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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Trump is now even more dangerous...as I am sure you realize.
  2. No they will NOT. You, Sir, are dreaming. The only assassinations, or attempts, that anyone in the US cares about, much, is the killing of Kennedy, and the killing of John Lennon. I recall, when Reagan was shot, exactly where I was, in the kitchen, frying pork in a wok, just south of the city of Taipei. I heard it pretty much live, as I was listening to the "Armed Services" radio, which became ICRT. I was shocked at the time. But, the attempt did NOT change my voting behavior. Just another nutzo with a gun, and a man who should hot have had one. Your outrage, real or not, seems hyperbolic. I feel some sorrow for John Lennon. And, I feel sorrow for the way that Kennedy was killed, too. And, the killing of Robert Kennedy was so very graphic and terrible, that I could only watch it once. When Robert tried to lift his head, or when someone lifted his head for him....it became one of the cruelest memories of my life. These days, we expect shootings in the USA. Everybody has guns. And almost everyone seems to love guns. If a candidate gets shot with one of these guns, then my feeling is that the candidate should have been campaigning AGAINST gun ownership. But, Trump NEVER campaigned against limiting assault rifles and handguns. This would never have happened in Japan. So, whose fault is it if a candidate chooses not to campaign for ridding the USA of the very thing that kills him? It is his or her fault. And, he is a fool for not having acted sooner. No sympathy for people in power who do not help rid the USA of rampant gun ownership. We do not need guns in the USA. Japan does not have any use for guns in Japan. Still, your outrage, real or not, is quite palpable.
  3. This attack on Trump is just enough to finally push him completely over the edge into full-blown psychosis. If you thought Trump was nutzo and irrational, and paranoid, in the past,... Then.. Hold onto your hats, Folks! After this attack, you are going see a completely new and even more rabidly deranged Donald, than we have ever seen before. Trump has always been unhinged. And now, all his screws are loose. The hinges have fallen off Trump's door, Folks. Trump will now become even more dangerous than he ever was before. Trump will begin to dwell upon the fact that just one inch might have changed history. And, he will see this as a Miracle from God, and God's, or the Universe's, Affirmation that Trump is the Savior of the World. Trump will become even MORE Grandiose. He will be.... Trump Times Two! Trump will find this lost inch as a Sign that Trump has been....Chosen by God, by the Universe, to Run the World... According to Trump!
  4. Yes, an oldie but a goodie! I see no reason why developers cannot extend security, retroactively, back to Marshmallow. And, Marshmallow is about 9 years old, version 6.0.1. October 2015 is when I last updated my phone. Not that long ago, really. Kernel type was Monolithic (Linux) And, before that...I used Lollipop, which I called Lollipoop. I simply HATED that name! So glad when I could install the update for Marshmallow, yet still a disgusting name..... Must be some sort of KOREAN name, or Washington State name, or Oregon name. So, anyway, I am sure the developers could have provided a patch or something to ensure security for bank apps under Marshmallow. It's OK, though, because I would have never done any scanning of barcodes, a job that should not be assigned to me, my being the shopper, and not the store clerk.
  5. In spirit. In spirit....I have ALWAYS been Thai, probably my entire life....
  6. I ONLY care about Thailand. I do NOT care about what happens in other countries overseas.
  7. My NOTE4 had a bank app. But, the Bank's bank app no longer supports my phone. Also, doing all this scanning is too much work for the shopper. The retailers are trying to get the shoppers to do their work for them. This is NONSENSE! I like it when I go to TOPS and the Manager says, Hi, Nice to see you. What can I do for you today! Then, I just ask the Manager to do my shopping for me, and find boxes for me to carry out my purchases. This is the minimal service I require if the store wants my business. If the store wants to scan bar codes, let them doing the scanning themselves, using the clerks they hire. Scanning products for checkout is NOT my job!
