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Everything posted by NedR69

  1. RSO is a strong cannabis extract. Doubtful that it can be obtained legally when you are in Thailand. An amount the size of a grain of rice will have you stoned.
  2. Looks like some BS self promotion for his own benefit.
  3. Cops probably didn't worry about paying the small toll for the foreigners, they will quickly recoup the costs with more fines from other tourists.
  4. 15 days for the Police....but everyone else is immediately tested and results available. The Pattaya News is in Pattaya A heavily intoxicated woman crashed her pickup truck into a Nongprue police truck this morning in Pong near #Pattaya, injuring two officers. She was immediately arrested by another police officer accompanying the police truck by motorcycle and reportedly tested for roughly three times over the legal limit.
  5. Thank you. We parked at All Seasons/Conrad. Very close to the Consular Services entrance, about 400 meters and on same side. The parking was for 2.5 hours and cost 250 thb. Good to know about this if we ever need to go again.
  6. I have an upcoming early morning appointment at the US Embassy. Are there any areas to park within a short walking distance to the US Embassy? Pay to park or free parking – either is okay and any other suggestions for parking would be appreciated. TIA
  7. Wow, now it will get better with the new measures. Same as the high-viz vests police wear to combat drunk driving.
  8. Same with me at immigration. But the first part of her reviewing my paperwork started when she crumpled and wadded up most all my papers and throwing in trash...because I signed in BLACK ink. The map situation was the same as yours, except I didn't try to tell her a better/smarter way to do her job. She spoke very fast, not clear English and had a general angry look and attitude. The next day I go back, with my Thai Ms. Everything she said was in Thai, and I said nothing and they did the talking. All my paperwork passed her approval this time. Every interaction with staff at immigration is very helpful ever since that one time. She looks and behaves like a mean hunt(sp). Yea, google maps would be great, and I don't know why it requires a crude hand drawn map.
  9. Yea, and NEVER get to clear TSA after this stunt. Ever!
  10. Sounds like a candidate for a condo high-floor balcony accident.
  11. Progress?? I thought it was the demographics.
  12. Just from looking at the picture...this will attract all the big spenders. The expensive hotels and venues are sure to be packed.
  13. I wouldn't just for reasons of safety.
  14. There's always 3 sides to a story. What one person says, what the other person says, and what really happened. The best way to win a knife fight is to not get in one. This can also be applied to a gun.
  15. Cleansing of the gene pool.
  16. I doubt this…just watch, the closer we get to Songkran, the baht will begin it’s climb, and after the holiday, it’ll fall again and probably gradually loose through out the low season. The same happened last year and as we got closer to high season, it began to fall.
  17. Issan Farang…have you ever been to a doctor on a regular basis? To have that many significant issues, it seems apparent you never cared enough for your health to have routine visits. You didn’t list anything in your colon except for your prostate, but if you’ve never had a colonoscopy…maybe get ready for more good news.
  18. What are the requirements for passing through the priority lanes?
  19. Blah, blah blah. Plans to submit, within 90 day deadline. SOS, different day, same ole same ole. Talk is cheap.
  20. It's the loss of revenue that will cause Thailand to continue with the current. It ain't going to change, maybe something stupid, but it won't be any different than it is now.
  21. BK Pattaya Hospital Dermatology.
  22. Yes.... a good idea. You can wait until the rate is up and then do your transfer.
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