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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. And todays word of the day is.........fabricated. You are not the victim here......the lone Jew is!
  2. From the horses mouth so to speak, the man at the centre of this debacle gives his side and "enough is enough"
  3. Correct, but why wasn't there enough cops there, surely the fault lies with the police and specifically Sir Mark Rowley, let's not blame one solitary Jew for the inactions of a police force that is as much use as a chocolate fireguard!
  4. Stop peeing down my leg and tell me it's raining, you are in no position to make any judgement when you refuse to watch the video. He was threatened with arrest because he was a Jew, the officer made a poor attempt at policing!
  5. Again your arrogance leads you to patronise me. The Metropolitan Police have already apologised for that officers insensitive and unacceptable behavior and if you cannot accept the truth there is nobody on here that can help you! What is wrong with you!
  6. What breach of the peace was he committing apart from openly being Jewish.
  7. And a little less at being pompous would pay dividends to your cause, does your opinion only count. The police officer quite categorically stated he was openly Jewish, now is that a crime in the UK at the time of my post. The man did nothing wrong, you are confusing an unruly crowd with a peaceful citizen!
  8. Same difference, the breach of the peace your refer to is nonsense, how can you breach the peace by not breaking any laws. The people that were a threat were the hate marchers!
  9. Here we go when the argument is lost you revert to insults, try looking at what was actually said before you insult other posters.
  10. Hyperbole is your word of the day and it will not work as your get out of jail for free card I'm afraid. Saying to a Jew you are openly Jewish is antisemitic how ever you care address this issue!
  11. I wouldn't even go there, your information has come direct from the Hamas terrorists, you see I don't have to insult you to make you look feeble in your posting.
  12. Why was a person going about his daily life be threatened by the once trusted Met Police with the sergeant openly stating you are obviously Jewish, is it a crime now, would you like all Jews to wear the star of David so that they are instantly recognisable, do you not fear that this road has been trodden before and we shouldn't repeat mistakes from the past!
  13. Do not ever pity me, you are the one that hasn't a clue about facts, but when it comes to insults you're not really good at that either. 😂😂😂
  14. Maybe he was wearing his kippah at a jaunty angle which as anyone knows will antagonise even the most moderate of antisemitics. 🥴🥴
  15. And your point is meaningless, there are still Hamas terrorists to be despatched or captured, there are hostages to retrieve and more to the point you are parroting the figures of the lying terrorists themselves. You might want to conveniently forget 7/10 but it will never be forgotten by the families and people who choose not to excuse these phycopathic monsters.
  16. Just in case I wouldn't rule out building a nuclear bunker. "Americans like you" disgusting comment!
  17. That is not the point, the Jew was not safe the police threatened to arrest......do Jews have to join these hate marches to feel safe now, you must know that is total nonsense and a poor attempt at deflection!
  18. Nothing hyperbole on my part, just you making up excuses again. If a man cannot be safe walking near a demonstration the problem lies with the marches and not the peaceful man. Why can't you see this?
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