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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?
  2. "Australian troops tortured and murdered innocent Afghani's - I wouldn't be surprised if the British did the same." You have really shown how sick in the head you are, Morgan faked photographs, and you spreading malicious misinformation does't help the situation, what the hell is wrong with you!
  3. Yeah I agree terrorists are much more honest and reliable.🥴
  4. Are we expected to believe a proven conniving liar like Morgan, no thanks and just because you say he's been the best interviewer on this conflict doesn't necessarily mean that he has been. Generally speaking if somebody tells you information you agree with you tend to think they are a good interviewer when most of the time the quite opposite is the case. And not only that he purposely fabricated photo's of British Soldiers appearing to torture Iraqi captives thus putting serving British Soldiers lives at risk, he is an utter charlatan and cannot believe a word he says and why anybody would give him the time of day is a mystery to most people.
  5. There you go again refusing to acknowledge the catalyst that started this recent war, Hamas is sole responsible for the death and destruction but you and your buddies only listen to the terrorists side of the story. These Hamas/Palestine supporters are like a cult that has been conditioned to only see the terrorists version of atrocities. Anything that comes out of the terrorists mouths you soak up like a 10ft sponge.
  6. I left this page and I noticed 3 notifications on the bell, I viewed the first one and then clicked on the notification bell to view the other two and they had vanished.
  7. Thanks for the reply George. When I scroll down the page of topics I notice that there are new posts to which I'm following but there hasn't been any notifications given to myself. It happens more often than not, I have to log on to the last message and scroll up to find the new messages warning, but I did get a notification from yourself on this thread on the little bell at the top of the page. 🥴
  8. I don't always get notifications of my chosen 'follow' preferences since the upgrade, does anyone else have this problem?
  9. Martin McGuiness. 😂😂😂 You need to be more selective in what you read, who you chose to watch and who you quote.☹️
  10. No I didn't watch, just the same as I wouldn't poke red hot needles in my eyes, Morgan is a liar and why would anyone want to listen to a proven liar unless he is saying things they want to hear!
  11. Piers is a snake and was he unbiased when he faked British Troops torturing/humiliating supposedly captured Iraqis, which incidentally led to his sacking from The Daily Mirror. 🥴
  12. A nice touch to that puerile drivel would have been adding 'allahu akbar' at the end, and whether you like it or not Israel has a right to defend itself and its first concern is to its own citizens and not to to its neighbour that constantly fires missiles onto their citizens. Never again must these barbaric terrorists be allowed to inflict their butchery on innocents, they have crossed the Rubicon!
  13. Sorry, I didn't realise it had been posted before, since the upgrade on here I don't always get notifications of my followed preferences. But you can see the hate in her eyes as she interviews the former PM, totally shocking.
  14. The 'impartial' BBC interviewing former PM Bennett.
  15. Jeremy Corbyn the useful Hamas idiot who once described Hamas and Hezbollah as his friends.🥴 https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jul/04/jeremy-corbyn-says-he-regrets-calling-hamas-and-hezbollah-friends
  16. Does that figure include the 500 babies that lost their lives in the Hospital that Hamas claimed Israel bombed but was infact Hamas themselves. Any reports of Israelis pulling the unborn babies out of pregnant mothers and beheading them and then the mothers. These Terrorists must be illimated and never be allowed to commit such horrific crimes that we have just witnessed in the attack on Israel, Israel is releasing a video tomorrow of these vile crimes and hopefully might quieten the anti semetic doubters. Hamas is totally to blame for these deaths on both sides, they care not who they kill!
  17. Considering there is 120 calories per tablespoon in extra virgin olive oil, I would have thought not very long, you would soon become known as great gut gamma.
  18. Have you forgotten already why Israel is a little cross.🥴
  19. Your narrative is open for all to see, one of your recent posts you appeared elated when you stated that the West is changing their attitude to Hamas and the Palestinians and are now finding them really harmless and actually caring individuals, of course we never got to see anything to corroborate this piece of fiction!
  20. You look at what ever fits in with your narrative at the time, it doesn't matter where in the world we are, Hamas are still murderous terrorists and over 50% of the Gazans think that they are wonderful. Think about it!
  21. That's the anti semetic Labour Party for you, 🎶oh Jeremy Corbyn🎶 "another useful idiot for the Hamas terrorists group.🥴
  22. I have answered your loaded question but you deliberately chose to ignore mine.
  23. They share the same brain, just a shame Hamas won't let them have a go. The Palestinians were Jubilant after the Hamas terrorist attack and you are convincing no-one. Your apologetic excuses for these murderous barbarians is inexcusable!
  24. Have the Israelis commited anything horrific as Hamas inflicted on innocent Jews, if they have get back with a link. Here are just some of the attrocities carried out by the Terrorists many on here are making excuses for. You don't have a leg to stand on! "Murdering civilians in their cars, including women, children, and entire families; Assaulting kibbutzim, killing residents and burning homes; Holding captive and massacring families in their homes; Executing civilians forced from shelter by fire, grenades, or otherwise; Forcing hostages to lure other civilians out of their homes; Executing babies and children, including in their beds and carseats; Murdering the elderly, and posting the evidence on the social media of those killed; Slaughtering more than 250 civilians attending a music festival, at point-blank range, and as they tried to escape; Capturing, holding hostage, and raping women; Kidnapping children; Parading and spitting on deceased victims in the streets; Mutilating bodies of civilians and soldiers; Burning men, women, and children alive; Stripping hostages and holding them at gunpoint; And numerous other atrocities. " https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/press-release/mccaul-declares-hamas-committed-acts-of-genocide-crimes-against-humanity-war-crimes-calls-upon-state-department-to-determine-same/
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