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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. No doubt, just a communication problem. And, she was probably treating the tailor like she treats her students. I am glad I was never educated in an international school down there. I do not like the teachers who are here today and gone tomorrow. If you want to enroll in a school with English language instruction, then try the UK, or the USA. Nobody slaps someone without reason. I have never seen it happen. Glad she is not teaching any students that I know.
  2. Yes, BUT, there is no better place in Asia, compared to Thailand. Thailand is the best country in Asia.
  3. There is NOWHERE on Earth, these days, that does not require AC. If you like it HOT, move to India. There exist quite a few studies to substantiate that sleep is optimal at around 16 to 18 degrees C.
  4. Photo...PLEASE! Better than any bird photo you have, IMHO. Let's please see it, NOW! (Knowing you, I know that you dare to post this photo.)
  5. Yes. I agree. One should ALWAYS buy an AC with the capacity to lower the room temp to below 20, even in the hottest of weather. For me and my bedroom, I can get the temp down to about 18 degrees C. However, of course, this takes time My bedroom AC has enough capacity that....if I were to turn it down to 16 degrees C, then the room goes to about 18. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night, freezing. In the mornings, with the bedroom temp so low, 18, it's not easy to get out of bed knowing that one must brave the cold air in my bedroom. In fact, during this Hot Season, I have never been so cold at night. Good sleeping weather, though....
  6. It's never too hot to trot in BKK. If you feel hot, then please turn on the AC. If the AC don't work, then turn on your fan. If the fan don't work, then sit on your balcony. If no balcony, then just imagine yourself on the South Pole, freezing to death....like... Scott and that other guy who died together... Don't fear the heat. Worse things could happen.
  7. Hi Folks, For the desktop, at this moment in history, KDE on OpensSUSE, is probably the best thing that has happened to us during our lifetimes. Here is the thing: a. One must admit that, maybe 20 years ago, a Linux-based operating system for the desktop was mostly not within reach of most casual computer users. b. BUT, let me tell you: KDE, now, is great. And, particularly, openSUSE 15.x is even greater. c. I must admit that I was a bit hesitant to completely switch back to Linux, after having used Windows for the past few years. d. However, NOW, and with no reservations, I can recommend openSUSE Leap to almost anyone. It really works! e. For anyone switching from a Windows OS to Linux, for the desktop, it's BEST to opt for KDE. Don't choose any other GUI. f. At first, I had been a bit hesitant to completely DUMP Windows.... But now, after about a month on nothing but Linux Desktop, I am completely happy. g. By the way....when I said DUMP Windows, I did not mean DUMP in this way....of course.... h. NO! What I really meant was to: Take a BIG DUMP on Microsoft for its monopolistic history, throughout the past decades. Also, I meant to take a BIG DUMP on Steve ... What a Chrome-Dome nut case! Better to use Chromium, maybe.... https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium/ i. So, anyway....what is the real PURPOSE of this Topic on this Linux forum? Yes, I do have a purpose. And, my purpose is to encourage anyone reading these words to NOT fear fear itself. I hope to encourage just TWO people to try openSUSE Leap 15.6.... And to GET RID of the Chrome-Dome type authoritarian influence in your lives. Yes, Folks.... You, too, can be free as me, now. If I can get free...then.... You can get free, too. I AM NEVER going back to Windows....FOR SURE..... You can download openSUSE 15.6....HERE: https://get.opensuse.org/ Do NOT be fooled by people like the Chrome-Dome, Steve, please! You will be far happier after you bite the bullet, and make the switch to SUSE..... Believe me. I just hope this Topic helps two people to get free. Best regards, and.... Still loving Linus, as much as I ever did.... Gamma Note: One Day, we will be free. One Day, MS will not have the stranglehold it now has on us. This is our hope. Even MLK knew the meaning of freedom..... My Dream, for the past 25 years, has been that Linux Desktop will have a 93% market-share in my lifetime. I have a dream. NOTE: Let us not forget the Power of Two, and the power of the Exponential Function.... If I can convince or encourage just two people to use openSUSE Leap, and those two can encourage two others...then....who know? Someday, all the world will be completely FREE of Microsoft!
