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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Yeah, we don't want Jews walking peacefully on our streets, that'll never do. Maybe we could find somewhere to lock them up while these hate marches are taking place, it's for their own good remember.🥴
  2. Is being Jewish being provocative now, a tinge of anti-Semitism there I feel!
  3. You probably would be wrong, but again whatever fits in with your narrative.🥴
  4. The Pro Palestian demonstrations seem to be more difficult to police than the Pro Israeli ones, why would that be I wonder?🤔
  5. So you're saying that you saying ⬆️⬆️⬆️ has no resemblance to the terrorists war cry, pull the other it's got bells on.
  6. If the police are incapable of protecting innocent bystanders by the unruly mob, yes absolutely ban them!
  7. I have already explained that to you and if your comprehension level is so poor that is your problem and not mine!
  8. There shouldn't be a situation to de-escalate, these marches need banning if our citizens are not safe to walk our streets, simple as!
  9. When you write words to a post I honestly don't believe you know what the next word is going to be. And talking of bias.....pot kettle black! When your biases are tilted towards terrorists that have committed horrendous crimes I am glad that I don't share your biases!
  10. When Jews cannot walk the streets of their own country without threats of violence being directed at them I would say that the problem is the pro Palestian mob, and it is them that need removing so innocent peaceful Jews and anybody else for that matter can walk our streets safely and peacefully!
  11. Stop playing stupid games, you know that the River Jordan and the Mediterranean sea is the equivalence of the "river to the sea" rallying terrorist call. We see you Jeff, we know you Jeff and some of it is not nice.
  12. You quoted from the river to the sea which is the rallying cry of the Hamas regime and idiots on the streets in nearly every country in the Western world. We know exactly what you want Jeff as you have made it abundantly clear in many of your posts!
  13. Hamas has made it quite clear that it wants to eradicate Israel and the Israelis themselves and why you refuse to accept this is a mystery to us all, Hamas has clearly outlined their objectives.
  14. In favour of the destruction of Israel and its people are you. 🥴
  15. You agree with rape, whole families massacred and hostages taken by these savages then you are part of the problem!
  16. Mustn't grumble, in 11 years I got soaked for the first time on Tuesday. Tried to laugh it off but a grimace was all I could manage.
  17. There is nothing biased by showing ones indignation about the 7/10 attrocities, anybody who thinks the Israelis brought it on themselves is severely unhinged!
  18. I remember when you told us you wasn't biased. 😂😂😂😂
  19. Careful Jeff your antisemitic mask is slipping, nobody deserves what happened to them on 7/10.
  20. Of course you disagree, if you agreed with me you would have to admit that 7/10 was the start of this war, and all other dates you throw into the arena are just a smokescreen to justify 7/10.
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