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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Hamas goals are to wipe Israel and the Israelis off the map, Israels goal is not to let them achieve their goals.🥴
  2. There is nothing propaganda about 7/10, it is fact and no matter how much you try and avoid this with your off topic nonsense it changes nothing!
  3. You do know that Ismail Haniyeh lauds it up in Qatar and seems to think it is a great honour for his sons to be martyred while normal fathers would be grieving for their loved ones, and do you know they were cell commanders of the Hamas military wing. So have we reached a stage where we are glorifying terrorists.
  4. TBL mentioned Russia, I just corrected him how wrong he was, now back on topic.
  5. It is not a revenge attack, has it ever crossed your mind that Israel may not want another 7/10?
  6. History lessons are frowned upon! And using it to justify 7/10 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is damn right distortion of the facts. Now back on topic?
  7. It's all Americas fault and never Palestine nor Russia with you!
  8. Points to note: The Palestinians hated the Israelis before this war started, they are indoctrinated from birth, they couldn't possibly hate them anymore than they did before this war began!
  9. The enemy of my enemy is my friend untill they turn on you then they need to be put down.
  10. Au contraire, the problem lies with you not being able to understand the gravity of those beastial crimes committed by Hamas and UNRWA and many Palestian civilians on 7/10. It will not go indefinitely, Israel will make sure of that, never again is now!
  11. They are not as bad as each other though, this is the reality and for this never to happen again Israel must eliminate Hamas.
  12. It has been proven much to the disappointment of the pro Hamas supporters that they have lied time after time and still you fall for the terrorist propaganda.🥴
  13. What a surprise, you excusing the actions of the perpetrators of such an evil crime, whataboutery is always a feeble excuse. This thread is about Palestinians kidnapping Israelis!
  14. I don't care what spin you use to justify the start of this war, it started by the Palestian incursion on 7/10. Nice try though.😡
  15. Maybe Hamas should have thought about that before inflicting their evil actions before invading Israel, actions have consequences.
  16. Maybe not you, but I would for sure defend my people my land against a totalitarian unjustifiable force who pretended they did everything right for everyones best, but in practice abused the civilians, killed the civilians, unjustified detention of kids, abusing kids, shooting kids, even raped their women and boys. Sounds familar to what Hamas did the 7. October, but we are talking decades of the same abuse, and also take their land piece by piece. You're not getting this at all are you, you are wanting to believe the lies that Hamas is selectively given the gullible and it soaks in like water into a sponge. The Palestinians would not have to be defending anything had they not committed these gross acts of indecency against innocent civilians. You are playing the blame game to justify these outrageous attacks on Israelis to deflect on who is really responsible for this war. Israel has no choice but to ensure these vile acts never happen again and never again is now!
  17. You have never been comfortable with the truth and faced with it you emit poor thought out insults. You are always the victim.🥴
  18. You would have to be pretty naive to believe anything that comes out of a terrorists mouth but it seems some people hang on to their every word, why one has to ask ourselves.🥴
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