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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Because you used an expletive we are now going to have to guess that word, was it eider?
  2. I guess some people use their brain for what it is designed for and not to make up conspiracy theories.🥴
  3. Yes you keep telling us all how intellectual you are and the rest of us are not worthy of a reply from you, how could you be anything else but right.
  4. It doesn't matter what you think and it doesn't matter what I think, but we are lucky that we don't have the crazy zealots that are the Palestinians as neighbours. How do you know what Netanyahu is thinking or planning.....you don't, none of us do but it makes excusing the terrorists actions much easier when blaming someone else. Most of the anti-Israel posters on here can be very economic with factual evidence and prefer to fabricate and even enter into the world of conspiracy to avoid the actual evidence. Every time an accident happens it is always on purpose and always the fault of the Israelis, even when Hamas themselves bombed their own hospital it was a eureka moment for them until the truth emerged, Hamas even claimed that 500 civilians had lost their lives, nearly all women and children though, did those figures get added to the Hamas idiot sheet of the much inflated death toll, isn't it strange in this day and age that so many people can believe the figures that the terrorists band about! Good day!
  5. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Here endeth the sermon.
  6. Not alleged and if you'd care to do an internet search you would find all of these gruesome crimes. What you cannot deny is without 7/10 none of this would be happening, now who really is to blame? An Israeli woman received an unthinkably tragic update on the fate of her daughter, who has autism, and her elderly mother 12 days after they were taken by Hamas: their bodies were found at the Gaza border, authorities told the family. https://abcnews.go.com/International/israeli-child-autism-found-dead-grandmother-gaza-border/story?id=104135722
  7. Sometimes people need reminding why Israel is fighting this bloody war that was forced upon them. Hamas are evil and some might say that supporting them is a mental illness.
  8. Police search car at the start of the Al Quds march and find pictures of Hitler?
  9. Murdo Fraser has asked Scottish Police why they recorded a hate crime against him and not Humza Yousaf they declared "we have nothing to add" Get the popcorn chaps this is going to get very interesting. 🍿
  10. Sounds like you support conspiracy theories just like other posters, there is no proof that this guy was purposely shot, Al Jaz is hardly going to tell the truth now are they, but like the terrorists themselves you hang on to their every word. 🙁
  11. In the same breath we were told if we left the EU we would all get gonorrhea, my doctor told me I don't have any systems, and you? When you refer to Brexiteers being dim you are really showing how stupid you are!
  12. It's looking like Hamas doesn't have to compromise only Israel.
  13. Too true! Yer can't beat an ill thought out conspiracy theory though, without conspiracy they would have nothing.
  14. Murdering innocent civilians is in the remit of Palestinian terrorists, Israel have made some mistakes which incidentally would not have happened without Palestinian terrorists starting this war. But when you promote propaganda facts from Al Jazeera you are not thinking with your head but more with your feet, up there for thinking, down there for dancing. Ask yourself, what has the Israeli army got to gain by killing someone trying to feed his family, Hamas has more to gain by killing a civilian stealing aid that they can sell on to Palestinians. Don't be a sponge all your life start asking yourself questions like who has got more to gain by these incidents!
  15. No it won't, it is designed to stifle free speech and to persecute those that have the temerity to speak the truth and you are part of the problem by allowing such an odious law to exist without challenging it!
  16. Gosh how much patronising can one get into 2 paragraphs?
  17. Neither would I, he speaks the truth which is difficult for lefties to understand, he reported a racist speech by a incompetent man that has failed miserably at every position he has held in the SNP, christ he can't even ride a scooter without falling off. This new bill is designed to incarcerate people that tell the truth, if you call a man that was genetically born a man that can land you with a 7 year jail sentence, Yousaf is a clown of epic proportions!
  18. You don't get to decide whether the penalty was disproportionate to the offence, thank goodness!
  19. So there we have it, barely 36hrs into the Scottish new hate crime bill and it has already shown what a Yousless waste of time it has become, unwanted, unwelcome and unwarranted, but it gives the lefties chance to waste valuable police time!
  20. Best you got "from what I've heard". 😂😂😂
  21. I think the poster you are slandering does know what "friendly fire" is, and your snide remarks about said posters has fallen on deaf ears. Fancy not knowing that, you nearly going to Vietnam and all that. When you discuss other posters through a third party it will never end the way you want it to. David Cameron has got some front. The Foreign Secretary is haranguing Israel over its tragic unintentional killing of seven aid workers in Gaza, and yet he oversaw a war in which such ‘friendly fire’ horrors were commonplace. In fact, more than seven people were slain in accidental bombings under Cameron’s watch. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-truth-about-israels-friendly-fire/
  22. I wonder if Humza had said the same thing about Scotlands favourite family 'The Broons' whether it would make any difference to excusing his speech! Maw Broon... Whaite Paw Broon...Whaite Hen Broon... Whaite Joe Broon... Whaite Horace Broon... Whaite Daphne and Maggie... Whaite The Twins... Whaite And the wee Bairn... Whaite 🤔
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