  8. OK. Thank you again! Good solution for my PB cravings. Note: Taiwan also has a local company which makes great products from peanuts, such as peanut oil, peanut paste used for types of noodle dishes, etc. So, probably Thailand quality is similar.
  9. This is because....in Thailand, Thai tastes have not yet become accustomed to garbage food, ultra-processed garbage. In Taiwan, Costco does quite well in several locations. I used to shop at the Costco near XiZhi, just north of Taipei. Lot's of cheese, processed meats, smoked meats, bologna, MAYO, HUGE Tubs of Skippy PB, and all that type of GLOP. Most of what Costco sells is packaged ultra-processed food, packaged in cans, jars, plastic containers. It is flown in from around the world, I guess. I stopped eating that garbage food sometime around 2005, when I moved to the East Coast of Taiwan, to a small fishing village, with only one shop selling beer, white Taiwanese liquor, and cigarettes. I have not had any ultra-processed food since 2005. And now, my tastes have changed. That junk is really disgusting, and it makes you fat, an ruins your arteries and heart, and gives you dementia, too, probably. We don't need no USA Junk Food here in Thailand. So, I shop at Lotus and TOPS, and I just buy a few things I need, in quantity. Canned tuna, oil, jasmine rice, white pepper, chili powder, vinegar, and a few more similar items. I get plenty of chicken breast at Lotus, and very good quality, too, and low cost, as well. I would not go to Costco if Costco came to Thailand....FOR SURE! Just like....I will never return to thee USA, either.
  10. OK. Thank you VERY MUCH for your suggestion of the Thai brand, Tida. I hope it is just peanuts and salt, but NO SUGAR. If so, then this is a great solution for me. Skippy is disgusting and only fit for young children.
  11. Money talks.... Everybody walks.... Still, one might love to know the machinations behind the scenes. Most likely, nobody cares anymore. It's just a curiosity. With their degree of respect for the law, something similar is bound to happen again, soon. Justice for the Rich is an oxymoron.... And, speaking of a pair of morons...... Oh, well....
  12. Dear Folks, Although I am not a geek, or a gik either, I often enjoy listening to the geek perspective on the news, or on crimes in the USA, or, especially, on Craziness in the USA. I am an American, and so it is only natural for me, like most Americans, to enjoy hearing about crazy Americans, and crimes committed by crazy Americans. In this case, we have another great geek analysis from a great Geek who has about 1.5 million subscribers. Now, I suggest that you watch this video for Geeks, in order to better understand the PSYCHOLOGY behind this latest USA-based assassination attempt. Naturally, I am not pro-assassination in such a circumstance as this. However, this serves to remind us that unexpected events happen "suddenly", by definition. Life is like this. So far, personally, I have never been shot at. And, therefore, I don't have any clue as to what Trump might have been feeling the moment that projectile whizzed by his ear, seemingly just nicking the skin of his outer ear. This is why I depend upon geeks to help me imagine what it MIGHT HAVE been like. I enjoyed this video, and I hope you will, too. This geek is better than CNN and PBS, combined.... Personally, I have suffered much worse damage shaving in the mornings. Regards, Gamma
  13. I am just glad they have no check-out girls like you at TOPS and Lotus!
  14. Even if you were to raise your interest rates through the roof, lending money would still be unwise. As in Taiwan, I suspect that many casual lending is rarely repaid, in full. What we need is to bring back the Pound of Flesh rule, ....maybe....
  15. Please clarify your thinking concerning the ways you see local Thai's being pushed out. Do you mean that property developers might buy land owned by local Thai's, and then build condos on the land, thereby causing local Thai's to lose generational land? Or, do you mean that tourists are good, and do not push local Thai's out, but that long-term-stay foreigners are bad because their presence pushes local Thais out? Not sure what you mean...exactly. But, I do agree that property developers need to have their activities severely restricted.
