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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Firstly I am not on a Hobbyhorse or any other horse for that matter. yes this might not have happened if Hamas hadn't done the atrocities of 7/10, It is safe to say that this would definitely not have happened without 7/10, let's not add extraneous words like "might"
  2. It was a military building housing terrorists that maybe had Consulate written above the front door, a bit like writing Stable on a pig pen.
  3. Would it be fair to say that Iran (the mad mullahs) were involved in a proxy war against Israel long before the bombing of a building next to the embassy.
  4. The start of the escalation can be any date of your choice, whichever fits your narrative the best.🥴
  5. Nicola Sturgeon can't recall or even remember ever meeting Peter Murrell.🥴
  6. Total gibberish and it does not alter the fact why countries join NATO and without Russia there wouldn't be NATO. Why do you think that there are more countries in NATO than before Russia invaded Ukraine, hint....you don't need to be a genius to work it out.
  7. Would this be happening without 7/10...no it wouldn't, check. Since when has pointing out the blatantly obvious been "selective", check mate. ♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️
  8. Putin is surrounded by NATO because countries join NATO to safeguard themselves from their country from being over run by the madman in the Kremlin!
  9. It is a "human catastrophe" of Hamas's own creation, this would not be happening had it not been for the barbaric attack on Israel on 7/10!
  10. Au contraire, we know the truth and we know the side that constantly lies and the biggest lies come from the Gazan Am Dram Society, they are worse than the cast of Eldorado when it comes to acting and it has conditioned its futile faithful followers into believing anything that comes out of their lying mouths, why are some people so gullible?
  11. You should see from a POV from non antisemitics, but all you do is accuse the other side of which you are guilty! 🥴
  12. God help America, what have they done to deserve such a wally as Harry.🥴
  13. The Israelis will make their own decisions, they are the ones having to live next door to Palestinian terrorists.
  14. And how do they know whether they are terrorists or not when many of these illegal immigrants come without any documentation whatsoever on advice from the wonderful Care for Calais.
  15. As already stated it was a military installation that was hit with Hezbollah leaders probably planning their next move of their proxy war in Gaza.
  16. Palestinians beat a man for being Jewish whilst others video it to show what brave people they are, he has not been seen since his lynching. 🙁
  17. They did not attack an Embassy or a Consulate, that is you spreading disinformation, they attacked a target next to the Embassy which liquidated 5 terrorists which in most peoples books would be a result.
  18. Just to put things in perspective the Nazis killed 17 million and that just shows what a great and difficult job the Israelis are doing, I think you'll agree........or maybe not.🤔
  19. Just came across this on F/B slightly promising. We are delighted that Age UK the foremost charity working with seniors in the UK has issued its manifesto for the upcoming election in the UK, and they have listened to us and added the unfreezing of pensions to their demands . I will post the link, is that allowed? https://www.facebook.com/share/dkJYdc7t4qKWuYXX/?mibextid=oFDknk
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