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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Quite frankly I don't care what you think, this is about British Muslims and if that troubles you I still don't care. Stop the whataboutery to justify Islam!
  2. Where is the bit where it states it's ok to throw gays off high rise buildings, stone women to death, marry 9 year old children, cut a soldiers head off in the UK, bomb music venues in Manchester and the list goes on. The religion of peace, I don't think so.
  3. Don't think for one minute that speaking Thai is necessary, however it is a respectful and polite thing to do and the Thais are mostly very appreciative of foreigners that attempt to speak Thai.
  4. Can I correct you there, anybody that apologises for the terrorists attack that led up to this hunting down of the guilty terrorists and the release of the hostages that are more than likely being tortured on a daily basis needs to examine their conscience. Never again is now!
  5. Where do they sell Red Horse, like to give it a try. I normally drink Tapper which is ok, but only just ok. Found a craft beer shop near where I live and called in yesterday, they had many continental beers on draft and many bottles and cans of other superb beer, I settled on a bottle of Weihenstephaner Vitus at 7°, quality doesn't come cheap but at 250 Baht it was worth every penny.
  6. Yes it reminds me of the idiom "don't spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar".
  7. Yes I quite agree, Hamas have such a lot to answer for starting a war and using their civilians as human shields!
  8. More excusing the terrorists, what part of this would not be happening had these sicko Palestinians not invaded Israel do you not understand. Hamas are totally responsible for all deaths in Gaza. You have very little understanding of urban warfare have you, wars are not fought like Rambo movies.
  9. One is a lot more innocent than the other and that would be Israel, I can't remember any Israeli videoing a killing and sending the video to the families of the victim! These are sick psychopaths you are excusing!
  10. I am saying what I said in my post and I don't need terrorists supporters putting words in my mouth thank you!
  11. Stop it, I'm filling up. All this has been debated before, it was found to be nonsense then, it is nonsense now and in the future it will be still nonsense!
  12. Supporting terrorism and the justification of these evil crimes is not right thinking!
  13. I prefer to remain in the land of reality than to spend my days fabricating stories to justify an evil terrorist organisation. I have explained to you already what would happen if israel didn't have these weapons, so I don't feel the need to repeat myself!
  14. Stop this whataboutery to justify 7/10, it will never work with right thinking individuals!
  15. Hypothetical question as in reality Israel has these weapons and without them there would be no Israel or Israelis, but let's be honest it's not just Israelis that Muslims hate it is all Jews worldwide, they don't even like each other!
  16. They wouldn't exist if Hamas and many Palestians had not invaded Israel, do you expect Israel just to laugh it off, is reality a dirty word in your book?
  17. No point in giving "billions of dollars" to the Palestians, all they do is build tunnels so they can facilitate war with Israel, and Israel wouldn't need these weapons if they surrounded by countries wishing to wipe them out. Arabs have been killing Jews since time immemorial but that doesn't fit into your narrative does it!
  18. And the 1,200 innocent Israelis that were mass murdered by these psychopaths on 7/10 mean nothing to you because they were Israelis!
  19. The antisemitic posts you dream up indicates you are less than normal, whatever you think there is no doubt to the perpetrators of this war!
  20. Nothing excuses 7/10, sorry but your excuses are wearing very thin. Hamas want to eradicate Israel and the Israelis off the face of the Earth and Israel are not allowing them to do this and most people would have to agree with this, but not you Hummin. 🙁
  21. These people wouldn't have even been there had it not been for the murderous attack on Israel, stop excusing the perpetrators, it's getting quite ridiculous.
  22. Hamas support mass slaughter of the Jews, are you ok with that or are your loyalties only supportive of the evil Hamas terrorists that have promised to wipe the Israelis of the face of the Earth. Time for a reality check methinks.🤔
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