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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. riding a motorcycle he should have ensured he had insurance, he surely knew the risks he was taking. it's pretty sad if he genuinely has no family or friends prepared to help him out, it's not a huge sum he requires.
  2. thai guy to his mate; you know what gets me about farang in issan, the way they go on and on and on and on and on...
  3. the thai friend's children work as, for example, accountant, economist, lawyer, business owner, most went to ABAC, CU or TU and several did Masters abroad. good jobs are there if you're smart enough to get to a decent uni, work hard and have the right attitude, very similar to my friend's kids in the uk.
  4. don't faff around, send her the money, solves all your problems. next.
  5. also... take a look at the type of thai adult that participates in the water throwing, they are almost entirely the lower class uneducated thais. my thai friends are educated, middle/higher class professionals who find the slinging of water in the street childish and irresponsible. they do however celebrate traditional songkran with their families.
  6. agree, but that festival is confined to an area, therefore it's easy to avoid and people outside that are are respected. the problem with songkran is that you're seen as fair game even if you clearly indicate you don;t want to participate.
  7. i love the logic that guys like this don't twig that the bus company will know who was driving. running away is a waste of time and effort.
  8. doesn't matter which country you're in, if you make a potential target of yourself someone will take advantage. mate came to thailand, went to an atm and put his bank card in his back pocket. it was stolen. i asked him would he do that back home? his answer 'no'.
  9. no sensible person would make a huge stink in immigration as the chances that you would get your way just because you threw your toys out of the pram are extremely slim.
  10. who knows...? 'journalists' here just write or copy and paste stuff without checking, reading, or attempting to add any benefit.
  11. agree, airline ticket prices contain all sorts of taxes and landing fees, have these ever stopped me visiting a country? absolutely not. has anyone here not visited a country because of its taxation policy?
  12. throwing water just isn't fun unless you include motor vehicles or motorcycles. endangering other people's lives and safety just makes the whole experience even more exciting.
  13. it screams; come on suckers, give me your personal details
  14. loads of places sell second hand/reconditioned phones, just keep your eyes open
  15. yea, good point, could you imagine such a story appearing anywhere in the media in your home country? is it news? are people on this site really interested? really, who cares?!
  16. agree, he has a point. most countries in the world have guns, but don't have similar problems. it's the people buying/owning/using the guns and the authorities, who allow pretty much anyone to buy and own a gun, that are the problem. we think things are pretty crazy in thailand sometimes, but they are not a patch on the usa, it's a scarily mad country, with some people who really should learn to control their temper.
  17. agree. who writes this stuff? i'd be happy to offer my services, at a price of course.
  18. polite request; could you stop referring to 'seven deadly days', there is no statistical evidence that road traffic accidents, injuries or deaths are in greater during songkran than at any other time of the year.
  19. strange so many boats should be at sea in such conditions. was the weather reporting accurate? did they decide to ignore the weather forecast? hope all will be ok.
  20. there's non so blind as those who don't want to see
  21. agree, i've never met anyone who came to thailand specifically for songkran, i do, however, know many expats and locals that leave thailand over the songkran holiday. those figures don't get published... ????
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