  16. The reason I will not shop at Makro is that they refuse to accept my AmEx card, as I originally, and clearly, stated. This is the reason. IF, on the other hand, Makro refused to accept any and all credit cards, then this would seem like a fair policy to me. And then, I would shop at Makro. And, I would be glad to pay cash, as I also stated clearly. However, now that you have stated that Makro will accept some credit cards, but NOT my AmEx card, which is accepted by most major bigbox stores, around the world, then I will not shop at Makro. I have changed my position twice on this, in the course of writing/reading this Topic. And the single reason I have changed my position on this is due to changing information presented by various posters on this Topic. Therefore, it is certainly not I that have changed my position without logic. It is the evolution of this thread, and the changing consensus about whether or not Makro accepts credit cards, and which ones. Obviously, you can now clearly understand and agree with my cogent arguments and impeccable logic, after reading this further clarification.
  17. Of course, I have a smartphone. I have a Samsung Note4, updated to the newest OS, Marshmallow 6.0.1. I have been using this smartphone since around 2014. It's a great phone. But, not sure how this might relate to purchases made at Makro or Go Wholesale....
  18. This is NOT about Makro. This is about me, the shopper/consumer, and my freedom to choose where I shop, based upon goods and services provided by individual retailers. I rarely, if ever, think about Makro stores. The only reason I am thinking about Makro, this year, is that I, yesterday, noticed this Topic on TV. And, the only reason I noticed this Topic, too, is due to the fact that this Topic was recently moved to the Farang Pub.
  19. OK. Thank you for the clarification. In this case, I will not shop at MAKRO. If Makro is not interested in making the effort to accept my AmEx card, then I will find it too much effort to visit Makro. And, no harm done to either party, in this case. Someday, maybe, Makro will change it's credit card policy to be more accepting of new payment methods.
  20. I do agree with this statement. I have often considered this outcome to be the best for our world. We need to reduce human population to about 1.8 billion. This is the carrying capacity of our planet, according to most peoples' desired lifestyles. If we can do this, then we might be able to avoid extinction. But, we cannot delay 50 FING years! We need to begin now. But..... How? It's really an impossible task, in reality.
  21. If the kids are intelligent kids, and young enough to become easily acculturated, then I say allow them in. We in the US and the UK, we true brothers, do need many more super smart kids to immigrate to our two great nations. This will benefit our two economies, greatly. But, I would also say that we might wish to keep their parents out. Sure, we can allow them visiting rights, maybe twice a year. But, we should send these kids to some of our elite boarding schools. Then, we can allow them to either return to their home countries to visit their families, or their families can fly to America to visit their children's boarding schools. Of course, we will not pay for the airfare!
  22. I, too, despise synthetic fragrances of all kinds. It is downright disgusting to be eating a beautiful breakfast, only to have some guy or girl sit down at the same table wearing some evil fragrance of questionable origin. If anyone comes to repair my ACs, most of the time these young boys will be wearing the most retched fragrance they have been able to find, to date. I usually turn on my exhaust fans, open the doors, before I allow them entry to my house. Then, it requires several hours after they have left just to rid my abode of their left-behind abomination. So, I agree with Bryn Mawr girls, and I like them, as I stated previously. Also, I do not need deodorant, myself, either. For one thing, I usually do not wear clothes, and so this helps. Then, I change shirts about three times per day, when I must leave my territory, and venture out through my gate. In these instances, I will take two spare shirts along with me, even for a short visit to the city, or to the university. This way, when wet with sweat, I can just change my shirt, and feel good as new. Underarm hair is something I prefer to not see trimmed. Girls in Taiwan and China do not shave underarm hair, or at least this has always been true in the past. It's just a natural growth of the body, and it affects me very little, one way or the other. Chinese girls never smell musty, just reporting from my experience. Maybe this is why I like Chinese girls and Thai girls (from 24 to 30). Finally, I must tell you that Bryn Mawr girls RARELY believe that their underarm hair, or their bodies, are God given.... And, they are correct!
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