for over 100 breasts. I have one Samsung, quite large. And I have one Hitachi, quite large freezer compartment. Also, I keep my 50 boxes of omelettes frozen, in addition to the 50 breasts of chicken, and I still have room for 7 large silicone ice-trays. The reason I do 50 at a time is so I do not need to roast more than one time every two months. I do not like the process of marinating breasts in soy sauce. The entire kitchen counter gets gooey. And then, as I also mentioned, when the kitchen counter gets gooey with drippings from chicken breasts and soy sauce, the cockroaches come out at night to copulate on the counters. My freezer gets super cold, like negative 25 degrees C. So, no problem in keeping the meat fresh, either before or after roasting. I like to have one breast per day. So, 54 breasts (9 on a tray, times two trays = 18. And, three batches = 54 breasts. And, about 90 minutes per cycle of batches = 270 minutes, or 4 hours and 30 minutes.) Conversely, or alternatively, if I used Solar, then I would not mind just doing 3 breasts at a time, because the house would not become filled with smoke from the rancid oil. So, since you asked "why", this is why.
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