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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Very few other countries have open borders, besides the USA. Sure, I understand that the USA benefits a great deal from immigration. Japan, for example, is dying because it will NOT invite enough immigration to sustain it's society and industries, and service sector, etc. China is in the same boat. Can anyone see China opening up its borders to Americans? What a Joke! So, without immigration, the demographics of China show that China is now in deep trouble, especially for the near future. The problem with the open border for the USA is that there is no real valid selection of what people enter the USA. It would make far more sense to shut down the borders, and then increase and streamline the immigration application process. This way, the US could invite into the country the best people, people which are needed. My good friends Gates and Musk tell me that we are in dire need of qualified people to work in high-tech industries in the USA. We also need healthcare workers, and many more. But, we must choose based on intelligence. The USA has enough dummies already in the country, most of whom were born in the USA. We do not want any more dummies immigrating to America. So, let's set the bar HIGH. And let's set the IQ bar at 120, minimum. Then, let's see what happens. Also, no Crackheads, please..... Thank you.
  2. You do know that some parts of some of my posts are posted slightly facetiously....right? Anyway, back to the serious part of my comment: So, you do think that the patches are actually beneficial for quitting? Because, I have been slightly doubtful, although I have never used one, and although I have been curious about using a patch, whether they are helpful or harmful. My thinking is that they could be harmful. It seems more logical to just stop smoking for about 5 days, by which time the nicotine is out of your system. And so then....Why would one want to add more nicotine back into your system....AS YOU HAVE JUST STATED. This is why, logically from my perspective, the patch alternative seems rather flawed. But, I do not know the actual data after research in whatever studies have been conducted, re this aspect. More importantly, I will check out any app for my Linux computer which might be helpful as a reinforcement to not return to the disgusting habit of smoking. 25 years without smoking is such a positive step for continued good health. Cancer Sticks are quite low cost in Thailand, which I think is a good thing. There is no point in robbing from the poor to pay the rich, especially when nicotine is such an addictive drug, and when most poor people wish they could easily quit. Therefore, there is no point in adding insult to injury by charging them Bt.350 per pack, as the Robber Barrons in the US love to do. So, I will check out some sort of app, such as you mention, just to help keep me from backsliding, or just for fun, actually.
  3. Yes. Because I believe that waste does nothing good, and only leads to unnecessary debt for individuals and families, as well as contributing to Global Warming. Concerning Chauvinism, I would just as soon burn my bra as my draft card. I would NOT fight in any of the wars now ongoing, particularly those wars which result from Chauvinism!
  4. You seem to have a very bad case of projection. And, you also seem unable to live on less and still be as happy as if you were living on more. Anyway: On both counts, I am NOT a pig, Sir.
  5. So then, the lack of the smoking area at the airport paid for your flight through savings in your nonexistent future tobacco purchases? And your meaning is what? That you used the nicotine patches to stop smoking? Are they really that effective? And, my followup question is... Are you still using the nicotine patches when you fly?
  6. If you look closely....this girl is obviously Chinese. She has had her legs lengthened, which is quite popular elective surgery in many cities of China. Personally, I do not like the look. It makes the legs disproportionately long for the rest of the body. Maybe this problem can be rectified by lengthening the neck, and some people in Thailand do know how to do this....by lowering the shoulders. Very strange, we humans.
  7. No. Just spend less. Also, as a Farang, I am unable to buy land here. This is my sacrifice for the common good of the Thai people. I agree with the policy. When we spend less on garbage that we do not actually need, we enjoy life more. If one refuses to enter Thai bars, then one is happier. There is little doubt. For one, I like to study. So then, I just need a super-fast BUDGET computer, and three other older computers, all running OpenSUSE Linux. If I can have this, plus great stable internet from 3BB, then I need little else, and I am content. Also, near my house, I have a nice and quiet place to walk. I have no need for a Rolex. I once had a Cartier watch, a NICE one. But I don't know where it is now. If we focus on the things that make us happy, and do not become distracted by manufactured needs, then we have a better chance of living longer, and living longer in a happier way. I guess that is the point, for many....
  8. True. Also, one could live well. But, one could not drink and smoke everyday for this amount. Therefore, best to give up the booze, and live on 25,000 per month...LIKE BOB!
