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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. She should lose her job at the very least, is she brainwashing her classes rather than educating them.
  2. That reminds me of 'The Third Rock from the Sun' when Sally Solomon has to move seats in a restaurant to accommodate Mark Hamill and Sally confronts him and says "Just because I'm a nobody doesn't mean I'm not somebody"😂
  3. Thanks for pointing that out really riclag, I missed it too, peaceful protesters my giddy aunt.
  4. Peace protesters attack far right mob, this is what tomorrow's papers will be saying anyway.
  5. More footage from these hate marchers. Why do so called peace protesters associate themselves with these Hamas supporters.
  6. If dynamite were brains, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose. How can anybody be so stupid with only one head. You are getting so good at sarcasm that nobody know you're doing it anymore. Thick as a butchers block.
  7. Never heard of the Middle East Eye before so did a quick look-see and they are less than reliable and have strong liberal views, they have Al Jazeera reporters working for them, so this time I'll skip indoctrinating myself, but thanks for the effort.🥴
  8. Just watched a "peaceful" Free Palestine interview and he said "Hitler knew how to deal with these people" Be very careful folks we are at a time in our lives where history could repeat itself. 😢
  9. Did you hear, or has it been reported or did a friendly rabbit tell you. Where does this information originate?
  10. Has anybody tried these beers yet, would be interested in their opinion of the beers?
  11. Palestinians are conditioned from birth to hate Israelis and anybody can get a poll to suit their needs, take polls with a pinch of salt.
  12. Ah yea of little faith, if your batteries lose the will to live on your journey, recovery firms will send out a gas operated van towing a diesel generator to get you on your way again. Anybody know how long it takes to charge an EV.😂😂😂
  13. Surely that is up to the protesters how they conduct themselves and not for me, I am sorry if you don't see the obvious situation as most people in the UK.
  14. Update: My wife just arrived and turned the pump off about an hour ago and I finally motivated myself to have a look-see. I turned the pump back on and it filled up what was empty and voici no surge. I put that down as a wifey fix. Won't count my chickens just yet though, but will monitor it for a few days. 🤞🙏
  15. Stopping screaming "river to the sea" might be a start. Our war memorials now need 24/7 around the clock guard, graffiti scrawled on war memorials saying "free Palestine". Protesters wearing Yasser Arafat shamaks. Carrying placards with the flag of Israel in the bin, protesters with ISIS placards. But all of a sudden now our veterans are now being labelled right wing troublemakers because they care about their country. Is any of the above acceptable to you? You can be honest.
  16. Does that infer that you think I'm thin skinned, is that because of me and my ilk. Up your act Bill.
  17. Great advice, I just need to motivate myself into action. 👍
  18. I know how forums work thanks for the refresher anyway. I did not get a response, all I got was deflection. Would you class this as an insult, I did!
  19. Hitachi, number as above. Thanks
  20. You should look at the accusation and deem if accuser is being totally honest George, there's no smoke without fire.
  21. Not sure if in the correct thread. Pump model:- WM-P150XS My main water pump to the house is surging about every 5 or 6 seconds, have checked the obvious for leaks, hoses, taps and toilets but no leakage anywhere, obviously the pipes go under the ground covered by flags. So at this moment in time I have to assume no leaks there. So the conclusion is it must be the pump, the pump is about 8 years old and we get our water from an underground well, as does the rest of the development and the water is very calcified, so I was wondering is there a valve or something else that may be suffering from a build up of calcium. Can any other member point me in the right direction of where to start the fault finding. Thanks
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