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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Another attempt to blame Israel for the 7/10 attack, Israel may have missed a trick but you cannot be serious, you are very deviously trying to shift the blame from the murderous Palestinians to Israel and you purport to be unbiased.
  2. There would have been nothing to follow had the Palestians not instigated this war and using using words like retribution does not help your posts when you have to lie, there is no retribution there is only preventative measures in assuring that the innocent Israeli citizens will not have to through another massacre of beastial attacks.
  3. When you say "normal people" are you including yourself in that veiled insult, normal people realise none of this would be happening had the Palestians not crossed the line of barbarism!
  4. Your post is so well written I have nominated it for The Booker Prize! The "greatest human tragedy this century" would not have happened had the Palestinians had not attacked Israel!
  5. Who'd have thought that the Hamas death toll was truthful. "Now we’re seeing that a third or more of the ministry’s data may be incomplete at best — and fictional at worst.”
  6. The terrorists were targeted and do you think that when you are a terrorist you should use your children as human shields, stop with this nonsense!
  7. Can somebody help me out here is @Hummin being sarky? 😂😂😂
  8. I once got accused of making a bad smell when it was my good friend Arty. Francesca Albanese😂😂😂😂 If you forced a childs hand in a hornet nest and he got stung you would blame the hornets if they were from Israel!
  9. They are getting killed because Hamas want to eradicate all Jews not just Israelis. Hamas is totally to blame for all the deaths!
  10. Yes facts cannot be argued with although you give it your best shot!
  11. Why don't you just answer his question instead of going off on a tangent!
  12. Only choose links that goes with your narrative you mean!
  13. They are appeasing the crocodile with a hope that it will eat them last!
  14. Just because you say that Israel is committing genocide that does not make it so, you use key words to flame other posters and I strongly suggest that even you know that your lying. It is important to underscore that the commission of genocide has nothing to do with the number of civilian casualties; the key element of the crime is the need to possess relevant “intent.” Whatever criticism one may have of Israeli policies or Israel Defense Forces (IDF) actions in Gaza, Israel is not seeking to destroy the Palestinian people, whether in whole, in part, or in any manner. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4388533-israel-is-not-committing-genocide-but-hamas-is/
  15. Trust me these people will be ecstatic at that news, I know I am.👍
  16. When Hamas have been liquidated and all the hostages returned and when stupid posts suggesting that Israel is committing genocide and when you stop using other posters to troll because you don't do tete a tete! 🥴
  17. He considers flaming a valid way to debate.🥴
  18. The justification is to stop anymore 7/10. HTH
  19. You insinuated that Israeli soldiers are ordered to kill women and children and that is one of the most disgusting lie I have ever read on these boards, what goes through your mind when you infer such things, it is not normal.........oh wait.🥴
  20. So you are admitting that this stupid reply was made up, a lie, without foundation and a figment of an overactive imagination, pretty much all we get from the let's demonize the Israelis fan club!
  21. Yeah let's quote from AJ and other Conspiracy sites. Desperate equates to a poster/troll posting that Palestians are eating grass, perleease! And what do you know about facts.... absolutely nothing!
  22. "Hypocrites in the West don't care about starving children if they can't blame the Jews"
  23. You're correct "no fault of their own" but the terrorist father who compromised them for letting them travel with him knowing he was a target.
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