  9. Smiling is always a good thing to do. But, I don't get the stretching of the arms? What does this do, exactly?
  10. I definitely do agree that this is true in Thailand. This is also true in many other countries. It's all a matter of probability theory and the decisive factor leading to a higher probability of being attacked is one's behavior, and also one's locale, and just how much time, if any, one chooses to sit in bars, of any type. If you spend your time, mostly, on Thailand's university campuses, then the probability of an unprovoked attack is quite low. However, on a uni campus here in Thailand, the chances of being attacked by another Farang is actually quite high. In Thailand, it is one's fellow Farang that are the most dangerous to one's health and well-being......and.... THIS is why I have ZERO Farang acquaintances in Thailand. Farang in Thailand are just too weird for me. Michener wrote about this in one of his books called... Rascals in Paradise, or some such title. So be warned. Do not get close to Farang. Give them a very wide berth if you want to prevent being attacked for no reason....or... To spend much of your time with crazy people. Believe me....Some of you KNOW what I am talking about.
  11. Both Xi and Trump wish to be Emperor for Life. Xi and Trump have much in common. This is why they are such great friends. They both share common goals. Putin and Trump are also on the same page. For similar reasons.
  12. Ms. Kamala attended Howard University. Is that the best she could do? Yes. Probably. So then, what is the problem? It's basically just an INTELLIGENCE problem. The SAT is an IQ test, as everybody knows. Here is Howard Uni's average scores, compared to scores at a decent school, such as the one I went to. And this is why I will be unable to stomach Kamala, nor should anyone! Nixon was smart, but Kamala is NOT. I would rather see the return of Tricky Dick than see that Salad Woman in the White House. Nobody wants her. Of this, I am convinced.
  13. I think they should have gone with SS 316. We used to use 316 for nuts and bolts, for example. Very low potential for corrosion. Also, what is wrong with wooden benches?
  14. Why paint them white? Leave them as is, and just use them to fry eggs and sausages.
  15. I think that Thailand should do what The Japanese do in Tokyo and Osaka, and other stations: Problem solved. And... No bad language, either!
  16. Where is Steven Pinker when they need him? https://www.npr.org/transcripts/15370150 I love Pinker! He is a FING great lecturer.
  17. You are correct, I think. I have a friend, a Thai female friend, who once told me that the thing she fears most is her family and neighbors asking for loans. She needs all her income to pursue her plans for her and her son. She counts every Baht, and saves what she can, planning for a brighter future for her and for her son. She is super fearful of friends and family asking for loans. Although I have lived here for quite a while, I did not realize that there is this problem. In Taiwan, yes, there is a huge problem with loans that are made from friends, and from the Chinese Hui System. I did not realize that this also exists in Thailand. So, if someone wins the lottery, and wins fairly big...then...I can imagine what is bound to happen here.
  18. It's all illogical and wasteful from the beginning. Use the money to build clean high-tech industries in Thailand, is a much better plan.
  19. So then, according to your plan, maybe: We can have some rich Farang developers come to Thailand and "develop" the land? We can build millions of low-cost subsidized housing for the Chinese tourists to purchase and inhabit, or to just leave empty until the condos rot from neglect? Sounds like a plan! Anyway: Far better for rich Thai people to hold onto the undeveloped land. This is a much better use than building USELESS Condo Junk Houses that are TOO HOT and waste much money on AC cooling. They are not insulated, for one thing. And they fall apart soon, for another thing. And, the concrete required to build these garbage houses requires HUGE amounts of energy, which just needlessly adds to the ongoing Global Warming problem. Sounds like a plan!
  20. I am NOT one of the MANY Farang who come to Thailand to escape their Home Countries....only to... Try to Change Thailand to be the spitting image of their home countries. Most Farang leave places they say they do not like, and then travel to better places. Then, they try to change the better places into the problem places they left behind. This process, which happens almost everywhere, must STOP here in Thailand,... Before it is too late.
  21. I do NOT care about what you consider "fair". Not a bit. I only care about what is best for Thailand and Thai people. Where did you ever hear of the word FAIRNESS being used in the Great Game?
  22. I wish to see it REDUCED to 10 years. I have a life. I do not wish to see it ruined by Farang and other foreign fools who care for nothing but lining their own pockets. Concerning Xenophobia, ...No. But, I do not like bathing in temple fountains, in the nude, is all I am saying. So, Thailand for the Thais, and the polite westerners, and other Asians, is fine with me.
  23. There is NOTHING to stop you from investing and building a high-tech manufacturing or research company here. Set up a biotech company, for example. If you set up enough of these, then we will need more uni grads. So, respectfully, instead of buying land, you should invest in high tech in Thailand, for the good of Thai people.
  24. If it is land reform you are after, then fine. Just seize the land from huge wealthy landowners, and distribute the land to those with no land. We do not need the help of Farang or other foreigners for this. No need to take land from those that are already poor. You just wish to see poor Thais pushed off of their land by buying at super cheap prices, and then pushing up the price of land, so that Farang can make a killing at the expense of poor Thai people.
  25. Most people should not attend university. Your argument is completely warped and skewed according to what is best, only for you, and it is not based on what is best for Thailand, or the Thai people.
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