  8. Hi, This is an interesting piece of slang. a. Where does it come from? b. What does it mean to "sook at someone"? I have just spent some time searching on google search....and.... there is nothing which explains to be sooked at. c. I only know that sometimes, sook = suk. But, to suk at someone, or to sook at someone, I cannot find. So...then... Care to share? I am very interested. Tks!
  9. Sure. And, absolutely, no slight intended towards your comment, or you. But, let's be clear. Confirmation Bias has NOTHING to do with your "being mistaken for a western sex tourist at bars", as you put it. a. Confirmation Bias b. Prejudice against you or sex tourists, or your being mistaken for a sex tourist A and B have very little in common. Please just stay on topic in this Topic. Thank you.
  10. You should have read the thread, because this Topic has NOTHING to do with what you mention in your comment. Maybe you should read a few books, or... Maybe read more about Confirmation Bias.... Have you ever been to school? One wonders....
  11. Dear Folks, It’s driving me mad, driving me MAD! Did you imagine that Thailand might be an evidence-based society? NO! FING….NO! And, how does Confirmation Bias run rampant in Thailand? CONFIRMATION BIAS? It’s just so RAMPANT in Thailand…that….I can’t even stand it, anymore! Black is White White is Black And, almost everything in between. It’s just so ……HEAVY! How many here, I do wonder, know how deleterious Confirmation Bias is to our society…. In General? Driving me MAD, I say! The point is…that….. When you call a technician to fix anything….then….they… Arrive with their own preconceived notions of what is wrong. And, they do not much care about taking any MEASUREMENTS, or collecting any useful data…or… Doing ANY evidence-based analysis…. DRIVES ME MAD, I say! Am I joking? NO! This is why, I would not trust most people here to do anything but grow…. Papayas and…. Bananas. Oh, Yeah…. Forgot to tell you….. What do we mean by Confirmation Bias? But, Sometimes, when things get TOO BAD, and people stop listening to reason, or abiding by the Scientific Method, then I say….. FK-IT, and just try to relax with a bit of Jeff Beck….because….. What else is there to do….really? Yes. The ONLY thing to do is to just chill with Jeff when the Confirmation Bias in Thailand gets too bad. Is this a JOKE POST or a JOKE TOPIC? NO! This is for REAL here in Thailand, Baby! Just ask any technician to come to your house…..to fix an appliance… And they will most often arrive exhibiting a healthy amount of …. CONFIRMATION BIAS. Wow…. It’s really BAD here, this Confirmation Bias…. In case you do not know. Not joking, anymore. Regards, Gamma Note: I guess Thailand will not be sending a man to the Moon in the near future. Note2: But, fortunately, nobody cares about Thailand sending a man to the Moon. Note3: Personally, I wish they had sent Somchai instead of Ham in his Can Impossible to communicate with people who do not read books, and who, most of them, have never even heard of Rice University....and yet.... Some here..for some strange reason..... Call themselves "engineers".... Boggles the mind, Folks. Papayas and Bananas. Yes. This is what they know best, I guess.....
  12. Yes! He proved this, most recently, during the debate. I feel great empathy for him. He is being forced into the spotlight, at a time in his life when he should be getting a well-deserved rest. JILL is to blame, IMHO.
  13. Good point. But, is this true? I think it is. Any way around this? In any event, if Biden were to get reelected, then we would still be stuck with The Word-salad Woman, in any case.
  14. In terms of what? For example: a. Hardening of arteries is a bad thing. b. Hardening of one's member is often a good thing, which signifies that one's arteries are not yet hard enough that this might preclude hardening of one's member. b2. I am sure you know that hardening of arteries leads to the inability to stay hard, due to less blood flow, and SOFTENING, in fact. b3. So softening is bad, in this respect, and hardening is always good, especially in the mornings. c. Hardening, in terms of security hardening, just means that one tries to harden a target, such as a tank, or a computer system, or a computer network, against malicious attack. d. Then, you have hardheadedness, which is often seen as being counterproductive to progress. e. In cooking, you have hardening, too, of course. f. Hardening of the coating on one's computer tables, in my case, means waiting for the Banana Wood tables, I coated with a great coating, to harden, and become useful, and impervious to almost any kind of staining, or beer, or almost anything. Yes, I put THREE COATS of finish on my many computer tables made of Banana Wood, just to make sure they were hardened enough for my liking. g. Should I go on? Or, is this enough....for now?
