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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. They all have very conveniently imaginary Jewish friends though. 🥴
  2. Why don't you reveal your little secret for all to judge? Sheesh.
  3. I bought a referee's whistle to hang around my neck to use whilst cycling, but I've never been chased so not sure if it is a deterrent or not, and after some deliberation I decided I would be safer on an indoor exercise bike, so bought one. Anyone want to buy a whistle.
  4. Have you watched it, if so stop being inflammatory, why are you keeping it a secret. It's supposed to be a debate not a game of charades!
  5. You have just validated what Adams has said, the interviewer asked Adams about Israel and he retorted "why don't you ask about Egypt and the interviewer (apparently she is an Al Jazeera reporter) would not answer it. So given your post doesn't answer why the interview with Adams was clap trap after all, can we assume it wasn't. And to add insult to injury you use a left wing news source biased against Israel. NPR has been criticized for perceived bias in its coverage of Israel and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[4][5][6][7] The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), a pro-Israel American media monitoring organization based in Boston, has been particularly critical of NPR. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NPR_controversies#:~:text=NPR has been criticized for,been particularly critical of NPR.
  6. You have stated that Adams interview was clap trap, would you like to say why?
  7. What is clap trap about what Adams says. Are you sure that it is you that is afraid of the truth?
  8. How these people can use words like "sub human" after the Nazis used it to describe Jews is a mystery to all decent human beings.
  9. Douglas Murray educates another ill informed anti-Semitic interviewer.
  10. Deflection and whataboutery doesn't equate to honestly answering a question.
  11. Still nothing to do with my question, what is wrong with you?
  12. Do you have comprehension issues, can't you answer a simple question?
  13. Didn't ask for a deflection answer, if you are unable to answer the question just say so instead of launching yourself into grand whataboutery!
  14. Is that because they have been brainwashed with Kremlin propaganda and state media outlets, are they naive enough to believe that Putins invasion of Ukraine is a Special Military Operation, in fact do you believe this also?
  15. Who cares, Hamas is recognised as a terrorist group by most civilised democratic countries, so stop trying to split airs with your cheap attempt to point score!
  16. Israeli troops have found $3 million in cash at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza, they must pay their doctors well.
  17. Is that the best you can come up with, that was 3 months ago. 🥴
  18. Have you got comprehension problems, this again is what I said. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Of course one Jewish child has value, just the same as one Palestian child has value, Hamas terrorist have no value whatsoever, is this clear enough for you or have you any other words you would like to put in my mouth?
  19. How about Putin getting his sorry backside out of Ukraine and take his cannon fodder with him!
  20. 13,000 Hamas terrorists have no value in the slightest, only in your eyes Mr Smart, only in your eyes, the world will be a much better and safer place without them.
  21. Neither does Israel, you have listened to the Terrorist propaganda and put 2 + 2 together and made 5, because you don't do reality. Hamas has definitely manipulated those figures with great emphasis on "women and children" to garnish the sympathy vote and out of those "30,000 how many are actual terrorists, at a guess.....a great deal! Hamas want dead Gazans, it looks better on their CVs, the more dead the more the world gives them sympathy.
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