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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. My hand involuntarily tried to slap them both the instant that picture appeared on my screen.
  2. To some it is, to others it isn't. They don't come around my house Saturdays knocking on my door, so I really don't care.
  3. I live in Chanthaburi, they ALL give me the evil eye. You get used to it.
  4. Did George Orwell sneak himself into the Thai administration?
  5. I believe all nationalities are treated equally, as long as they can afford it.
  6. More Darwin award winners in the making?
  7. Now that they did that quick turn around about vaccine requirements, I agree that it's a nice place to visit. Could be better, but they don't change too quickly here, do they?
  8. OK say you’ve found out some statistics. So what’s your aversion to some history? Cancer only affects a percentage of us, but we ALL want it eradicated, regardless of statistics. And, as I recall, it was the Blacks who were enslaved in the US, not Hispanics.
  9. The walls are finally closing in on this trailer trash in a suit. I sincerely hope he lives long enough to get measured for an orange jumpsuit that compliments his pallor.
  10. Exactly I agree Absolutely! It is the parents who should be wailing on these kids. I looked at it this way - if I punish my son with an occasional kick in the rear, then in the future, if he picks up a brick to throw through a window, he'll think "ouch, my butt hurts. Oh yeah . . ."
  11. If I have a particularly unruly student, I set them out in the walkway just outside of class where I can still see them. I maintain control of the class AND the little pisher, and eventually a Thai official will happen on by and chew this kid a new a$$hole. NEVER any need to strike a student for ANY reason.
  12. Having been teaching in Thailand on and off for the last 15 years, I've seen some pretty rough acts. The worst was a lesbian Thai teacher who honestly hated males. She took this one boy, 8 years old, out to a secluded hallway, had him drop his trousers, then squeezed his nutsack until he was wailing from the pain. There were two of us shocked foreign teachers who witnessed this, and when we immediately brought it to the attention of the director, she told us dismissively to mind our own business, it was just a Thai thing. Thailand really needs to address issues like these. There is NEVER any acceptable reason to hit a student, mild as it may seem. The lesson of "might makes right" is subhuman.
  13. @Scott? If anyone would know, I believe you would.
  14. Oh, they're coming if given enough time. I am sick to death of these dogs and the havoc they wreak.
  15. I was surprised the first time I visited Mexico and thought, "They don't know how to make Mexican food in Mexico?" then had a good laugh at myself. Paradigms were shifted that day.
  16. I taught at an "IEP" school, perhaps the system as your son attends (and for obvious reasons we don't name it directly). I was in no way qualified to teach (Associates degree only) and not qualified to work specifically as an IEP teacher. My command of the English language is far above average, so I can sleep well at night knowing I gave those kids proper lessons. Two points: 1. Your school may not be an actual IEP accredited institution. Schools can just slap that title on any time. 2. It is always the luck of the draw. There are good teachers and there are bad teachers, regardless of diplomas. I would suggest just sucking it up. Age 6 is very young and likely no permanent mental scarring will occur. The school year is almost up and there is a whole new teacher next year. Complaining about a Thai teacher will only hurt your situation.
  17. First, I imagine the majority of drivers aren't even aware of this point system. Second, there is no tangible bite to this bark. Third, who could really think that the average driver gives a damn about safe driving? This is a fail before it even gets out the gate.
  18. "it is unclear what legal charges will be pressed against him." Like this has never happened in Pattaya before.
  19. The bars don't usually get warmed up until ~11:00 pm, but with the mandatory 2:00 am closure, it's like "why bother?" Back in the day when you could "legally" party until the sun came up, things were fun! Now, if I have that small a window of opportunity to party, I'll stay home instead, thank you very much.
  20. Yeah, right. Like I've EVER been in a taxi that used the meter.
  21. I got a 7-year-itch living in Thailand. Pulled up stakes, moved to Mexico. I couldn't get my burgeoning bottom back to LOS fast enough!
  22. When I first got to Thailand, I didn't have a smartphone and kick myself forever for that. I saw a working girl in the classic schoolgirl outfit walking down Pattaya 2nd Road with a mattress strapped to her back!
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