  15. Did she say anything about her trip to Taiwan, or revisiting the island nation?
  16. I find the motivations of people living in the White House fascinating. I ponder upon the ways in which power changes their brains, over time, as we know is a real biological process, based on validated science. They might come into the White House more benign. But, after 15 years living in the White House, or very near the White House, they are completely different alien beings. I believe that all humans fall prey to this dynamic. And, this is something that all of us, including those corrupted by power, need to be aware of. This is the main reason for this Topic of mine. Washing machine Topics are also good, of course. I will try to post more of those types of Topics when the urge hits me, or when required. Thank you for your thoughts. Glad you are reading my important Topics.
  17. You only need to buy ONE Flip-Top tube. NEXT: Buy several tubes of Colgate, WITHOUT the Flip-Top, according to your preferences of size and flavors. You can use the SAME Flip-Top, from your first Flip-Top tube, on all of the of the other tubes, when your Flip-Top tube is expended. Just unscrew the Flip-Top from the first tube, and screw it onto the other tubes, as needed. I know: ToothPaste packaging and marketing is a scam, folks. So, I do not fall for it. (I used to export packaging for the cosmetics and toiletries industry to the US, a long time ago. And the cost of the product is often mostly packaging. Extruded tubes is what we are talking about here. These are cheap. Printing silkscreening etc is costly. I think the Flip-Top is quite a bit more expensive than those screw-on caps, the small ones, on many of the toothpaste tubes. Everything is a racket in the cosmetics industry, you know. If you worked in packaging, then you would know.) Hope this helps. Note: I am talking about the large FlipTop, the one which will stand upright on the FlipTop cap, and not the small ones.
  18. I agree that any sane person would likely not. Biden is sane, I believe. Therefore, what is he planning? Is he just running in order to run, with no plans for the future? If so, this is unlike any other candidate I have ever heard of. Running for an office that one does not intend to fill? Even when running for dog-catcher, most guys intend to catch dogs, once elected.
  19. Should be.... Awful grammar, poor sentence structure, ..... So, maybe the AI does not work as well as one might wish?
  20. Hi Folks, Watching Jill talk to Old Joe on stage during the past day or so, it struck me that Jill seems to need the power and trimmings of the White House even more than Joe. She praised her hubby for being able to "answer ALL the questions", as if she were speaking to one of her former elementary students. So then, what is in it for her, that she should be so maniacal in her support of a lost cause? Does she so much covet the seat of world power? The genuflecting of those around her, every moment of her waking day? Is she sort of like Hill, too, in this regard? These days, Jill reminds me of Hill. And, also, Hill reminds me of Jill. So, would you vote for either Hill or Jill, or rather JILL, if Jill would run this November, instead of Hill? Certainly, both ladies, Hill and Jill, are smart enough to hold office as Pres. If Biden bowed out now, would he be able to broker a Jill take the Prez compromise? In my view, a Jill presidency would be more interesting than a Trump presidency, simply because we know what to expect from Trump. And so, things would not be as exciting for the media, nor for us. I hope that things will work out for Jill, after things turned out so poorly for Hill. Regards, Gamma Note: Personally, I would like to see much more of Jill, rather than Joe. Note2: Surely, Jill must be completely aware of the state of her husbands cognitive decline/physical decline. Therefore, what's actually going on in HER mind, one wonders?
  21. Yes. This has been one of my all-time favorites since it was first released. Sellers was no dummy! Unlike The Word-salad Woman, methinks....
