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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. We rape and torture your women, we burn whole families and take hundreds of hostages.....why are you attacking us?
  2. Deliberately flaming by using another posters antisemitic post!
  3. The terrorists and Islamic Jihad are executing the Hostages in Gaza.
  4. It's a war mistakes are made, show us all one war where mistakes were not made, 7/10 was deliberate and not a mistake, see the difference?
  5. Calling low standard dialogue is not name calling eh, you have a terrible high opinion of yourself that nobody else sees, stop this I am holier than thou attitude it is not very becoming. There is genocide happening all the world and no-one bats an eyelid, nobody marches for those attacks because it's Muslim against Muslim, but because Israel refuses to allow the Palestinians to annihilate them the world goes crazy, the world has been totally suckered into believing terrorist good...Israeli bad. No Jews no news. Never again is now!
  6. You don't get to decide who has what ethical standards, do you want Israel to lay down their arms so the terrorists can wipe them out, this is not just Israel, this is about Jews world wide and you seem to have fallen for the terrorist propaganda.
  7. An opinion that happens to be the truth and the only way you'll change the truth is to enter the world of whataboutery.
  8. Nothing ironic in having a fully understanding of who started this war!
  9. If you could see you posts has we see them you would be hysterical. 😂😂😂
  10. Keeping citizens separate from the terrorists they want to kill becomes apartheid. You don't think many of your posts through do you. 😕
  11. What is even sadder is that you hang on to every word the terrorists say. You have been taken in by the propaganda being exhumed by Hamas.
  12. They are not the sharpest tools in the box jay. 😕
  13. This is a must watch interview featuring Coleman Hughes describing why Hamas must be defeated.
  14. Outed yourself, disgusting antisemitic remark, shame on you!
  15. You're at it again, calm down dear its only a forum, but not just any forum, this is a M & S forum, probably the best forum in all the world. 😗
  16. No Hamas spent all the aid on tunnels and rockets instead of shelters for their civilians, prioritize!
  17. Ah out comes the old chestnut. Cannot get a straight answer out of you!
  18. He is asking you how, "not by" does not equate to how! "Not complicated to understand"
  19. You "would not be surprised", so again, supposition favouring the terrorists. 🥴
  20. Hamas controls the Gazan Health Ministry and you are quite prepared to believe Hamas but not Israel, speaks volumes! https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/02/5-things-to-know-about-the-hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry/
  21. I think what is wrong with that statement Hanaguma is, could a paedophile use the same logic when found in possession of snaps of young children, "they are just pictures after all". It is better we don't allow these creatures the attention they seem to crave. But Hitler wasn't all bad, he did get the trains to run on time. 😉
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