  22. AIO defined for PC: All-in-One This is what I am suggesting, an AIO solution. For example, with my choices, I do not even need to buy a GPU. The GPU is integrated into the Intel i5 CPU. This is a major advantage. GPUs are always problematic. The CPU will last at least 10 years. No GPU to worry about going bad after two or three years in this heat in Thaiand. Also, it's always good for any of us to have choices. I am just offering a very good solution. No matter whether someone might be tech-savvy, or not: Still, using my solution, ANYBODY can walk to the JIB store and do what I did. Also, one can buy all components at JIB: JIB will replace parts that go bad before the warranty is expired. BUT, what is there to go bad, anyway? Not much. I have never heard of RAM, or CPU going bad, unless abused by overclocking. So, that is a non-issue. Plus, the ASUS MBs I buy usually last a VERY long time if not exposed to salt air and very heavy dust. Mine last 10 years, at least. Using my approach will get a better computer (in Thailand) for the same amount spent. The only issues is in choice and access to the preferred OS. I choose openSUSE because it is easy to use, and well supported, and has a very low learning curve, and I will be able to use the same OS for ten more years, AT LEAST. I will never need to worry, ever again, about upgrading to another Windows version. And...NO.... I will NEVER need to "chase up with the seller", as you put it, doing things my way. But, if I bought some off-the-shelf computer that went bad after a year, or two....then this would be a NIGHTMARE to get it serviced, in terms of time and money. Therefore, no one should so easily dismiss doing assembly, at JIB, as I have done. Choices are always good to have.... ===== Note: If by AIO you mean something that incorporates a computer screen, like a laptop, then it's not expensive to just buy a cheap computer screen and plug it in. Likewise, speakers, even quite good ones, can be had for Bt.2500. And, I am talking VERY nice ones, like MicroLab, with a separate powercube. Or, just go with the cheapest that sound decent....
  23. Please just do what I did/do: a. I decide how much RAM I will need. b. How much storage. c. What is the best Intel i5 CPU I can afford. d. How much M.2. storage I can afford. Then, I ask JIB guy to build in about 60 minutes. The JIB guy I use assembles several computers per day, 6 days per week. He has become a real expert. He is in CM (NOT the mall. Don't go to the large malls. I used the JIB at computer plaza.) e. Great service at this JIB shop, but all JIBs may not be the same. In my case, I also ordered some parts from Amazon to get great discounts on RAM (64 GB) And, M.2. Storage of 2 TBytes. And an ASUS TUF MB. I have had very good luck with assembling my computers in past years. Extremely reliable. They last over 10 years. If anything should go wrong, and stop working (which has not yet been true of any computers I have assembled), then just buy the new part replacement you need. This is better than trying to have the entire computer you purchased from Lazada serviced....which sounds like a nightmare to me. f. JIB service in my area has improved a lot in the past decade, I think. I mean, sales service and customer service. JIB must have been paying more attention to customer satisfaction since a decade ago....I believe. g. For an OS: You can buy Windows, or get a free copy of Windows maybe.... But, it is just far better to download openSUSE LEAP 15.6 from this link... https://get.opensuse.org/ Using KDE as your GUI is very similar to Windows experience. This is totally within reach of most computer users. h. So, anyway, you can go a lot cheaper than I did, and still have a very nice desktop which will last a long time. I consider the computer components that I chose to be a BUDGET computer. The CPU I chose was also very cheap: i5-13600K for about USD320.00. This CPU might no longer be easily available, but IDK. It's begin replaced with another CPU which is really no better, and quite more expensive. (although I did not add up the total cost of components plus MB, I guess I did not spend more than about USD1500.00, and probably less.) i. The key to success, I think, is to find a good computer shop that has the experience to do a very good build, and a guy that does assembly all the time. And, the same guy might be willing to tell you or make suggestions concerning what components will best fit your needs. Although, I think that they also do not very much like to make suggestions, fearing that they will need to take responsibility if you are not satisfied. j. Here in Thailand, I would not buy an off-the-shelf desktop computer.
  24. Best scenario, given the reality of the situation, would be for Biden to get elected, then immediately get rid of the The Word-salad Woman, then appoint a talented and capable VP, and then for Biden to remain as a figurehead. Appointing a VP is done in business all the time. Maybe there is really no need for the US Prez to actually decide much of anything, these days. Everything can be done for him. Maybe, Biden just needs to appoint Chauncey... Someone likable, who can walk on water.
  25. I don't think K. Harris is able (or willing) to assure anyone of anything. It's just not in her nature. This is one of the qualities that people seem to find objectionable about her nature.
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